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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Over 27 killed in Iraq while breaking fast. 2 car bombs. ISIS again. Just thought I'd mention it. Am I really. So the meme isn't inferring Islam as the one thing? Really??
  2. No, because a trained soldier doing his job is far different from someone that targets civilians.
  3. What? No pray for Iraq? Syria? Let's just forget that over 80% of the victims of terrorism are Muslim. That way we can blame Islam.
  4. They sound like horrible despicable people. Lol jerks at the workplace? That's unheard of!!!
  5. Don't you think it's a little hasty to automatically assume these people are mentally unstable? And even if they were, it doesn't matter to me, because these people need to be locked away one way or another. They have evil in them. They're willing to kill. These aren't good or innocent people.
  6. No clue. I'm not sure if you have ever befriended a Muslim. That can help. Get to know some of us on a personal level.
  7. That's where you and I differ. There can be bad people in a good system.
  8. And what about the Muslims that help us catch these terrorists? Aren't they a part of the same "barbaric" religion? Or what about the Muslim victims of those barbaric terrorists?
  9. I don't see anything wrong with this tactic. Good for them. Find them and catch them any way you can. This isn't entrapment, imo.
  10. Let's try to look at it another way. Imagine all the false leads they get from people. All the wild goose chases they have to follow and waste valuable man power and resources on. It's a damn near impossible task.
  11. Condoning terrorist attacks should be illegal. Recording people's voices while saying it with your smart phone for proof should be legal too.
  12. It's not the... oh never mind. RIP yet again.
  13. I don't know what to tell you. If I guy has extremist views, gets thrown out of his mosque and people that know him warned the authorities on five separate occasions and that still isn't enough to at least monitor him then how can we ever prevent these despicable actions? Many people like to chalk it up to incompetence. Don't count me in on that. Where there's smoke there's fire and unfortunately a lot of people have a lot to gain with these terroristic actions. Is it some grand conspiracy? I doubt it, but there's a reason why these organizations turn a blind eye. Maybe the system has them handcuffed. Who really knows.
  14. I think we may be making a mountain out of a molehill on this subject. Police kill unarmed people frequently. Police get the wrong guy frequently. The fact that there is a Guantanamo Bay in the first place should tell you that no one really cares. It's 5 minute news. That's it. These guys are in charge of protecting us. They should do their jobs.
  15. That's ridiculous. I'm not saying it isn't a possibility, what I am saying is when it's your own people turning you in that shouldn't even be the case.
  16. Isn't racist to treat someone different because of their race or creed? Everyone needs to be treated the same. A lot of people say the Muslim community never tries to help prevent terrorism and when they do people don't listen. His own mosque threw him out. Authorities were notified on several occasions about this guy. After he visited Libya he should've been at the very least monitored or surveilled. What's the use of intell if you're not gonna use it?
  17. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/24/security-services-missed-five-opportunities-stop-manchester/ If Muslims are warning you about someone you should listen.
  18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/24/security-services-missed-five-opportunities-stop-manchester/
  19. That's a reality these days and I can't even begin to wrap my head around it. I'm genuinely confused and perplexed. Muslims should have to pay a price for what's happening around the world today. I wouldn't object to recording devices or bugs planted in every Muslim school and mosque. If they're teaching that stuff there they need to be stopped. If they object then they must be hiding something.
  20. Yes I do. As far as all that other stuff is concerned I'm only speaking out of my own personal experiences with people. If I was the one conducting these polls those numbers would be far different.
  21. And you know this how? I've been to Jordan and Palestine. From my experience there they're the same as in the west. The real reason there aren't many outside marriages is because there aren't many non-Arabs in those countries. It's nowhere near the melting pot America is. And since our religion doesn't restrict interfaith marriages it's more of a cultural issue, like Tom said, than a religious one.
  22. I'll be sure to mention this to my Aunts, Pearl and Susan, and to my uncle Lance. And oh yeah my cousin's wife Brandy when I see them. Lol But, yes, it is rare, especially as you put it "outside the west" which would make it extremely difficult anyways. Just curious, but how many of these people were arrested by Muslims? It's not clear who arrested whom in your shared link.
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