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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Tom.... I have an interview with those Jewish Israelis if you’d like to see it. And please bro. Although that statement is correct you’ll never hear a Palestinian being described as an Israeli. Maybe Arab-Israeli but that Arab will always be thrown in there. It’s obvious you didn’t read that piece. “It wasn’t me”- he/she said. “I was out with friends”- he/she said.
  2. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123885&page=1 It ain’t just me. Those reports are everywhere.
  3. Trump lied about it. No surprise. He says he seen it. Another lie.
  4. Only he was saying it was Palestinians dancing in Jersey.
  5. Let’s face it. You guys believe everything they say. One of my favs is “we’re a democracy”. I like that one a lot. I never said they flew there for that. I never said anything about a presidential primary. Not cool bro.
  6. I said all that?
  7. Dude I understand. I really do. When it comes to Israel it’s like that cheating spouse you love to death and you’ll believe everything they say. Yeah, he/she was just a friend. Got it.
  8. All I know is they are Israelis and they admitted to dancing.
  9. I don’t know what they were. Not gonna pretend like I do. Notice I didn’t say they were part of a grand conspiracy either, because I don’t know that as well. But I do remember this... "I know what America is," Netanyahu said. "America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in the way."
  10. No, but I did hear about 5 of them dancing on a rooftop when it happened and that is undeniable. Had that been muslims you wouldn’t let that go so easily, would you?
  11. Don’t bother. Nothing to see here, move along.
  12. The role they played in Iraq and Syria. They never attacked Israel. Also, our government didn’t like it very much when Russia actually did something about ISIS. And now this. To hell with Hamas they’re talking about genocide to Palestinians. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
  13. Many things they do is to the interest and benefit of Israel. That’s a fact.
  14. Israel Secret Intelligence Service
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/worldviews/wp/2018/01/04/islamic-state-throws-down-gauntlet-to-rival-hamas-with-video-execution/ Keep thinking ISIS is who they claim to be.
  16. Damn. I haven’t seen this many torches and pitchforks since I flipped out over JP Losman. Lol
  17. No. It’s the “later”.
  18. In other words you ain’t missing ****. So stop your whining.
  19. I made it clear I’m not missing any that bother me or affect me. I’m asking YOU which ones do YOU miss.
  20. What lost freedoms are you referring to?
  21. It hasn’t changed one bit for me. As far as all those other things I don’t mind them. Safety first. Like I said before. Go to a place where freedom is actually limited. Spend some real time there then come back and tell me you don’t feel free here. We’re spoiled. And I didn’t miss the point of my thread. If anything you’re proving it by complaining about all the freedom we lost. Fighting hasn’t kept our freedom fully intact therefore they ain’t fighting for our freedom. How does fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan protect our freedom? Those attackers on 9/11 were Saudi. Afghanistan harbored terrorists and got what they deserved, I recognize that, but Iraq???
  22. Outside of longer lines at the airport how has these freedoms affected you personally?
  23. Victim of what exactly? Maybe you’re retarded but try to keep it in context. If that isn’t too difficult for you. Think you can do that? Here. I’ll help. I did not include 9/11 because it wasn’t an attack that threatened our freedom. I shouldn’t have even mentioned Pearl Harbor for that matter.
  24. Same to you. I’m not blaming the military. They only do as they’re told. My issue is with that slogan. You do realize the military has a marketing department, right? Nice slogans like that and those commercials get people to join. You can’t convince me that fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is for our freedom. If anything it’s put our lives in danger.
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