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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Let it go. You’re not gonna get any participation awards here, buddy.
  2. You’re on a roll there, ‘tard. Keep it coming. Lol.
  3. You think I covet your respect? That’s a laugher.
  4. Well your words were special. And I don’t mean that in a good way. And no I’m not going to explain myself, because if this needs explaining you’re way past helping.
  5. Be safe. Be smart. That’s all I can say. Keep your hands to yourselves and avoid crowds. That’s all we can do at this point.
  6. I’m not arguing. I wasn’t being sarcastic. I accept it. It is what it is. Like I said before I don’t have the answers and hopefully I’m way off that this thing spreads even worse the second time.
  7. And that’s my concern. Once we open it all up again they will be overwhelmed. Oh well. It is what it is. No easy answers here.
  8. Yeah I know right? It’s amazing there are countries still standing out there that don’t have a bunch of off-shore bases. Incredible.
  9. “Surveillance”. Awesome. “If you’re sick, stay home”. Yeah. What can go wrong here?
  10. Currently speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
  11. I stopped reading it during phase one. I seen enough.
  12. Awesome. I’m so happy to have a real estate tycoon as President.
  13. I need you guys to do me a favor. Hand out a penny to someone and then keep doubling it to every person out there then tell me how soon you’d go broke.
  14. They’re not much of a worry to me. It’s the lesser of two evils. No option is good here. Why did we lock it all down in the first place? I see you’re all ignoring this question.
  15. I ask again. Why even lock it all down in the first place then? And what models? The ones that we have based on SD? Nukes. Why have them then?
  16. All that above was a waste of your time. This isn’t the same thing. What about the poor bastard that watches his health only to die because some dude passed his virus to him? None of us have the answers here. Please don’t pretend to know, because that’s all you’re doing is playing pretend. defenseless? That’s what our nukes are for. Attack us get dropped!
  17. Oh yeah? Then why are we taking these necessary steps now? Is it asinine? We might as well not have done it at all then because soon it will all have been for nothing.
  18. Get your Heisenberg outfits ready then. You’ll need them.
  19. We have the money to feed everyone. Cut off the war machine. Dismantle all the bases. Cut off all foreign aid.
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