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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I disagree wholeheartedly. We set a price for Maclin and wasn't going to exceed it by much. If we truly wanted him we would've made it happen. One must consider whatever we pay Maclin it's actually double the cost because we can't rollover that money into '18. Maclin has lost a step. Rarely gets separation and every pass has to be perfect. Tyrod doesn't throw many contested passes. His WR has to be wide open. I'm not just saying this because we didn't sign him. I've felt that way throughout the process.
  2. What I see in Peterman is a QB that utilizes the entire field, has good accuracy and ball placement, good footwork, goes through his progressions and has just about every pass in the route tree in his repertoire. The biggest question is, other then his arm strength, has he already reached his full potential and, if so, why didn't he have better numbers in college? IF he can increase his arm strength he can be one helluva QB. That's a big if. As it stands now those passes can easily turn into picks at the pro level. The argument that doesn't hold water is when he was drafted. We've seen plenty of guys, at all positions, get drafted too late for one reason or another. Romo, Brady, Wilson and most recently Prescott come to mind. Tyrod will be our starter barring injury this year. Many have correctly pointed out this is his 7th season, but let's not forget he only started two of them. He still has room to grow. IF he can somehow learn how to see the entire field and start throwing over the middle he can be damn good, borderline elite. He already presents a difficult challenge to defenses being the dual threat that he is with his rushing and throwing ability. The only way Peterman surpasses a healthy Tyrod on the depth chart is if Taylor continues to miss wide open WRs and TEs. That had to drive the FO crazy after reviewing game film and why they were allegedly so down on him. It drives me crazy too. That can get TT pulled. If our running game remains elite and Taylor can't take advantage of those benefits then Nathan can get an early opportunity to start. Running this offense with that running game should make QBing real easy. Even for a "5th round" rookie.
  3. The past is the past. Can't do nothing about it. What we can look forward to is the future and it looks bright. Dareus has been in Buffalo working his butt off. I'm expecting great things from him this season.
  4. I've been waiting on an article such as this. And you know what? It's 100% spot on. These guys know better than anybody. I'm taking them at their word. Hopefully McD gets us to be more accountable and work harder in practice. He needs to raise the expectation level too.
  5. Thanks, my man. I really appreciate it as well.
  6. Weve heard similar statements of condemnation from those in the Muslim community before, but what followed was unexpected, to say the least (emphasis mine). Calling out terrorism and refusing to perform the funeral prayer for the attackers? That is something I dont believe Ive ever seen before. Good for them.......... I've been beating that drum for a while here. Thanks for sharing.
  7. RIP to all the victims. Violent world we're living in.
  8. Word On a separate note: 6 people killed in Orlando. He's not Muslim so it isn't terrorism.
  9. Dumb and dumber posting back to back. Say hello, everyone, to Harry and Lloyd.
  10. You can ignore my question all you'd like too. Silence is deafening.
  11. Can you please explain terrorist attacks on Muslims. Take 1,000 casualties and out of that over 800 are Muslim. Why are you ignoring that? What's your motivation behind that?
  12. I'm just tired of the people that say, "see? It's them against us" and conveniently leave out all the Muslim victims as if they didn't happen or don't count as human lives. They do it to strengthen their beliefs. They do it prove their point. Muslims are bad. They want to kill all the infidels. Must be nice going through life with blinders on like that.
  13. That I can't argue with. They (terrorists) are an enemy to all. The fact that they target Muslims more than anyone else should tell you they're not Islamic at all, but since most everyone ignores those attacks on Muslims by ISIS and the like make it difficult to get that point across. In the end it's all about what it's always about. Power and money.
  14. Implicit in this ridiculous statement is, of course, that either A) there was a religious motivating factor behind the Newtown massacre (to use one example of a school shooting), or B) that were all really biased and racist and Islamophobic for bringing up the London Bridge killers devotion to that religion. So, taken in turn: A) the killers in school shootings in America, to the best of my knowledge, do not claim the innocent victims lives in the name of their God, and B) the killers in London did. This is not rocket science, brain surgery, organic chemistry or any other complicated endeavor. And Mr. Daous attempt to complicate it is grotesque. If someone tells you they are killing in the name of their God, it is best to believe them. And if you, Mr. Daou, and others like you, like this fellow (and hes just one of very many spouting this stuff on Twitter right now): want to persist in not taking these Islamists at their word, thats your prerogative. But to shame others for understanding whats going on and to suggest that their religion may be just as bad makes you a pernicious fool. Well if the religion is bad then it should be easy for you and many others to reveal the text in the Quran that make it bad. The problem with religion is general is the interpretation of it by some. Religion will always be flawed because man is flawed. I know plenty of people that purchase something from IKEA or something like that and can't follow the instructions properly and end up ruining their product and then there are others that follow it perfectly and everything comes out great. Furthermore, you want to call it a bad religion but you can't/won't see the charity Muslims provide, the prayers they make 5 times a day, the refrainment of drug or alcohol usage, the conservative dress code, the fasting we do in order to sympathize with the less fortunate etc etc etc.
  15. The only problem with that, and I can't believe I have to repeat this thousands of times, over 80% of their victims are from their own kind. I don't see any problem with that. Why not? It can be an extremely useful tool to prevent the spread of terrorism. What do you have to hide?
  16. A van strikes several people in London. Another terrorist attack? Hopefully there are no casualties.
  17. The Donald is being treated unfairly by the media. That's for sure. They over-analyze everything Trump. I'm a little bit concerned about his dealings with Russia, but so far there isn't any proof of wrongdoing. Covfefe is a funny word though. The way Spicer handled it was odd though. Own it. Autocorrect got him or he just hit the wrong letters when he was trying to, I assume, spell 'coverage'. That's it. We've all been there.
  18. Trump knows all the best words. We're not worthy of covfefe.
  19. At least 50 killed or injured in car bomb blast in Afghanistan. RIP.
  20. That pic must be for you. I acknowledge all terrorist attacks while you, and almost everyone else especially the media, ignore those inflicted on Muslims.
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