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Everything posted by Justice

  1. To be fair the same can be said about Trump when it comes to projections. 1? 15? None? 60k? And now 100k? Which one is it?
  2. God I hope not and that goes for all the places of worship. I certainly won’t be there. IMO, places of worship aren’t essential. If you need someone to tell you what to believe in than you have bigger problems and that’s not pointed at you @meazza All worshippers should have a text book or internet at home. Tune in but don’t go.
  3. I can’t disagree with this more. You won’t see or hear about it as much but the hospitals would be flooded. Deaths would be dramatically higher than it is today.
  4. Who do you think this benefits most? I truly believe Biden doesn’t stand a chance. I don’t care what the polls say, but if this is the case it’s not good for Trump.
  5. A friend of mine had to go to Brazil just to get the cancer removed from her thyroid.
  6. You’re right about that. I only know one person that has taken the test that didn’t show any symptoms and he did it out of sheer curiosity. Yeah. I’ll just continue to do whatever it is I’m doing that has prevented me and mine from catching this thing anyways. On a side note I would like to see a government mandated law preventing people that can work from home from having to return to work until this matter is behind us. We should be limiting the amount of people that have to go outside as long as this is an issue. I’m all for re-opening but we should be smart about it. Why force people to return to work if they can do the same job from home? My wife and her team have been more efficient at home than they were at work and yet they’re being told to return on May 26th. That doesn’t make sense.
  7. With what? lol. It’s highly recommended to not touch your mask.
  8. So you’re saying that doctor is full of *****?
  9. How else can this be viewed other than a vast conspiracy? A friend of mine also recovered due to HCQ. Questions need to be answered on this.
  10. Lol. I am. Trust me. It’s on each individual to protect their own. That’s how we’re gonna beat this thing. Practice SD and wear a mask in public at all times. Keep your hands clean. Be responsible! That’s unfortunate. There’s no valid reason why Buffalo is shutdown. I have relatives that own convenient stores. They interact with the general public on a second to second basis. None of them got corona because they’re being safe and practicing the rules that are in place.
  11. We’re opening here in Miami-Dade and Broward counties on Monday! Even restaurants.
  12. I agree with that part. We’ll know more after the elections. True. I wonder why that is. Also I’d like to know more about how people contracted it. I’ve been hearing this quite frequently but never seen proof. eventually. I will not be the first in line. That much I know. More like the back end. Way back. On a side note a friend of mine’s father that I mentioned here a ways back passed away. I don’t have any details. I don’t know what they gave him. I do know he was on a ventilator. He fought it for over 40 days. Finally succumbed to it yesterday.
  13. What if they’re already in prison. I heard inmates are trying to get it so they can be released. Lol.
  14. I completely agree. I’ve stated that several times but whenever we do reopen we have to be cautious. We need to continue on with SD and wearing masks until something better hopefully comes along.
  15. The thing is we don’t truly know how it’s being spread. We do know it is though. From less than 15 cases to God knows how many. A little anecdote about doctors. A friend of mine recently got kidney stones. His doc gave him pain meds and told him to drink plenty of water. That was it. He couldn’t pass the stones for over a week and then he told me about his situation. I recommended a 1/4 cup each of fresh lemon juice and olive oil. He passed it immediately after that. The doctor never mentioned that remedy. Point is doctors don’t know everything.
  16. I can’t say I blame you in that situation. Most people are far enough apart that you and them should be safe. The thing is we don’t really know. I lost 25 pounds since this started working out at home. It’s important to stay active.
  17. I appreciate the efforts. I was with you until that last statement. It is that contagious. We are all *****. One would think this would be the one issue everyone can agree on. Both the left and the right. And yet here we are arguing as usual. Lol. We follow the rules that are in place. We don’t gather in large groups and protest a lockdown. That’ll only prolong the lockdown. The sooner we can get over this the better. We need to, at the bare minimum, reach the requirements DT laid out for reopening.
  18. What I’m mostly seeing here is the criticisms of wearing a mask. They don’t specify which kind usually. I found them through a friend. He found them somewhere online. I get your sarcasm but this isn’t about just you. Don’t you have any at risk people in your life? Exactly. Both reports are out there. Why risk it?
  19. I mean this is a virus we all agree we don’t know much about and yet some of you still have all the confidence in the world to not wear a mask and actually ridicule those that do? ?
  20. Well that’s not what I heard. If your numbers are correct I take back my statement.
  21. And this is why we have the biggest problem in the world with this virus.
  22. Too funny. They’re finally SD in the WH and you say masks are now required? lol. That’s hilarious. Those idiots took long enough to follow their own advice. And what message does that send now? To the anti-mask crowd. You guys just don’t get it. You wonder why ppl wear them in their cars? Well maybe they’re going from one store to another and don’t want to fiddle with it. You wonder why they wear it in public when nobody is nearby. Once again they don’t want to fiddle with it. Before you people criticize others maybe you should think this all the way through.
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