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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I’m pretty sure you misunderstood his last sentence there. What he meant was would you have felt the same way if a Dem President did exactly what Trump is doing. That’s how I took it.
  2. ‘It’s not necessary’ and yet he says medical workers need it. Hmm.
  3. 744 pages and this is where we’re still at. All we needed was this one post lol
  4. Troubling indeed. I’ve never been the type to believe the news. My posting history here should attest to that. My question to you is one can not assume this is new but why are we finally hearing about it now? Why didn’t all the past presidents expose it? Is there a deeper conspiracy? What isn’t being said here is they’re investigating why their tests are coming up with such odd results. No mention of where they got their testing kits from. He’s talking out of both sides of his mouth here. I don’t trust this guy.
  5. https://www.jpost.com/health-science/israel-plans-to-build-its-first-ever-vaccine-factory-in-yeruham-626924 https://www.jpost.com/health-science/iibr-completes-development-phase-of-covid-19-vaccine-626913 Huge if true! Way to go Israel!
  6. Lol no. I’m not drooling. I just heard on several occasions that these masks are only good for one time usage. I’ve been told otherwise by some here. I’ll try cleaning them from here on out. Keep up the good work. I wish your mother well.
  7. As we all know Obama helped make that possible.
  8. Ok. I give up. What is TDS and while you’re at it what is FIFY? Lol.
  9. Count me as one of them. At first I was all for the lockdown but all that has changed now. Let’s return to some form of normalcy as soon as possible. I still support SD and mask wearing though. We have to be cautious.
  10. Masks are expensive. I get mine for about $3.75 per. That price needs to come down. A family of 5 using daily worn masks will run $18.75 per day. $562 per month. $6,750 per year. Not cheap and not affordable for many.
  11. I hate the idea of opening back up, but I realize it’s necessary. We have no choice. My only issue is the numbers. Our numbers are based on a lockdown and there’s no real way of knowing what those numbers will be once we reopen. I’m hesitant to believe the projections, because everyone has been wrong about this virus from the start and all throughout. In the end herd immunity is the only way to survive, though. It’ll be tough, but humans have survived far worse and we’re still here.
  12. Big words coming from his backyard. Now say that ***** surrounded by a ton of people. Then I’ll be impressed.
  13. That question wasn’t posed to me because I never said he told anyone to ingest Lysol or anything like it but still, what he said was bad enough. It was ignorant, irresponsible and dangerous to the morons out there. And no he wasn’t being sarcastic and even if he was this is not the time, the place or the setting for sarcasm. It’s inexcusable and indefensible.
  14. Maybe we move back the retirement age for teachers and staff. That way the more susceptible age demographic to covid19 can not be harmed. The Gaza Strip is the most densely populated place in the world and their numbers are really low. Maybe we can close off areas that are similar such as NYC to tourists in the beginning of the re-opening to limit exposure. most movie theatres have reclining seats these days. Biden doesn’t have an advantage. He doesn’t stand a chance. The blame here is strictly on China. Can’t blame anyone else. The left would not have handled this any better. Case in point Nancy Pelosi telling ppl to visit Chinatown in late February. If their grab and go’s are anything like the ones here in Miami this isn’t a very fair thing to say. These ppl are giving out meals to all in need. No matter the religion. They should be lauded and not condemned. They are following the SD rules.
  15. My guess is yes. Those seniors have to end up somewhere.
  16. Maybe the mortality rate varies depending on how each healthcare system handles it more than anything else.
  17. I can’t find hand sanitizer anywhere down here in Miami and I’m running dangerously low on the huge bottle I purchased a while ago before all this began. Rubbing alcohol is equally as tough to find. I fear that if they don’t come up with a cure or vaccine NYC will never be the same again.
  18. Well then consider yourself fortunate, because I know of four people that have it and two of them passed away. The two were elderly.
  19. I’m not referring to myself. I’m referring to the general public that gets their news from the MSM that shouts all the wrong things Trump says and whispers the good. A friend of mine told me he knew ten people who had it. Out of the ten 6 died. I’m sure that’s a statistical anomaly but still. It’s frightening. Why? Because they’re not weekend work. That’s why. We only bully the weak. Can you explain to me why you use that method of spelling? Raysis. Why is that?
  20. What I haven’t heard yet is what’s the magic number of deaths that would compel the government to shut it all down again. Problem with that is nobody can actually see what’s being done but they can definitely hear it from the Prez. His remarks should be in line with his actions all of the time. That would make his life a lot easier. Attitude reflects leadership.
  21. He also said ‘I knew it was a pandemic long before anyone knew’. Was he lying then or is he lying now? That man is not to be trusted.
  22. I think you may have misunderstood THS there, snafu. I didn’t take it that way. Sounds to me like he meant the republicans will blame the dems for not adding to the stimulus package and that the money wasn’t meant for you in the first place by the republicans because it was already doled out to the wealthy. I could be wrong. TH3 didn’t exactly word his post properly.
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