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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Yeah. A thanksgiving meal takes preparation, but an attack can be whipped up with no problem. Makes sense. Are you suggesting they’re always prepared? Is that what you’re saying? And no it’s not every 3 or 4 months. Fact is I heard they were gearing up for something weeks ago and I even told my friends about it back then. I knew an attack was imminent. Told them as much. I just wish I can remember where I heard it. It was online, but I don’t know where.
  2. For someone that is supposed to be intelligent you sure can be dumb AF at times. You think they didn’t know about Trump’s announcement beforehand? They knew and they knew what the reaction would be and they prepared for it. That wasn’t hard now was it?
  3. Except the black ones. No surprise. They’ve (the Israelis) been preparing for it for weeks now. Don’t ask me how I know. I heard it somewhere.
  4. 1. Pretty rare event these days 2. They have on several occasions. Even Hamas. 3. They do a great job of that all by themselves. Maybe one day we can be occupied and we’ll see how much love you’ll have for your oppressors.
  5. You’re an idiot. Try comparing maps over the years and see with your dumb ass eyes who’s exactly destroying who. Fargin moron.
  6. Yeah because Israel can’t wait to giveaway land, right? They can’t wait to make peace. They love the two state solution. Never mind the new settlements they build everyday. That’s for peace, right?
  7. They said once Arafat goes away they’ll negotiate. I don’t wonder ****. I hated Arafat just like I hate Abbas. Don’t pretend to know my thoughts on this matter because you don’t. I disagree with how the PA and the people handle their situation all the time. Just did it today too. Pay attention before you speak.
  8. That’s a laugh. They said the same thing about Yaser Arafat. Newsflash bro, Abbas is their guy. He does precisely what they want him to do. He’s a puppet.
  9. It will not be the end of Israel. Fact is Israel would never accept that deal and would be forced to give Palestine it’s own state.
  10. Yeah. I’m not watching that. Took all of 20 seconds to see where that guy is coming from. Ok so I watched an additional 1:27 and cut it off again. Religious freedom??? Lmao. Gtfooh with this guy. You kidding me?
  11. I don’t think you understand my point. Maybe I did I poor job at conveying it. I want a one state solution with equal rights. That’s the card the Palestinians need to play. Protesting and violence isn’t the way. Admit defeat.
  12. Glad this finally became official. One step closer to a one state solution. Just like they’re saying on TV there’s only one Jerusalem. That’s true. There is only one and there’s only one Israel. There is no Palestine. Let’s call it what it is and with this step we can finally have the one state solution there always should have been. Only now that one state will finally be exposed as an apartheid state. A state with two peoples with two very different set of rights. This card shouldn’t have been played at this point. Big mistake. Now they’ll have to face the reality of the situation. Israelis know all too well that there are Palestinian people. They needed the status quo in order to get away with the civil rights violations they have been abusing. Keep telling people the Palestinians refuse to negotiate peace. That was working well for them. As they confiscate more land for settlements and steal East Jerusalem away from the Palestinians maybe more people will finally see the truth. There’s only Israel, but now maybe, just maybe, they’ll have to give equal rights to all its people and not just Jews. Yeah right.
  13. You know, but since you won’t say it I’ll translate it for you. Allah u ackbar means.... wait for it.... God is great.
  14. What does it tell exactly? You !@#$ing douchebag. Thats why I dont come here anymore. Barring a small handful youre all a bunch of racist MFers. !@#$ you and the like.
  15. The irony in this post. Wow. Its amazing how many licensed psychiatrists are on this board and theyre so good at what they do they can label someone insane without ever having to evaluate someone. White shooter=insane Muslim shooter=totally sane. Religion made him do it. Got it.
  16. If a tree falls and nobody is around to hear it does it make a sound?
  17. I have some ideas on how campaigns should be run and who can qualify to run for president. 1st step: take the special interests money away. Each candidate can get equal TV time on a station that is owned and paid for by the government. All the debates and campaigning can be done on this station. No more tv adds on numerous networks. Step 2: the two party platform needs to go. Give the people 10 candidates. Step 3: higher qualification standards. Each candidate must be extremely intelligent. The brightest of the bright. They need to be schooled in anything related to politics such as, economics, constitutional law, foreign affairs, ethics, American History etc etc etc. If an aspiring doctor has to study medicine to become a doctor then the same should be done for a politician. Step 4: pass a psychological test.
  18. Is it too much to ask the leader of our nation to be presidential and have good policies? Bill Clinton was getting head in the Oval Office. George W was an idiot. Obama was a con-artist with a smile. Trump is a buffoon. I expect more from our President. I can go to the supermarket and have 20 different mustards to choose from, but when it comes to selecting our president I only get two. Smh.
  19. I'm no fan of Obama, but come on, man! Trump's buffoonery level was turned up to 1000. Barack was at a solid zero.
  20. I hope he felt that burn for a bit before he died. Get used to it too you scum-bag.
  21. I'm pretty sure we brought in some tight ends for tryouts during the weekend. Nobody of note since they failed to mention who exactly visited.
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