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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I ask again. Why even lock it all down in the first place then? And what models? The ones that we have based on SD? Nukes. Why have them then?
  2. All that above was a waste of your time. This isn’t the same thing. What about the poor bastard that watches his health only to die because some dude passed his virus to him? None of us have the answers here. Please don’t pretend to know, because that’s all you’re doing is playing pretend. defenseless? That’s what our nukes are for. Attack us get dropped!
  3. Oh yeah? Then why are we taking these necessary steps now? Is it asinine? We might as well not have done it at all then because soon it will all have been for nothing.
  4. Get your Heisenberg outfits ready then. You’ll need them.
  5. We have the money to feed everyone. Cut off the war machine. Dismantle all the bases. Cut off all foreign aid.
  6. I’m not ready to sacrifice lives. Maybe you are. I’m not. Money comes and goes. Life doesn’t. Once it’s gone it’s gone.
  7. Same can be said about you. Nobody here is qualified to do so. To say my ideas are worse than yours or for me to say the same about yours is asinine.
  8. Hate to say it but these are the harsh realities we’re facing. All other expenditures need to cease. The priority needs to be to take care of our own.
  9. And what about the price we’ll be paying if the numbers of death rise 10 fold, 20 fold? 1000 times over? What about that economic collapse?
  10. If I had the answers to that I wouldn’t be here typing this stuff with you. It’s difficult. I know. This is where our federal government has to enter the picture and see to it nobody is made homeless or starves.
  11. Exactly. People seem to be mending two conflicting types of strategies together and thinking that’s gonna be the outcome. “Numbers of deaths are down. Less people are getting infected. Time to go back to work”. That’s not how this works.
  12. People need to come to grips with what this thing really is and the dangers it presents. Some aren’t living in reality. Respect this thing because it needs to be respected.
  13. I didn’t mean open things up for China. What I meant was that decision was made to prevent the spread of the virus here but the virus IS here already. If you lift the lockdown there will a bigger second wave than the first.
  14. The danger is already here.
  15. It’s funny but the same people that lauded Trump for discontinuing flights from China are the same ones that support the potential lifting of the lockdown. How can you be both at this time without a vaccine or cure in place?
  16. Anything short of everyone walking around looking like Heisenberg cooking a batch and getting sprayed down as they enter work/restaurants/any public place will be a failure in terms of number of deaths without a vaccine.
  17. His ratings will be off the charts today. I’m sure he’ll be pleased. Lol
  18. Mosques are already empty
  19. I’ve been telling people for years now Trump is a shoo-in to get re-elected. The left is hopeless.
  20. There’s a flip side to that too. This can win elections and lose them.
  21. How much of that do you credit to the lockdown?
  22. Yeah but I could imagine the only people getting tested are those that have symptoms. Thankfully I feel great and have no need or urge to be tested and I’m sure that goes for the rest of the world. I don’t have the numbers but I wonder what the percentage of positive tests are as opposed to negative.
  23. DT’s hair is noticeably gray today. It’s real after-all! lol
  24. At least I can get a word in here if I choose to do so and at least it isn’t so one-sided here.
  25. Lol. I try to stay away from the news. Can’t stand the never ending bickering from both sides.
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