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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Nope. What I’m saying is we didn’t have to lose any at all.
  2. Yes, I agree tightening the cockpit doors isn’t all that was needed. We’re still free as hell. Like I said before go to a place that doesn’t have freedom. Spend some time there then come back and tell me we’re missing some forms of freedom.
  3. Yeah. That too. I ain’t gonna argue with that.
  4. No peace plan?? Darnit. It was going so well too. Lol. Financial support will hurt though but I think it’s better not to receive any.
  5. IMO that’s a whole other argument. We didn’t have to do many of the things we did post 9/11. They got lucky that day. All we had to do was tighten up the cockpit doors and make sure we keep fighter jets on stand by. The terrorists win that way. Besides, what does that have to do with our military fighting for our freedom as of today? That phrase is still being used. We didn’t lose our freedom at all and that’s my point. Nor were we in risk of losing it on that tragic and unfortunate day. Matter of fact I’m gonna go ahead and say most here doesn’t even know what it feels like to not have freedom, so maybe that’s why you can insinuate that we lost some. I, on the other hand, know first hand what it feels like. My American citizenship and passport means nothing in the West Bank.
  6. Well I guess I have to repeat myself then. I made it clear I had no agenda and no ulterior motives. I even said I’d accept any reasonable answer. It was an honest question. I also failed to mention 9/11 because, IMO, our freedom was not at stake that day. Shouldn’t it take a lot more than 3 planes and 3000 lives to lose our freedom? I think DCTom said it best when he said they fight for our foreign policy. I also said they protect our freedom and we wouldn’t have any without them. Too bad you stopped reading.
  7. Looks like you didn’t read any of the replies.
  8. Maybe that’s because you already have the answer you need. I really don’t know where you’re going to with that question. Like I said. I can’t speak for terrorists. I don’t know why they do the things they do and it shouldn’t impact me or people of my faith one iota.
  9. Tryout to wrap my head around this question. It’s pretty difficult because it sounds like a really stupid question. Maybe I’m misunderstanding it. Maybe I’m not. All I can say is terrorists don’t represent me or my religion. I will not apologize for them.
  10. I’ll accept that. Good answer. Now that’s more like it. I do realize without them we wouldn’t have any freedom. My issue was with the word “fighting”, when “protecting” is probably the more suitable word.
  11. So what’s your take on this, Tom? Does our military fight for our freedom?
  12. So you’re just gonna be a dick about it then. Two can play that game. Your thoughts towards me come from an ugly place because you’re an ugly and racist individual. See how that works? I could be 100% wrong about that but I’ll just put it out there like it’s fact. We’re all strangers here and if you can’t speak honestly on a site like this then I don’t know what to tell you. Why even post here then if we can’t be 100% truthful. If I tell you it wasn’t intentional then you should believe it you !@#$. 9/11 was tragic but our freedom was not at risk that day. Whatever laws we passed afterwards was of our own doing. They were unnecessary. If you mean terrorists I agree. They need to be eliminated. Problem is who might be defining that term. Some might say they’re all terrorists in the ME. I’ve always wondered what that saying meant and didn’t ask sooner because it might offend. I’ll take any rational answer. I’m not looking to argue or play games.
  13. Weren’t we exposed as far as Chicago from the west coast? No it’s not. Why do some here always assume the worst? I didn’t count 9/11 because it wasn’t an attack from a military force.
  14. As tragic as a day that was our freedom was never under any serious threat
  15. Israel’s ambassador to the UN accused the world body’s members of being “puppets” to the “Palestinian puppet masters”, following Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s description of the UN as a “house of lies.” Now ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black? I got a kick out of that one.
  16. I’ve heard this phrase countless times in my life and I just don’t get it. It’s a serious question. We haven’t been attacked on our soil here in the states since Pearl Harbor. Can someone please explain it to me?
  17. So I suppose buying votes in an election is ok too then, right?
  18. I agree with almost all of that as well. Here’s my issue though. Vote the way we want you to and we’ll pay you. You don’t see anything wrong with that?
  19. I figured you’d side with Trump’s idea of world democracy. Can’t we just veto the UN like we always do when it comes to Israel?
  20. Many of them are, but many don’t become citizens because of their patriotic pride.
  21. Point is you were wrong in your insinuation that they don’t. At least admit it. Here we go with that war term again. I’ve been there 6 times and only once were they fighting.
  22. Jordan is like 70% Palestinian. Want them to reach 100? Lebanon has 450,000 Palestinians 581,000 Palestinians live in Syria
  23. I visit the West Bank frequently. It’s not all roses there but it is much better than Gaza. In the WB we can’t export anything and it’s really difficult importing goods too. I don’t know for sure why Gaza fires rockets at Israel. My only guess is the brutal way of life there even before the blockade. And yes we’ve had this conversation plenty of time. You guys discuss gun control and other issues ad nausea as well.
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