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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I love the pick but I thought Mo Hurst would’ve been the better fit. Still. I’m excited about the pick.
  2. Like I said several times, I hope he’s great. I believe it was you that accused me of wanting to be right. Couldn’t be further from the truth. You obviously see things the way you want to see them. I didn’t compare situations either. I compared schemes. Big difference. You missed the point.
  3. Too funny. I know this game and I haven’t pretended to know Wyoming’s offense better than you. Just because you watch them play a lot doesn’t mean you know anything at all about the game. Brady has worked with just about anything at WR over the years and has excelled. Why do you think that is? His WRs go elsewhere and don’t match the production they had in NE. Why? Because it’s a timing based offense. That offense doesn’t require world beaters at WR. That type of offense helps everyone look better. The QB and the WRs. And if the oline is as bad as you say it is then they should’ve went to a timing based offense, but they didn’t. Why is that? You keep talking about Allen’s targets, well what about his competition?! So stop it. Don’t pretend to assume you know me or my level of knowledge on the game. I eat, sleep and breath football. I got what’s app chats blowing up on phone 24/7 365!
  4. Trust me guys. I’ve come a long way since we drafted Allen. That’s why I chose to chime in on this particular thread. That’s what it’s all about. We’re Bills fans. He’s a Bill. We will support him and back him no matter what we thought of him before the draft.
  5. I trust my eyes and I’ve read many scouting reports that agree with that assessment. He didn’t play in a timing based offense so I think it’s fair to say neither of us really know if he’s capable or not. That’s my thoughts exactly and we could’ve waited on one or the other and kept our second rounders. The Bills felt strongly enough to pounce on him and were even willing to move up even higher and pay more. Let’s hope they’re right. I too liked Rosen more but I have to admit his concussion history is scary. I think people might compare him to those two because of his area code accuracy.
  6. “No I didn’t”, what? Ok. It’s not a highlight reel. It’s his game film. Better? That still doesn’t change the fact that he often drops back and waits. Maybe he has no choice. Maybe that’s the offense. Maybe his WRs aren’t getting open. Maybe he lacks a good inner clock. We’ll get all these answers soon enough. Hopefully he proves me wrong. QB is the toughest position to evaluate. Time will tell. One things for sure the excuses stop here.
  7. Yes. I meant the coaches. (Bolded)It’s funny you say that too. Timing patterns actually helps out weaker WRs. It helps them get open or at least open long enough to make the catch. The ball usually comes when the defender doesn’t expect it. Makes them harder to defend. This isn’t happening with Wyoming’s offense. He actually waits for them to get open. You know who else does that? Tyrod Taylor.
  8. It’s a well known fact Josh doesn’t throw with anticipation. I’m not gonna go digging for videos to prove it either. I’ve seen enough highlights to know that. Just watch for yourself. When he gets to the top of his dropback he doesn’t release. He watches and waits and then pulls the trigger. As for the bolded part I seen two out patterns Allen missed on in the highlight reel you provided. Out patterns are passes that are thrown before the WR comes out of his break.
  9. Allow me to help you for a second. Not one of those passes are a timing route. Timing routes are passes that are thrown before a WR makes his break. Matt threw for 4500 yards and 31 TDs his senior year.
  10. Mahomes and Watson obviously weren’t in this draft but we did have a shot at both last year and we let them go. In return we got Tre and Tremaine and those two will play a part in whether it was a wise move or not, but I think we can all agree QB trumps all. Great stats in college doesn’t mean you’ll be great in the pros, but since when have we ever seen a QB with bad numbers, and I mean really bad, improve in the pros? Honest question. I racked my head trying to find that answer and couldn’t. I haven’t visited this site in a very long time. I spend whatever time I do spend on PPP, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t spent time debating all these QBs with my friends for days on end. I’ve heard it all. The things I haven’t heard from anyone is he’s great at timing and anticipation. Two traits I cherish in a QB. I hope you’re right. I really do. I see what the Bills like in JA too. They’re certainly shooting for the stars and for that I commend them. When he passes on the run he looks like Aaron Rodgers. He shows glimpses of greatness. We need to make sure it’s consistent.
  11. I rarely post here and I’m not gonna go all JP Losman on Josh Allen, but I do want to go on record here before these guys careers start to unfold. Throughout the process I ranked my favorite QB prospects as such: 1. Mayfield 2. Darnold 3. Rosen 4. Jackson 5. Rudolph 6. Allen As evidenced by these rankings I hated the pick. I still do, even though like most fans I did my best to watch more game film and especially his offseason work where he seemed to excel most. I’m trying to be hopeful and optimistic, but I can’t ignore my initial thoughts on the kid. JP Losman had accuracy issues and I was hard on him from the start for that very reason. To me accuracy should be the last issue a young QB prospect should have. Especially a first rounder. I’d be shocked if Allen can overcome those issues. Many ppl bring up the accuracy percentage issue, but ignore the yards he had last year. 1800. I mean that is the most alarming statistic if you ask me. There are other red flags as well. Inner clock seems to be off, escapes the pocket too early and he couldn’t put up great stats against weaker competition. And yes I’ve heard all the excuses. He had a weak supporting cast. His line stunk. He was asked to throw the ball downfield more than the others (not true). His WRs dropped balls. Well when I compared him to the rest of the QBs on my list his drops were actually less than those others. Personally I prefer the more cerebral type QBs that don’t have the cannon and athleticism to rely on. The Brady, Manning and Montana types. They win more SBs than the Favre, Rodgers, Kelly, Elway, Big Ben and Marino types. 11-6 in rings to be exact and that’s only 3 QBs vs six. I hope I’m wrong. I’m cheering for the kid. I really am. Hopefully his issues were related to his footwork and he cleaned it up, but I have my reservations. We passed up Mahomes, Watson and Rosen for him and also paid two second round picks for him. He has a lot to live up to. I hope I can eat my words someday soon.
  12. I truly didn’t know that. I read the provided link and heard the statement. I still have my doubts though and maybe that is because I’m too close to the situation. I’m highly suspicious of Hamas because of what I’ve been told about them and everything I’ve seen backs what I’ve heard. I heard Israel started and funded Hamas to be an opposing force for Arafat’s Fatah group. It makes sense too because everything Hamas does benefits Israel.
  13. Let me get this straight. Israel can kill 62 because they threatened their borders and it’s totally justified, but if Israelis get killed in the WB, Palestinian authority controlled land then it’s terrorism? Ok. Got it. No hypocritical BS there. Happens all the time. They enter PA land. They shoot and kill ppl all the time. Palestinians get more jail time for throwing stones than an Israeli for MURDERING a Palestinian. That’s a fact. Look it up. That right there should be evidence enough for you, but I’m sure you’ll try to rationalize it or just ignore it. I’ll go with ignore it.
  14. I didn’t see that. Where did you see that? How can that be proven? Like I said, you’ll believe whatever. If that’s true then I feel a little better. Not a fan of terrorists. See that second line right there is just you being an A-hole. You're the one that supports terrorists. Israeli terrorists.
  15. Lmao. Let’s just go with all 62. You’ll believe whatever they tell you. You and your kind have made your minds up already. That’s what you want to hear. Listen up, if those slain actually did cross the border you wouldn’t even be hearing me complain. Did you actually see how far away they were from the fence??? My guess is no because you DGAF. I actually use my head when I hear reports like this. They get their numbers from the funerals they say. Depending on who actually shows up. Newsflash. I’ve been to funerals in Palestine. The entire village shows up. Everyone even takes turn with the shovel. Just use your head for one second and maybe you might see the light. They didn’t know these guys were from Hamas until after the fact. Pretty astonishing coincidence huh? Pure luck I guess. Or maybe, just maybe, they can call anyone they want a terrorist and you’ll eat it up. Just like when they say it’s Defense when it’s actually offense. Just like when they say Hamas “wants to wipe Israel off the map” and the Israelis are ACTUALLY wiping Palestine off it. Takes all of two seconds to google a map of Palestine today compared to 1947.
  16. I’ve maintained over the years that peaceful resistance is the best way to go and I’ve even stated the Palestinians should demand a ONE state solution. No Palestine at all. Just Israel as long as the Palestinians are given equal rights and access to all of Israel. If you don’t believe me then search for it. You’ll see.
  17. I’m out. Peace. No sense going any further. 50 dead. So what?! They all had it coming to them. You’re right. I’m wrong. It was a violent protest. Sure. Whatever you say. “Protest turned violent” doesn’t necessarily mean the Palestinians were the violent side and you don’t know but you just assume. Palestinians don’t matter to you. That’s a fact. Bye bye. See you again in a few weeks.
  18. Good God you’re dumb. Holy ****.
  19. Ummm...what!!??? Lol. You might want to google it then. Ppl have gotten sniped the last few weeks. Some just walking all alone minding their own business.
  20. I’m talking about today’s protest.
  21. Have you even heard about all the Palestinians that got sniped by Israelis the last few weeks? I’ve seen clips of it. You’ll hear things like, “that’ll teach them! Don’t throw rocks”. That’s funny because nobody would be throwing rocks if they don’t show up to lands that don’t belong in in the first place. They incite it by showing up. They don’t belong there. At all. Stay on the opposite side of the wall. Stay in your illegal settlements.
  22. My moving the embassy to Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is OCCUPIED land. Illegal under international laws. I doubt we’d kill 50 people. I’m sure there’s other way to keep them from crossing and we’d most likely find other ways.
  23. Next time there’s a protest in the streets of the US I’ll be sure to remember they’re waging war. Cool story. Then so be it. The Israelis keep inciting protests and the Palestinians keep giving them what they want. It’s too bad you ppl don’t give a **** about their lives. They’re giving the international community too much credit. They should know by now nobody gives AF. You only care about your own kind. Racist AF.
  24. I can’t help what makes sense to you. They’re hoping their actions will lead to international intervention. They are crying out for help through their actions. I have no clue but they do offer tons of services to the people. Who do you think is taking care of them in Gaza?
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