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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Can we at least put metal detectors in all schools? Yes it’s costly, but so what?
  2. Come on now, bro, we should have a kindergarten cop type teacher in every class in America. That’ll do the trick. Arnold Schwarzenegger should be available.
  3. They want their cake and eat it too, because you never can have enough bullets and clips, amirite? Unfortunately there is no middle ground to be had here.
  4. If slogans were honest: The AR-15. “It’s what’s used when you need to kill a bunch of Mofos” Instead of that you might find: “The AR-15. Because that deer had it coming to him”
  5. Let’s just keep track of the Sudafed. That’s far more dangerous than guns.
  6. That’s how it’s done around here. It’s enough to drive a sane man crazy. That’s why I disappear from time to time. Who can take this on a daily basis?
  7. What drives me nuts is when people’s ideas of prevention involve MORE guns. Yeah. That’s what we need. More guns, because God knows we don’t have enough. Smdh.
  8. How was that insulting? It wasn’t meant to be.
  9. God forbid this type of thing ever happens to any of you guys or your loved ones but I wonder if your stance would change if it did.
  10. In my original post I said you have to be able to prove how many bullets you went through before buying more. Gun ranges will have to be involved in the database. Receipts for proof. List how many bullets you walk in with and how many you leave with.
  11. Trust me. It wasn’t. I know what you’re getting at. I just think one has nothing to do with the other. I’m not taking away any rights. I’m not even banning guns. I just think a moderate amount of ammo and clips for assault rifles are necessary and should be put into law.
  12. I’m not talking about just conquering the world. I’m talking about Monday, or Tuesday, or any other day or any other year. Listen, I realize fully that there are thousands and thousands of evil Muslims out there. It’s obvious. The proof is there, but I constantly get attacked over it as if other people’s race isn’t the same or even worse.
  13. Lol. I’m the bigot in this equation? I simply come up with an idea to limit the amount of clips and ammo that are sold and this is where you choose to take it? You’re the bigot.
  14. Follow the playbook. That didn’t take long. 1. Prayers 2. Not the time to talk about gun control 3. He’s crazy (if white) 4. He saw some things on ISIS on the internet 5. Do nothing 6. Repeat
  15. That’s cool. I get it. I really do. But you want to know what? I’m down with that if white people are down with it too. You like to sit up on your high horse and act like you’re the good guys. Newsflash bro. There isn’t a more violent race than the whites.
  16. Internet and computers, boss.
  17. What’s your bright idea, Einstein? I don’t care who you were replying to. Comparing Iraq with the US is downright retarded.
  18. 1. It’s easier than you think. Sellers would have to prove their sales annually. Inventory out has to match the inventory that goes in. 2. The nature of the second amendment is for protection and maybe for sport like hunting. When you go hunting you don’t need an assault rifle with multiple clips. 3. What kind of protection does anyone need that requires multiple clips for an assault rifle? You expecting a gang to enter your house or something? This freaking guy. Wants to compare a war torn country to ours. Smh.
  19. 1. Whoever is in the business of selling those weapons. 2. Where in the constitution does it say you need an AR-15? 3. Damn right it’s ok. Who the hell needs mutilple clips?
  20. Create a database that keeps track of the amount of ammunition and clips an individual buys. Make them prove they used those items before they can buy more. Also, before a person can buy a gun in the first place he/she has to pass a Psychological evaluation. At least it’s something. What we can’t do is nothing. Enough is enough already. RIP and prayers to all that are effected by this tragedy.
  21. Trump is embarrassing. No doubt about that. I didn’t vote for him and I didn’t vote for Hillary. I don’t like either one. Having said that I can only assume being a Trump supporter is much like being a dog that has an owner that spreads peanut butter on his nutsack.
  22. Nah. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying a wall, alone, can not and will not be sufficient.
  23. Lmao. Are you serious? I guess those guards and security forces surrounding those walls have nothing to do with it then? Abandoned buildings are loaded with rats.
  24. My google app has it at 1 before I press “search”. Say what?
  25. Go to google and type in “5 dancing”. Google will finish the rest lol
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