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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Can you explain this a little further? “Some were carriers of the virus itself”. Are you saying they were injecting or giving people with the virus with the test?
  2. I wake up everyday hoping this is just a bad dream. I can’t get over it. I never thought I’d see the day this could happen here.
  3. Your guess is as good as mine.
  4. My area in SoFlo has also instituted a curfew as well. 10pm-5am. The roads are already dead at this time. Strange to say the least.
  5. I can. It’s just that you guys give me a name from a guy that was originally made famous in the 70s and while he may have had coronavirus there’s no telling what he actually died from since they’re pinning just about every death on it. And he isn’t that famous. I don’t even know who he is. Wake me up when someone that was made famous in this millennium passes away.
  6. I’m out. This is why I left in the first place. And who???? Can’t be respectful adults around here. Peace.
  7. Forgot about them. Didn’t these guys die in the earlier phase of the outbreak? Way before we knew anything about it? Happy Easter to all of you BTW
  8. If you seen this guy walking down the street would you recognize him? I’m referring to A-listers. I have a bone to pick with Tom Hanks. He was on SNL last night and instead of trying to help people by telling them how to beat the virus he joked about putting a suit on.
  9. That’s no surprise. Celebs and politicians have a zero percent mortality rate.
  10. Update. Just heard from my friend that’s in recovery. He was on both.
  11. This is an excellent point.
  12. No. My friend, whose dad is the one that’s ill, recorded a conversation with the nurse that’s handling the patient. She never mentioned that. She also said only one person survived under their care. I didn’t ask which hospital they went to. It’s in Buffalo.
  13. A couple of weeks ago I experienced pain in my chest and left arm. Thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the ER to get checked. Thankfully everything turned out fine. But I will say this. The hospital was a complete ghost town. They had a tent set up out front to check for the virus before entering and nobody, outside myself, was there.
  14. I know two people that have it. One is on his way to recovery. The other isn’t looking promising at all.
  15. You’re absolutely right. I see all of your points of views and appreciate and respect them. Here’s my take and this describes me as a father, husband and friend to all that know me. I will never do anything to put my loved ones lives in jeopardy. When/if this all ends I will know I did my best to keep them safe. Also to those of you that mention the people that have died defending our rights. I can imagine, if they were here today, they’d be equally as split on this subject as we all are right now as a nation.
  16. I’m not. I just think we need to put things on hold for now. Delay the elections until this is resolved. In the meantime you have people in office that have been elected. Let them continue to do their jobs until it’s safe to go out and vote.
  17. Some of you are taking their word on this thing as gospel. They’ve been wrong from the start and we know very little about this virus. Keep thinking gloves and a mask will protect you. They’ve been wrong before...
  18. I’m saying it doesn’t matter. I made that clear when I said nothing changed when GW was in office and then Obama. If they want to take away your rights they will no matter who’s in office. They all have the same agenda. Don’t let their bickering fool you.
  19. These are different times my friend.
  20. I’m just hoping there’s still a country standing after all this.
  21. And imagine thinking your vote actually counts all along? Lol all these guys are the same. Obama continued taking away our rights after George W did the same and now Trump is continuing that tradition.
  22. Only thing is your game leads to death.
  23. Wow. It’s no wonder we can’t beat this thing. Imagine being shamed for staying at home during times like these. Sorry but I love my family, friends and the world more than my right to vote.
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