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Everything posted by Justice

  1. One would think yes, but no. It’s not like they stuck around. I rarely seen them unless they came around to question and harass people. That’s why the guys from the area referred to them as “the jump out boys”.
  2. Yes and no. I wasn’t there the one time it happened in 10 plus years. I was on vacation. Thankfully nobody was hurt.
  3. Here’s something you won’t find in your stats. I owned a c-store in a predominantly black neighborhood for over 10 years. It was a common sight to see police harass my customers on a regular basis as they left my establishment. Too many times to count. I’ve also had customers tell me how they just got pulled over on their way to my store and were searched for no reason and not ticketed at all. I rented out my business and moved to the next one in a non-black, high income neighborhood that consisted mainly of Cuban Americans and white Americans. There was a police precinct no more than 150 yards away. The customers in this store drank beer in front of the business all day every day and nobody ever got harassed or pulled over. Take it for what it’s worth.
  4. I’ll pass on that. I’m all for people willingly joining the armed services but please do not force us. what do you call those of us that once supported the lockdown in order to curb the pandemic and currently support the use of force to stop rioting and looting? Lol this kid is an idiot. He’s a troll. Yes it’s despicable what they did to him but he should’ve known better. The Joker’s speech to Two Face comes to mind here. I’m not condoning any of it BTW. That is simply what came to my mind when I read it. He plays neither. Peter is played by Seth MacFarlane and Chris is played by Seth Green. They’re all named Seth. Lol
  5. And now two officers, one local and one state, have been hit by a car and have been taken to the hospital. Sad.
  6. I firmly believe the military’s presence alone will stop this. There won’t be much violence if any at all.
  7. The left should be begging for someone, anyone, to stop this madness now. Even if it’s someone they dislike. Do ppl realize how many ppl own guns out here? Do they realize that most gun owners lean right? This needs to stop now.
  8. Man when you leave it up to armed citizens to protect themselves it can turn out badly. Very badly. I’ve seen videos of ppl taken aback that ppl are defending their businesses. As of now there isn’t much shooting but if this continues there will be plenty.
  9. Some of y’all may not want to hear this but if DT doesn’t step in soon it’s gonna be way worse out there than anything the military will do to try and stop this. Store owners already shooting at people.
  10. It isn’t. There’s some underlying prejudice from those that think it is though. The rioters are behaving like thugs. That’s the truth.
  11. They’re F’in with ya. Don’t take the bait. Lol
  12. Come on. Be respectful. Be better.
  13. Oh it won’t even go that far. One look at the bad boys and those rioters will wet their pants and scram.
  14. Good job. I prefer, though, that he takes it upon himself and not wait on the do nothing mayors and governors and unleash the military now. Enough jobs and businesses have been lost already.
  15. How can it be racism when all races are involved?
  16. It might but that wouldn’t be my concern at that time. I’d have to see a deadly weapon to open fire or if the perp got violent.
  17. No way do I take a life unless mine or my family’s is at risk. No item in the world worth it.
  18. If there were ever a reason to stay at home...
  19. Same can be said about Trump. His rhetoric has always been divisive.
  20. Racist MFers. People need to avoid these situations. It’s way too dangerous out there.
  21. I don’t blame Trump for this and any sane person wouldn’t but it’s worth pointing out Trump himself blamed Obama while he was in office for some riots. There’s a tweet out there that says in effect ‘because of lack of leadership’. Scumbags.
  22. Out of curiosity. How many people here fall under one of the following: A. Full on quarantine. Wears masks in confined public places like Home Depot or a grocery store and the such. Doesn’t go anywhere else or see anyone. B. Partial quarantine. Goes to work but wears a mask the entire day and practices SD (6 feet distance) C. Gets our regularly and sees friends and family, but wears a mask and practices SD. D. Going to the restaurants and barbershops and every where else. No mask. No SD.
  23. Was he really? If that’s the case I understand your position.
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