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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I never said add trackers to already existing guns. I said from here on out. How often do you see a gun from 100 years ago? Eventually all guns will be equipped with it.
  2. But it's not a tracking device though?
  3. I don't want to beat a dead horse but how does that technology work that keeps people on house arrest and why can't people disable it? I can go either direction depending on the subject.
  4. Gotcha. Bad idea.
  5. Getting pulled over by chance is different than my idea. If it prevents one shooting it's worth doing. You have a better idea? What makes you think I lean left?
  6. We may not have the technology to place gps type trackers in guns just yet, but eventually we will. My idea is when you purchase a gun and plan on taking it out to the range or hunt you would have to get a permit explaining exactly where and when you'd be leaving your residence. That way the authorities don't need an exact position right away to save lives. As soon as they illegally remove their firearm from their home then the alarm can get triggered and then the police should have enough time to catch you before you get to your targeted location. Just an idea. At least it's something.
  7. Can they install gps tracking devices in every gun made from here on out? That way when a gun shows up at the wrong or suspicious place an alarm can be triggered? Is that even possible?
  8. That's what he wanted people to think. I can't say for sure, but I don't buy it. He was conflicted and evil. He was certainly dealing with some inner-demons.
  9. Nine Muslim women have ruled nations. http://egyptianstreets.com/2015/06/09/meet-the-nine-muslim-women-who-have-ruled-nations/
  10. Isn't it odd that Omar would've been executed by the very same group he pledged allegiance to?
  11. I feel I have and everyone that I know have. When it comes to who's responsible for carrying out punishments I'm pretty sure that's on the courts. Since we don't have sharia law here then punishment will have to be carried out in the after-life. When it comes to the punishment for adultery I know that you need 3 witnesses to the offense before a punishment can be served. Once again, by the courts.
  12. They're Muslim and to be Muslim means you submit yourself to God, so I'm not surprised to see them raise their hands, but it's not like he asked them if they'd volunteer to be the executioner. Homosexuality is a sin no matter the religion. Adultery is also. Actually I know one Muslim homosexual, or at least I think he classifies himself as a Muslim, and the entire family, as far as I know, welcomes him and accepts him. To me adultery is far worse a sin. You can't control your sexual preference. You can and should control your sexual desires with anybody except for your spouse. Adultery is an ugly thing. It devastates families. If you're not ready for monogamy, then don't get married. I'm not pushing for more immigration. This is America. If you come here you better accept it for what it is and what it is is the greatest country in the world. The most beautiful lands, the greatest of freedoms, acceptance and tolerance. If you're not on board then stay out or get out.
  13. You guys? That's messed up. I guess I'm simply not welcomed here. I guess I'm not American enough for you.
  14. lol. Way off topic, but I heard porn site activity increases in the losing city of the Super Bowl. Strange.
  15. I suppose the difference is and we can't really call them radicals unless they act on their feelings, or am I wrong?
  16. Goat humper. Lol. That's a compliment to those scum if you ask me.
  17. Keep in my mind I don't believe something like this would ever happen, but IMO if the government wanted to wipe us out I think they would do all of the above instead of attacking us with weapons. The first thing to go would be the dollar, then the power supply, food supply and fresh water. Chaos will ensue and many will die. That's way more effective than trying to murder us all.
  18. I may not have mentioned it, but I feel that will play a part. I hate to quote the Joker but, "they'll eat each other".
  19. I didn't say that
  20. Those grocery stores will be depleted in just a few hours.
  21. Don't you agree the vast majority will parish? Both I guess and why the change if there is one? God changed his mind?
  22. If this were to ever happen (which I doubt), I don't think they'd use weapons to wipe us out. They can cut off food and water supplies and we'd be done. And for the record I believe hell is a good enough punishment. Why would they have to die for it?
  23. I thought Jews didn't believe in hell.
  24. Honest question. What's the punishment or is there a punishment in Judaism and Christianity for homosexuality and adultery?
  25. Well put. I enjoyed reading that very much. Thanks.
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