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Everything posted by Justice

  1. They’re on their knees bobbing their head like you are.
  2. Oh I’m not banned yet?? Well how about this one? “It’s our time” is in reference to the Bills you stupid racist *****. You really are the dumbest man alive if you believe this crap.
  3. ***** you, dick. I’m done with this place because of ***** like you. Peace I’m out. Ban me for life. Copy n paste brain dead ***** moron
  4. “If I don’t steal it someone else will”. Pretty cut and dried here ain’t it?
  5. Sup fellas. Long time. Me and my fam got vaccinated about a month ago. Even my daughters who are only 21 and 19 (gotta love Florida). No issues so far. We all took the J & J shot. That’s not what prompted me to post a message though. I wanted to share something that seems odd to me. My extended family is from a small village in Palestine. No more than 4,000 people. Over 60% of the population has gotten covid. Here’s the kicker. Not one single person died from it. These aren’t exactly the healthiest people. They eat lots of bread and rice. Nobody works out. The only people you’ll ever see jogging are the tourists and yet no deaths. What’s really interesting is the few cases that were serious were given a shot that costs $4,000US in Israel. That’s a ton of money for the majority of the people from my village. Average salary is about $1,000 per month. I couldn’t tell you what’s in that shot. All I know is it works and takes about two to three days to recover from the worst symptoms. Take it for what it’s worth.
  6. Sup fellas. Been a few days. I have a couple of questions. 1. Why does the news always share the amount of people that have/had coronavirus and not tell us how many actually have it today? Those that had it and recovered seem to be living normal lives and seeing friends and family without passing the virus on. 2. If tiny droplets can spread the disease why do we need a giant Q-tip jammed in our brain for testing? Shouldn’t a cheek swab suffice?
  7. @B-Man please go back to being the copy-n-paste king. Or maybe don’t. You don’t know what you’re reading anyways.
  8. And that sends a bad message. Hillary Clinton, amongst other reasons, ignored certain states and that cost her the 2016 election. Biden is ignoring everyone.
  9. Wow. You’ve got me pegged. Except you don’t. I’d take Trump over Biden.
  10. Watching the replay now. This is some embarrassing ***** so far. 20 minutes talking about walking down a ramp and drinking water. Good god. 330m people in this country and we’re stuck with these two schmucks?
  11. “wasteland of twitter” lmao. You got that right. I love it for sports but politics? No way.
  12. Well that’s a shame, but I understand why. As you know I disappear from time to time but there’s no better place, especially these days, to get your news than here. Both CNN and FOX News are sickening and unwatchable. Like I said earlier, Tucker is the last guy left for me. Another positive here is you can get your news with little to no filter. Nobody trying to win an election.
  13. Come on now. All this kneeling and asking for forgiveness is out of control. Maybe I’m biased or maybe I’m just speaking out of experience, but I refuse to apologize for terrorism. I hate that ***** as much as anyone and maybe even more, but that ain’t me. I’m not responsible for anyone I share a book with or a race with. Can’t tell you how many times people told me to do more or ask me why I don’t speak out against it more as if that crap is my fault. It’s not and I refuse to bend to the pressure. Oh and I can’t forget the questions asking if I condemn it. That’s insulting. Thanks? Speaking of posting again. Where’s DCTom?
  14. Question 1. Because they’re one-sided jerks. Question 2. I love this one. I’d like to see them explain that. Question 3. We all know how that story ends and it usually ends with a mob, some rope and a tree. Not a very good idea. We need police. Question 4. Well here’s my advice to anyone that feels left out and I’m not saying this to be snide. Why not join in on the peaceful protests as well and not in the ‘I’m mocking your protest with my protest kind of way’? At the end of the day these people are protesting against police brutality. If all of these other races have that issue than they can bring anti-police brutality signage with them, because honestly the only people that care enough right now are the BLM folks. Just to be clear I don’t condone the violent protests or the looting and rioting and I recommend people stay as far away from them as possible when things do take a turn for the worst. Or you can stick around and help some of the people that try to prevent the rioting. I’ve seen many videos where people step in and prevent police from getting further hurt or damage being done to places of business. Protesting their protest only worsens the situation. White people rock. As do everyone else. We all have our A-holes though.
  15. Maybe I’m just stupid but why would anyone make 200M vaccines if it hasn’t been checked for safety? lol
  16. I laugh every time I hear you say the story is over. ? How many times can one say that? Lol
  17. Yup. And all that needs to be done to address this situation is the media has to report all police brutality cases equally regardless of race. That’s all. Lol. I won’t hold my breath. And then maybe, just maybe, blacks would sit back and say, ‘wow. We aren’t the only ones getting killed by cops’.
  18. Sure. It’s her right to be a hypocrite. I don’t see why not other than the fact she will lose viewers. I, for one, won’t be tuning into her show anymore and that’s my right. I already gave up on CNN. Tucker is the only guy I can tolerate at this point.
  19. I agree with just about everything you said. As far as the part in bold lettering how do we actually know that? Maybe it just isn’t publicized. Maybe it falls on deaf ears because the people that are hearing those speeches aren’t the ones that need to hear it.
  20. What Drew Brees said and did has absolutely nothing to do with Laura Ingraham. But since you asked I have nothing against what Drew said and I think his critics should chill the hell out.
  21. Can’t be a worse take on that video than this. It’s impossible. Criticize what LBJ says? Sure. Debate his remarks? That’s fine. Telling him to shut up and dribble? Not good. She can also just ignore him completely. Instead she said because LeBron ‘wasn’t elected and because he makes millions of dollars bouncing a ball’ he isn’t worthy of voicing an opinion. Hell thats fine too. But now she’s painted herself in a corner with every athlete and anyone else for that matter who isn’t ‘elected’. Treat them all the same no matter if you agree with them or not. What you don’t do is call Brees ‘a person’ (and LeBron isn’t?) who ‘has some value and is entitled to his opinions’, because she didn’t afford LeBron the same privilege. Disgusting!
  22. MLM? Lol. Seriously though. Is that all? I really thought that number would be higher.
  23. That’s the mentality of the people we’re dealing with. They truly believe it and I was skeptical. Case in point where I said ‘I’m not sure it that’s true’.
  24. Many of the people I spoke about earlier believed they were targeted because of quota. They believed the officers have to reach a certain amount of arrests per day/week and that they were viewed upon as easy targets. Now I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is then that is a huge problem. And while it may not be “systemic” it is a form of racism from individuals that believe a certain race is an easy target for an arrest.
  25. And this can help him win the election rather easily. I already believe he will win. But if he squashes this whole thing without violence he will gain a great deal of support. Furthermore there is a little bit of a gamble involved in this strategy of deploying the National Guard and maybe this is the reason why President Trump has yet to do it in other states. If there’s violence he would lose support. If there isn’t he will gain a ton of support. Same is to be said about the other side.
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