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Everything posted by Justice

  1. . I have a nephew that was going through some difficult times at school. I can tell he was troubled so I asked him about his school experience. He told me about his problems. He was getting bullied. I gave him some advice and he listened. Now he’s doing great. His own father didn’t even know about it. It all starts with the parents.
  2. It can’t be good I’ll tell you that. Kids waste far too much time on violent video games and when they’re not playing them they’re actually watching videos of other people playing them. When they’re not doing that they’re on their smartphones. I once heard that Steve Jobs only allowed 20 or 30 minutes of cellphone usage to his child/ren. Very little or no human contact. No playing outside unless they’re on those stupid hover boards (while they’re on their phones). Can’t be good.
  3. It ought to be interesting to see the type of children people are raising in the next 15 to 20 years. Based on my experience new parents are handing cell phones to 2 year olds for hours on end.
  4. Tell em, man. He warned us all of the dangers of constipation.
  5. I’m a realist. Unfortunately nothing can or will be done. It’s a reality of life now. My daughters came home from high school and when I told them about the shootings they told me they know and they didn’t look the least bit surprised. Then I tried to give them advice on how to handle the situation if it were to happen at their school, but I couldn’t think of anything outside of lock the door and don’t make any noise. It was a helpless feeling. May God give those victims and all involved the strength to get through this.
  6. Don’t blame me because you can’t keep things in context. You see what you want to see. And there goes “I hate America” nonsense again. What a tard. My ex-wife was tarded, now she’s a pilot.
  7. Maybe you didn’t see the word “it”. Which still makes you a moron.
  8. That is not what I wrote. Not even a little bit, moron. Damn.
  9. The Middle East is exactly how we want it to be right now. You’re responsible for all white violence too. You’re enabling it.
  10. True that, but still, it will prevent some people. I for one don’t order anything from those places in fear of getting ripped off.
  11. Sorry, I’m not a gun expert. I f’in hate them. Pardon the term “clips”. You know what I meant. Jeez. Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.
  12. The problem is how will we know before it’s too late? And why does this seem to be a problem exclusively in the US?
  13. I see you’re point, but wasn’t this Cruz kid a law abiding citizen until he wasn’t?
  14. Yes and they’d have to follow the guidelines as well. It isn't that hard.
  15. That’s a good question and one I don’t have an answer for. All I know is it’s hard to reload without extra clips, but I’m sure you’ll have a problem with that too.
  16. They have to buy their ammo somehow, right? My plan won’t completely stop them from getting their hands on it, but I’ll tell you what it will do. It will create loose ends and at the bare minimum at least make it more difficult to purchase them. I’m not blaming anyone. Simply stating a fact. History backs my contention.
  17. I don’t have one. I’m not against the 2nd amendment either. My issue is with ammunition and clips. Those need to be treated like guns. Background checks and maybe even create a database like I suggested earlier to restrict people from buying too many bullets.
  18. I don’t know much about guns. Don’t own one. Don’t want one. So you’ll have to pardon my ignorance on the matter. The AR-15 can be disassembled for cleaning purposes, correct? There’s no way to clean it without taking it apart? I’m sure the answer is no. That’s unfortunate, if so. That makes it far too easy to conceal it in public.
  19. Can we at least put metal detectors in all schools? Yes it’s costly, but so what?
  20. Come on now, bro, we should have a kindergarten cop type teacher in every class in America. That’ll do the trick. Arnold Schwarzenegger should be available.
  21. They want their cake and eat it too, because you never can have enough bullets and clips, amirite? Unfortunately there is no middle ground to be had here.
  22. If slogans were honest: The AR-15. “It’s what’s used when you need to kill a bunch of Mofos” Instead of that you might find: “The AR-15. Because that deer had it coming to him”
  23. Let’s just keep track of the Sudafed. That’s far more dangerous than guns.
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