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Everything posted by Justice

  1. And what a lovely place Gaza is. Take this little prison and be happy. Nothing or no one can get in or out. Most densely populated place in the world. Why fight right?
  2. Occupation isn’t legal either. Stealing land to build settlements isn’t legal. The funny thing is you guys don’t see the larger picture at all. The analogy is merely weak vs strong. The Palestinian resistance consists mainly of untrained and unarmed kids or young men throwing rocks at a very strong opposition force. That’s a cry for help from the international community. Newsflash bro. They’ve surrendered long ago. Maybe you didn’t get the memo. Problem is Israel keeps going on with more and more land grabs amongst other things like stealing water, Jewish only roads, no civil rights etc etc etc
  3. So I guess a fight between a man and a woman is a normal fight then? She’s got fists too, amirite? Next time she mouths off at you or slaps you just sock her good until she quits or dies. That way she’ll never mess with you again. Got it.
  4. I get what you’re saying, but aren’t you the same guy that tells everyone not to worry about NK’s missiles?
  5. I can only find one victim since 2014. Don’t get me wrong, even one is too many, but let’s not try to keep things in perspective here. To call it a “war” isn’t accurate at all.
  6. I stand corrected but you have to admit it’s rare. Jerusalem is controlled by the Israelis and the gunman most likely purchased said fireman from an Israeli. If the last shooting in the states was Sept 26th I would think we’d all celebrate.
  7. Did I say they never had them?? When was the last time you heard about an Israeli getting shot??? I’ll wait.
  8. Interesting. Must be the first war ever without gunshots coming from the opposition since the gun was invented. Funny how Palestinians can get their hands on harmless rockets but not guns. I’ll tell you why that is, because Israel wants them to have those bottle-rockets.
  9. Think what you want. If you can’t see a land grab in this situation then you’re an idiot too. The 6 day War was a prime example. It’s rigged because people like you actually buy that BS excuse on why Israel just had to attack first. Just like in any crime you need to look at who benefitted the most. Even if there isn’t a war they constantly steal land to build illegal settlements, but I’m sure you’ll justify that too somehow.
  10. I’m not playing this rigged game with you. Constant attacks? GTFOH. You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the ass. I just pray we get invaded and occupied here one day just so imbeciles like you can finally see how it feels like.
  11. Words mean more to you than reality huh? I mean one group says it and the other one actually does it and yet here you are copying and pasting stupid **** like always.
  12. Yeah and every other assassinated President was killed by a white guy. What’s your point? Try to stay on subject. Israelis weren’t and aren’t ready to trade land for peace since. Quite the opposite. Rabin was the one real negotiating partner and he was killed for it. The message was sent. Negotiate and get whacked. I doubt anyone else will ever sacrifice their lives for that again. Also, that assassination was no accident. You can’t tell me one of the most secure nations in the world will unknowingly allow an armed man to get close enough to their PM unless they wanted someone to. Not too long after that the people of Israel elected Netanyahu. A known hawk.
  13. A Palestinian didn’t assassinate Rabin. An Israeli did.
  14. It was a rhetorical question and so is this one: when you’re being brainwashed do you realize it? Now here comes sarcasm: no way are we biased in any way towards Israel!
  15. Is that a serious tweet?? I mean come the F on!!! Is she serious? And you eat that crap up too. Hypocrisy at its finest.
  16. Nothing but more pain and suffering. Like I’ve said before I’m all for a one state solution with equal rights. If I were them I’d give up the fight. Demand equal rights. Then and only then will they get their own state.
  17. You can answer that question, but first try to imagine for a moment you’ve been defeated, your land stripped and also stripped of your dignity and honor, your house demolished, constant checkpoints, further land grabbing for illegally developed settlements, your water stolen, bury your loved ones etc etc etc imagine that then answer your own question.
  18. No. I’m not. I’m way more qualified seeing that I’m of Palestinian decent and visited there often. You live in this cozy lil country of ours and think just because you read a few books and watch the news you think you know, but you don’t. You have no clue.
  19. I can’t disagree more. What you’re suggesting is to eat **** and on top of that be grateful for it.
  20. Don’t even waste your time, bro. The same ppl you call racist are the ones that call you an anti-Semite. They fail to see the hypocrisy in that and even take offense to it. There are no good guys and bad guys when it comes to government. There’s only bad. Ours, theirs, it makes no difference. When you do insightful things you tend to get a reaction. As for who the aggressor is I guess that’s in the eye of the beholder.
  21. With all due respect you don’t even know what a war is if that’s what you call that situation. I heard about their preparations. Believe me if you want.
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