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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Here we go with the name calling. I'll let it go. You simply can't compare the two situations. If Syria did indeed gas their people in 2013 they most likely dud it out of desperation. They were on the ropes back then. I'm not condoning it, just stating the obvious. This week's attack was under far different circumstances. Assad was on the cusp of victory.
  2. Why do you say things like this? It's funny how some of you guys so desperately wish I actually think that way when I don't. I never said or inferred that Israel was involved.
  3. MFers!!!!! May the victims Rest In Peace.
  4. And what purpose does that fill? How do they benefit? They have everything to lose and nothing to gain unless he was running out of ammunition and weapons.
  5. He did and still does. Nobody is refuting that. He's probably killed over 500,000 of them, mostly without the use of CW, so now, all of a sudden, when he's nearing the finish line he decides to use them again? Doesn't make sense.
  6. Oh I don't know. Maybe you should ask the Iraqis.
  7. So let me get this straight. Assad was on the verge of victory and decided to use chemical weapons because he thought Trump would do nothing about it? That's what we're buying? So after four years of not using them he decided to use them now? Smells fishy to me.
  8. Thanks, Bot! Forrest Gump said, "stupid is as stupid does". You are either stupid or a terrorist, because I said we need to prevent terrorists from getting their hands on weapons and somehow you took that as making your guns more expensive. Incredibly dumb logic there.
  9. Did I say that? Did I even imply that? How stupid are you? Why did you exclude the rest of the sentence? Had to be on purpose. Smh.
  10. I do not "hate" Israel. I recognize their right to exist. I realize their ancestors once called that home. I believe the holy land is just that, a land of the three faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. You won't and can't find a single post of mine calling for the death of Israel. I never have and I never will.
  11. I understand the trepidation and the fear should be real. I get it. Truly I do. What I would like for some people to understand is extremism and terrorism is the biggest threat the Arab/Muslim World is facing today. Even more so than the western world. We need to band together and wipe these people out. IMO, I believe assimilation is an unstoppable force. I'm 42. My generation, by and large, is the first generation born in the US. Throughout our history we've had issues with immigrants from around the world when they first arrived here. Now they have fully assimilated.
  12. My man you're the type that make me feel unamerican and unwanted here. I hate that feeling. Always having to prove my patriotism to people like you. I love this country. I live here by choice. I have land and a home in Palestine. I can move there and stay as long as I like because my wife is a Palestinian citizen. I don't because I love it here way more than there. So now I can't show Palestinian pride with a internet logo? I can't show support for my heritage? I'm a first generation American. Some of that stuff naturally sticks. How many generations are you into in this country? My guess is more than one. Be patient. Assimilation takes time. In the meantime I'm a law abiding, tax paying, proud to be American citizen with Palestinian roots. Deal with it. Also I'd like to point out just how offensive and racist that first remark is.
  13. Yeah, I should. I made the mistake of thinking people read every post. From here on out I'll try. Why did you feel the need to reply?
  14. Palestinian decent and from Buffalo. Lol. I was born cursed. Lol
  15. It's funny. I watch the news and hear some say things like they (Muslim immigrants) come here and don't assimilate. Well I don't have any statistical proof, but in my experience my generation is the first generation born and raised here by vast majority and we have assimilated. English is the main language in our homes, we take part in all the non-religious holidays, we love the people, food, freedom, entertainment, music, clothing styles, we marry into other faiths, sports, etc etc etc. And as I just said, we're only the first generation to be born here. I don't speak Arabic very well, my kids even less Arabic and their kids will not speak it at all.
  16. Oh yeah. That's right. Dylann Roof was no terrorist. He's gotta be Muslim to be one.
  17. I was referring to this line of thinking. Doesn't sound like he's talking about terrorists here. This response he gave above was in regards to the children of immigrants. He suggested they should be deported. Well I'm a son of an immigrant and don't have a terroristic bone in my body. Why should I be deported? But I never mentioned terrorists or radicals. I said Muslims. You took it there. It made it seem as if you view Muslims as terrorists.
  18. Boy are you way off. How did you get that from my original post? No no. All terrorists are Muslim. Don't you know that?
  19. I agree and said as much in my post, but I'll tell you what, without those weapons there'd be a lot less beheadings. Yeah, you're right about that. It's impossible to stop them from getting their arms, but those manufacturers and dealers are a part of the problem.
  20. We need to talk to the Israelis. They do a magnificent job of keeping guns out of the hands of Hamas and the likes of them. Of course this will rely on secured borders and cargo inspections, but since we already have a heavy military presence in the Middle East we need to help tighten those areas.
  21. What I'd like to see is someone go after the arms and weapons manufacturers and dealers that help terrorists get their hands on their weapons. I realize terrorists murder in many ways and that won't stop them completely, but it'll help. Lone wolf terrorists rarely use guns but groups like ISIS rely on them heavily. Those weapons aren't made in the Middle East so where are they coming from?
  22. I can't force the media to shove it down your throat. Muslims condemn these terroristic and evil actions a lot more frequently than you know. BTW, plenty of potential terror attacks are thwarted by the aide of Muslim informants. Educate yourself instead of relying on the news to be informed. Terrorism plagues everyone from every walk of life, including Islam. It's a common enemy. Let's not forget the Taliban's visit to the US prior to 9/11. Maybe it's all just a strange coincidence or just people being incompetent at their jobs. We'll never know.
  23. Yeah. They never say anything. Smh. Why don't you try googling it?
  24. Is that what I said? Maybe you can't differentiate between a Muslim and a terrorist.
  25. Those of you that say we need to get rid of muslims are basically the same as the terrorists themselves. Difference is the balls and level of evilness.
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