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Everything posted by Justice

  1. That’s a real strong argument, but can you see any foreign invader ever touching US soil? I suppose it’s possible, I just can’t see it.
  2. As a Muslim? No. Even if you take the religion out of it I’m still against gender change. As for homosexuals I feel like they have no choice in the matter. They were born that way.
  3. I don’t see the connection between integrity issues and homosexuality or people who change genders. That wouldn’t stop me from voting for those people if I liked them. And you’re right, I have no clue whether or not Trump is in an easy open relationship and that does make a difference. Religiously I’m against open marriage. It’s considered a sin, but I can’t speak on other religions if it is or isn’t. It works both ways in my opinion. That’s why I’m no longer a democrat. I’m not a republican either so I suppose I have a different view from where I’m sitting. They’re all full of crap.
  4. That’s what I truly meant. I can see how you took the other way now.
  5. This isn’t about racism. I’m not accusing anyone here of being a racist. Racism is something done with intent. I honestly believe these killers are being described as crazy, without a real diagnosis, instead of evil is because it’s all in those people’s subconscious. Just did. It’s being done subconsciously.
  6. Want to know why I disappear from time to time. It’s not the insults. I can take that, especially from morons such as yourself. I’ve got a certain threshold on how much and how long I can be around idiots, such as yourself. I accuse these killers of being evil and to not just write them off as being crazy and for that I’m called an idiot? I wonder why that is? I have my ideas.
  7. I don’t care if it’s a Democrat or republican. Neither should get a pass. A man without integrity running the most powerful nation in the world is a concern to me, but you’re right, if it doesn’t effect his job then it shouldn’t matter.
  8. Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim Not all crazy people kill people but all killers are crazy. Lol
  9. You’re a moron. If you’ve read what I’ve been saying then you should be able to figure it out for yourself, but you can’t because you’re stupid.
  10. I don’t care either, but it does say a lot about the integrity of a man.
  11. You’re not gonna get an answer because there is no practical use for an AR-15. That’s how it works around here.
  12. Well apparently I’m insane. I never hear the words mentally ill, mentally unstable, sicko, crazy or any of those things here on this forum. It’s all in my head. Its a wonder I never hurt nobody or been arrested.
  13. They’re evil. Plain and simple. And now these evil people have ways to join with other evil people thanks to the internet. Man I’m good all of the time. Great father and husband. Raised three beautiful and intelligent children with morals and ethics.
  14. So I’m crazy, a racist and angry? I’m neither of those things and yet that’s what I’m accused of here. You guys are something else.
  15. Hypocrisy at its finest. So now you’re saying mental health is the issue. Wow. I’m saying which one of these kids were properly diagnosed as mentally ill? How dumb are you? I didn’t say the shooters were racist. And I’m far from crazy, brother. I don’t need no therapist.
  16. Wow. Just wow. Play dumb. Go right ahead. That’s cool. Yeah. You’re right. This is all in my head. They never call them mentally ill. I wonder why Trump is putting mental health at the forefront of his plan to prevent future shootings. I must be imagining that too.
  17. They might not have given a crap, but did they at least acknowledge it. That’s the difference. To say Trump is a loyal husband is absurd.
  18. All I keep hearing is he’s mentally ill. Which is always the case when it’s a white shooter. Check the facts.
  19. So we’re just gonna pretend there ain’t no evil people in this world, huh? When there’s a terrorist attack you’ll always hear me call them evil, because that’s what they are. There are tons of mentally unstable ppl in this world that don’t go out and kill people. The difference? Evil. Cruz wasn’t insane. He knew what he was doing. Did anyone properly evaluate this kid to see if he is indeed mentally unstable? I doubt it. Ppl were calling him mentally unstable day one. I guess that’s just how it goes. White shooter=crazy. Dark skinned shooter=evil. Got it.
  20. Yep. They’d just find another soft target. Well said. The only thing left to do is go back to old school ways. 1. Don’t have children unless you’re married. 2. Make the cost of living affordable again so that one parent can stay home with the kids. 3. Raise your children properly. Be on top of them. No more laptops or mobile devices. Keep a computer in the living room or family room so you can see what your kids are up to on the internet. Same with a TV. 4. Speak to your kids regularly. Teach them about morals and ethics. These four things will go a long way in improving the society in which we all live in.
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