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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Yeah. I already know that and thanks to a poster who exposed you a while back it was verified.
  2. Didn’t realize we had a US embassy in Gaza. My bad. Smh. Unarmed protestors. They’re the violent ones. What about all those victims that got sniped these last few weeks? Look yourself in the mirror. That last paragraph there proves my point about you too. You’re scum, but even you deserve to live.
  3. I forget. You’re all on the high moral ground here. You do great at pretending. In actuality you can’t care less about human life, unless it meets your own bias.
  4. I didn’t mean it like that. What I should’ve said is some people from all types of backgrounds are violent. As for your last statement there I say thank you for proving my point.
  5. Over 40 Palestinians killed today and dozens more over the last few weeks and no mention on this board. So let me put it like this. Islam, when followed appropriately, IS the religion of peace, but there are bad apples in every bunch. Just like those Jews that massacred those Palestinians today. You think they’re ppl of peace? What about us Americans? We slaughter each other on our own streets and homes on a DAILY basis and I haven’t even mentioned our impact on all the bloodshed we cause abroad. Hell, try to see if you can find a group of Native Americans. All people are violent. Inherently violent. From all walks of life. At least I can condemn it. Some of you like to point at specific groups only, but when it comes to your group’s actions you condone it. In some cases you even root for it. All lives matter, but not to some of you, and to those of you I say you’re fake AF and evil from the heart. No different than those Islamic terrorists. Difference is they have balls and act on their hate.
  6. Restraint huh? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Fact is 10 to 20 is a ton compared to 6 months for burning a baby and his father to death. I’ve touched on this before. I’m sure it saves a lot of Israeli lives, but it also allows the Israelis to getaway with a lot more than they probably could if the Palestinians were armed.
  7. You laugh but I know a place where you can get 10 to 20 years for throwing one at a soldier. 20 years.
  8. Like I’ve always said, the gun is only dangerous when you have ammo. If I were in charge here’s what I’ll do: 1. first thing I’d do is make it much more difficult to purchase a weapon. Background checks and even a psychological test must be done before you can purchase a gun. No more easy access to any type of gun. Rifles and AR-15s type guns must be as difficult to get as handguns. The gun shows and private sales must go through the same loops that any other gun store will have to go through. 2. Once you pass through step one you get a registered gun owners license and you will have to renew it every year and go through those background checks and psychological tests all over again. 3. Can’t buy ammo without a license. At the bare minimum this will make it much harder for the criminals to get their hands on ammo. They might think twice about practicing their aim if the ammo is harder to get making them much less efficient at hitting their target. I’m sure you guys will poke holes in this plan and that’s why we have these discussions. Like I said before, I’m uneducated when it comes to guns. Just throwing out ideas.
  9. Buy stock in plastic knives or napkins lol What’s next? Envelope openers? Ice picks? Box-cutters? Razors? I suppose they never watched a movie based in prison lol. You can make a shank out of just about anything. Lol
  10. Right here. I’m one of them. I don’t own one. I hate them and I still support the 2A.
  11. Don't you mean that’s why they love the Israelis? Even if you’re born there you’re not allowed entry and what about those African migrants they’re deporting?
  12. It may not be a solution, but he could’ve potentially saved a lot of lives if he did his job.
  13. This truly is a difficult problem to solve. Just about impossible. Palestine is a great case study on the subject of gun control. On one hand the Palestinians not having guns saves a lot of Israeli lives. On the other hand the Israelis can do whatever they please to the Palestinians. It goes even further than that. During the first Intifada the Palestinians didn’t have any guns and their man weapon was rocks. This method gained worldwide sympathy and even led the parties to the negotiating table. The second intifada was much different. This time the Palestinians had guns that were given to them for their police force during said negotiations. Since they had guns more lives on the Palestinian side was lost and the second intifada was a failure. Which is worse? It’s difficult to say.
  14. The plan is sound. The execution wasn’t. The guy was a coward and you’ll get that at times. There’s a human element involved in every law or policy.
  15. If I used the term “we” it would just be hella-confusing. Lighten up, bro.
  16. Come on man. I realize it’s hard for them and they are what they are. You missed my point. What I was trying to say as a straight male that seems like an easy temptation to avoid to me, but I know it’s hard for them, but you can’t sit there and tell me my temptations are easy to overcome. They aren’t.
  17. My man I’m six o’clock and I can never understand why a man can see another man and get turned on or have the urge to have something go in his ass. You call that normal? I sure don’t. And what about all the other urges of man? Sex with various women? Drinking with your pals? Those are all urges and it isn’t easy to not partake. They look incredible! lol. And how about bacon! You guys have no clue. Lol. The struggle is real.
  18. Not really. Islam warns homosexuals to not partake in their desires and I agree with that. Is one temptation stronger than the other? Well that’s difficult to say. Just like we are warned to not drink, fornicate or eat pork etc etc. Who’s to say one form of temptation is harder to overcome than the other? I think it’s fair. It’s a test and each one of us have one. Nobody ever said getting into heaven should be easy, especially the Muslims lol with all those prayers and fasting. Thats where (second bold statement) I agree the most. Live and let live.
  19. Isn’t everyone like that? Are there actually people out there that 100% agree with everything their side stands for? Sounds like you’re describing a robot. lol
  20. We’re all challenged with temptation in this world. All types of temptations for every single one of us. Homosexuality is mentioned in Islam and that is their challenge.
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