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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Oh great. Now an unstable kid might snap and hit the teacher in the back of the head while she’s writing on the board, find her/his gun and go to work on his classmates. Perfect. What can go wrong with this idea?
  2. Ok, Rambo. If they ever do come for your guns you’ll get got just like the rest.
  3. Misreported or not. 50% of the prisons are drug related. I never did hard drugs and I don’t know any dealers, but I can buy some within a hour. Oh yeah? Some of these kids are crying and they’re shouting protests at the top of their lungs. They all deserve an academy award.
  4. I live in south Florida. The kids are staging a walkout in schools all across the region as we speak. I pray there’s no violence at any of those events. I don’t know anything about that
  5. Our prisons are littered with drug offenders more so than anything else.
  6. I’m all for legalizing drugs anyways. It’s a fruitless and pathetic “war” that will never end and never stop. Much like guns. Like you guys always say, “if a criminal wanted to get his hands on a gun he’d get it no matter if they were legal or not”. Same thing with drugs. Difference is drugs mainly hurts the user. Guns hurt others.
  7. Speaking of Chicago, does anybody know why there’s so much violence there? If I had to guess I’d say it’s drug related. Maybe they should just legalize drugs there and see what happens.
  8. In the 80s the nerd always got the girl in the movies. That was the hope the nerds needed to get by. It’s time for Hollywood to bring that back. Lol Social outcasts have it hard these days with all these social media sites. They get to see in live time all the fun they’re missing out on now. Watching everyone living life like a Budweiser commercial can’t be healthy for them or us. Lol If you took any of those serious I don’t know what to tell you.
  9. The majority of drunk drivers don’t get an a car accident. Legalize drunk driving! What about all those responsible drunk drivers!!! lol. JK. I figured I’d continue on with poor comparisons.
  10. “When you’re a star, they let you do it”-Donald Trump Lol. Same time.
  11. I said nothing of the sort. I guess you haven’t been paying attention. I even agreed with your entire post that I quoted except for the last part. You’re still avoiding the question. When is it time to talk about it? And when I say “it” I don’t mean take away your guns. I mean we need to talk about it and come up with some sort of measure that can help prevent this.
  12. You didn’t answer the question. When is it ok? Because we all know the next one is coming soon. It’s like a restaurant. You have to make reservations.
  13. You’re pretty much on point until the very end. “Stand on the bodies of dead children”. If you can’t talk about gun violence after a shooting then when can you? The kids at the school are telling us now is the time. That’s ridiculous. We should try that in all facets of life. When my kids do something wrong I won’t talk to them about it for a few days. When a cop pulls me over for speeding I’ll just tell him now isn’t the time. When my loved ones pass away we won’t have a funeral for a few months. When the Bills hold we’ll just tell the refs not now.
  14. Like I said before. I don’t know much about guns so let me ask you this. If you live an average size house and needed to defend yourself with an AR-15 are the odds higher that the bullets may go through the drywall and hit one or your own than it is with a handgun?
  15. Anybody ever see the movie ‘Suicide Kings’? This feels like the scene where Jay Mohr’s character keeps shouting, “tell ‘em, Max”.
  16. Same can be said about guns. They’re owned by people. Some of those people use them to kill. Now please. Don’t take this the wrong way. I support the 2nd Amendment even though I hate guns. I own a grocery store in the “hood” and have been held up once in 25 years. We didn’t have a gun that day and as it turns out it’s probably better we didn’t. We got lucky. Nobody got hurt. I do believe that having one and trying to use it probably would’ve been worse, but I understand why some would want one. Having said that I think Palestine is a perfect example of gun control going right. It’s rare that an Israeli gets shot and if guns were readily available it most certainly would happen on the regular. Occasionally Palestinians break into settlements and kill people with a knife and you can’t stop that, but it would definitely be far worse if they had guns. I like this response best so far and that’s exactly how I feel. I didn’t post that statement because I support it. I don’t. I honestly couldn’t rebut it when I seen it.
  17. Care to elaborate? Gifs are nice, but how about a verbal response?
  18. Heard this on Facebook and I wanted to share it. I’m sure you guys will have a rebuttal and that’s why I want to share it. Here it goes: North Korea should have nukes because nukes don’t kill people. People kill people.
  19. I came up with the same idea not too long ago and it was shot down by posters I respect. Was told that GPS doesn’t work that way.
  20. I’m not surprised. Seems like hardly anyone does their jobs these days. Ever try dialing a 1-800 number? Any 1-800 number? You get passed along like a baton and then in the end someone will tell you they’ll make a note of it. Come to find out when you call back later there was no note written at all. I can’t help but envision these guys picking their nose or scratching their balls instead. These agents in this case might have ran out for some beers while they were “looking” for Cruz. It’s a shame. We tell these kids to say something when they see something and nothing gets done. Its quite a streak the FBI is on. Just about every shooter in a mass shooting has spoken to the Feds or they knew about them.
  21. You’re kidding, right? Lmao. That’ll be the day. We’re not designed that way.
  22. Oh yeah. I forgot the people that live without any accountability.
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