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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Sup, fellas. Just checking up on everyone. I hope all of you and yours are healthy and virus-free. I’ve been in self-quarantine for two weeks now. So far so good. Hang tight. Hopefully this will all pass soon.
  2. Serious question and no I don’t support socialism, but has a socialist country ever existed that didn’t have to endure crippling sanctions?
  3. I can definitely see a trade down and then use that draft capital to move back into the first. Two first rounders. Yeah yeah.
  4. This only proves my point. Your BIL assimilated far more than his parents and them more than your grandparents. Over time we all assimilate. No choice. It’s unstoppable.
  5. When did you get married and how did that happen? Lol I’m happy for you? Lol. Btw. That’s not a poke at your marriage just in marriage in general lol
  6. Don’t want to go back and find the post about America being a salad bowl instead of a melting pot, but I’d still like to reply. I can’t disagree more. As a first generation American, as are all my cousins, we have assimilated into American culture rapidly and my kid’s even more so. Assimilation is an unstoppable force. I can’t speak for everyone so maybe I’m wrong but in my experience I don’t see it.
  7. Trust me bro, this place is best in very small doses and that’s what I recommend to you, because we shouldn’t tell ppl how to think and what to say. This place isn’t about censorship nor should it be. Open dialogue can help and in some cases be hurtful. Just like in society. The dude is scary though. I’m the Muslim here and I’d bet anything if people had to bet on who’s most likely to go on a violent rampage it’d be him by a mile. I hope he gets help.
  8. Very true. Any place of learning for that matter. Places of worship, schools, and at home. It all starts at home.
  9. This is the world we’re living in. The dude has some ideas how to end violence between Muslims and everyone else, but I promise you that won’t be the end of violence. Frankly there’s nothing any of us can do to stop it. Humans are inherently violent. This isn’t anything new. People will always be angry and hateful. People will always use any means to get what they want. People will always complain. There’s good and evil. It’s always been this way. Social media just makes it seem louder. The only course of action we can take is to teach tolerance and acceptance to our kids. Teach them to love all of mankind. Stress to them how similar we all really are instead of pointing out the very few differences. Even then we won’t completely stop violence, but it’s a good start in the right direction.
  10. What are we even arguing about anyways? This isn’t a right or wrong situation. JA could be great or he can be a bust. We don’t know. I preferred Rosen over Allen. He’s more like the type of QB I like. My opinion is JA lacks accuracy, his inner clock is a bit off and can’t throw with great anticipation and timing. That’s my opinion. Disagree all you like. Fact is he’ll either prove me right or wrong and I pray it’s the latter. I even admitted he can be great without a WC style offense. I don’t know why you’re badgering me on this issue.
  11. What do I know right? I haven’t watched Wyoming football. Don’t take it from me, take it from Bill Walsh. That good enough for you? I didn’t need Walsh or anyone else to explain any of this to me, it’s common sense, but since you can’t see it, here you go... Walsh saw these advantages as necessary to the success of an offense that wasn't counting on having superior talent to win. When teams are evenly matched or when the defense is slightly better than the offense, receivers can exploit these advantages in order to get open. Timing is essential to accomplishing this. As Walsh once noted:
  12. Sorry. My bad. Didn’t know this was a discussion board. I didn’t realize it’s about having the last word. Lol. I wasn’t sure it was you that accused me of wanting to be right more than wanting Allen to pan out. That’s why I said “I believe...”’instead of outright saying it. Maybe it’s because of your profile pick. It’s similar to others. “Football people don’t stick their necks out for guys that don’t have it”. Really???? I mean really????? Lol. Guess you don’t watch the draft every year. Lol. I can guarantee you we will not be running a WCO or any variation of it with Allen at QB. That doesn’t mean he can’t be good or even great. I’m not closing the door on the kid. I see his potential. I see the size. I see the cannon. I see the athletic ability. I want this kid to be special.
  13. Wow. I don’t understand the game. Gotchya. Lmao. There are elements of a timing passing game in every offense. If the first read is open you’re supposed to fire that ball as soon as you finish your drop. JA doesn’t do that often. He rarely does it. If that’s not enough for you then his admitted struggles with accuracy should prove to you he was incapable of running that type of passing game. He blamed his footwork, right? He said he cleaned it up. Let’s hope it’s true. I expect coaching staffs to know enough about to play to his players strengths. That’s my argument. That’s been my argument the whole time. He doesn’t have to change systems. He can call more pass plays that require timing. They’re in every offense.
  14. BB says Allen had a horrible oline and terrible WRs. He also said the coaching staff didn’t feature Josh in their offense. My contention is he should’ve ran a timing based offense (like NE) because that covers deficiencies in both of those aforementioned areas, but they most likely didn’t do it because JA isn’t capable of running that type of offense. BB claims he can throw with timing and anticipation. I don’t see it. When he gets to the top of his dropback he doesn’t release the ball. He waits, scans the field and frequently takes off running.
  15. I love the pick but I thought Mo Hurst would’ve been the better fit. Still. I’m excited about the pick.
  16. Like I said several times, I hope he’s great. I believe it was you that accused me of wanting to be right. Couldn’t be further from the truth. You obviously see things the way you want to see them. I didn’t compare situations either. I compared schemes. Big difference. You missed the point.
  17. Too funny. I know this game and I haven’t pretended to know Wyoming’s offense better than you. Just because you watch them play a lot doesn’t mean you know anything at all about the game. Brady has worked with just about anything at WR over the years and has excelled. Why do you think that is? His WRs go elsewhere and don’t match the production they had in NE. Why? Because it’s a timing based offense. That offense doesn’t require world beaters at WR. That type of offense helps everyone look better. The QB and the WRs. And if the oline is as bad as you say it is then they should’ve went to a timing based offense, but they didn’t. Why is that? You keep talking about Allen’s targets, well what about his competition?! So stop it. Don’t pretend to assume you know me or my level of knowledge on the game. I eat, sleep and breath football. I got what’s app chats blowing up on phone 24/7 365!
  18. Trust me guys. I’ve come a long way since we drafted Allen. That’s why I chose to chime in on this particular thread. That’s what it’s all about. We’re Bills fans. He’s a Bill. We will support him and back him no matter what we thought of him before the draft.
  19. I trust my eyes and I’ve read many scouting reports that agree with that assessment. He didn’t play in a timing based offense so I think it’s fair to say neither of us really know if he’s capable or not. That’s my thoughts exactly and we could’ve waited on one or the other and kept our second rounders. The Bills felt strongly enough to pounce on him and were even willing to move up even higher and pay more. Let’s hope they’re right. I too liked Rosen more but I have to admit his concussion history is scary. I think people might compare him to those two because of his area code accuracy.
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