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Everything posted by Justice

  1. collective punishment is my biggest problem with them. I’d love to see more of that. They need to come together.
  2. Sure it’s easy to place blame on Hamas but what about the WB? What have they done? Israeli settlers are killing people there. My family is afraid to leave their homes. All I know is it’s been peaceful until Trump ok’d the move of the embassy to Jerusalem. There was some violence after that. And now what happened at al-aqsa and the “evictions” led to this recent wave of violence. In both instances violence was incited. I don’t know about all that. It’s no slam dunk Hamas wins in the WB. I do know Netanyahu had a lot of motivation to attack Gaza because of his political situation though. Who’s helping who here? But I’m not.
  3. Lmao. Working? Sure. It’s working... at getting themselves killed! Is it working? No. It hasn’t and it never has and it never will. It’s suicide and it’s insanity. Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. The world doesn’t care about you. Nobody is going to help you. But hey, I live here all cozy and such in Miami, FL. Who am I to say how one should resist or not.
  4. Jews belong in Israel. Sons of Abraham belong there. Ismail (the way Muslims spell it) and Isaac were Muslims and Jews. I’ll never argue with that. Jesus was from there so Christians be kind there as well. Just for the record.
  5. Fight back. When and where have I condemned Israel for fighting back? Show me. This ain’t the gotcha moment you think it is. And here it comes again. Show me where I said they don’t belong in Israel. I’ll wait.
  6. That’s on both sides. Why do you insist on only pointing out one? i realize your goal is to vilify one group but when I show you Jews doing the same thing what will you say then? Will your point still remain?
  7. I don’t think anybody needs to be taught to hate their oppressors. Kind of happens naturally you know.
  8. Gotta suspend disbelief in that equation. Besides. There are no native Americans left. And that’s the point. That’s what the Palestinians are trying to prevent.
  9. No. We don’t need nor want a military. Just let us live freely. Just like Japan after Pearl Harbor. I don’t know if it’s in the billions. The Qasaam rockets cost about $500 on average according to google. 5000 rockets will cost about $2.5m. And that’s it. You’ll just be upset? Wow. Home is home, my man.
  10. Seriously guys. Answer the question. Why ignore it? Do you feel like you’ll be betraying Israel? Would you feel like a terrorist supporter? If your homeland was conquered and occupied what would you do???
  11. Yeah. Pre ‘67 borders. Dismantle the settlements. In return all Arabs must leave Israel. lol. No. I don’t expect you to look it up. The point was to let you see how close in proximity the Muslims and Christians live with each other and they live in harmony. If it were a holy war wouldn’t you think they’d be fighting? No. I don’t even know what that means. Yahud I know. It means Jewish. I guess you didn’t hear about attacks the other way too huh. Figures. BTW. Keep ignoring the scenario I laid out. Whether it be the US or Canada or wherever. If you lost your land what would you do? If you were conquered and occupied what would you do???
  12. Anecdotal evidence I know but I’ve been to dozens of mosques and have never heard such rhetoric. I’m sure some feel that way but like I said. What if someone conquered and occupied the US? You think there’ll be nothing but roses from the survivors?
  13. I’m sure some feel that way. I personally I have been to dozens of mosques in the WB and have never heard such I’m not from Taybeh. I’m from DJ Khaled’s village. It’s called Al-Mazra'a ash-Sharqiya.
  14. Yes. That’s why the Israelis are opposed to a one state solution. They do not want to give equal rights to the Palestinians. They will be overrun. So what’s next? A two state solution right? They don’t want that either though. They have way too many settlements and are building more. With those settlements comes an Israeli military presence in the PA “controlled” WB. Therefore they want to keep things status quo. Make life miserable on the Palestinians and slowly take more and more and more land until there’s nothing left.
  15. Gaza is an open air prison. There’s a blockade on all sides. It’s the most densely populated place on earth per square inch and the Israelis cut off electricity and water going there whenever they like and it’s often. I can go on and on. It’s no paradise. Can’t even go fishing past a certain point. They most certainly are not okay with it. I can show you videos and should make you cry. All you have to do is pretend they’re American. Not a shot at you. Just have to make it more personal for most to truly feel it.
  16. Dude. They aren’t fighting for Jerusalem. They’re fighting for the right to visit there during Ramadan and pray in peace.
  17. It’s not in Gaza. It’s in the West Bank. And yet they’re killing Arabs in the WB as well. Settlers are killing Palestinians too. You just don’t hear about that in the news. Last I checked no rockets were launched from the WB.
  18. It’s a slow process but yes they are forcibly removing people from their homes and that’s the fear. This is how it starts. They call themselves the Jewish state so I suppose they want it all for themselves. Fear may not equate to reality though. Now you’re just trolling
  19. I don’t know if they want to remove everyone but laws have been made to get rid of some. That’s a fact. I wouldn’t call it a holy way because that’s not what the Palestinians are fighting over.
  20. A fight for lands, dignity, human and civil rights. Israel wants their land for the Jews and the Jews only. They call it, “the Jewish state”. Palestinians realize they consist of Christians and Jews. The village I have a home in is right besides Taybeh. Taybeh is 98% Christian. The two never fight. This isn’t about religion. Give me a second. Good God man. I’m still going back to the last messages.
  21. What would you rather hear about? Trans people? Or maybe dogs? Or maybe more Trump? I didn’t get banned. I tried. I was angry. I’m still pissed. Lots of morons here. Nobody answered my question. Would you classify yourself as a terrorist if someone conquered and occupied the US and you fought back? Nobody. Not a single one of you. Palestinians in quotations huh? Funny. My grandfather passed away in ‘05. He was 97 years old. He must’ve been insane because he told me he’s a Palestinian. FOH. Another idiot. Good Lord
  22. 1. You guys see how stupid this is? This is not a holy war. Not by any means. The only people that are making this about religion are the Israelis with their racist laws. 2. Palestinians are Arab. Not Muslims. Some Palestinians are Christian. This has nothing to do with religion.
  23. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/05/16/politics/biden-israel-progressive-democrats/index.html This for any idiot that thinks Biden won’t support Israel like any other US President has. Wag the dog. And to the US troops I say good luck in your war with Iran. More American blood will be lost on behalf of Israel real soon. As soon as Dem takes office the bloodlust resumes.
  24. There’s a political game and then there’s truth. Takes a man with honor and dignity to search for truth. Takes any type of scumbag to play the political game. Case in point. “Israel has a right to defend itself.” I mean who could argue with that logic? Nobody right? “Hamas is a terrorist organization”. Yep. That pretty much checks out. They target civilians. Pretty flawless political arguments right? Only thing is it’s complete and utter bull####. No I’m not gonna explain. If you don’t know by now you’re simply: a. Blind b. Stupid c. Can’t read between the lines d. Don’t give a damn about the oppressed e. Close-minded f. All of the above I’ll simply it for you. Try to follow along, ok? The US was invaded by the Native Americans who somehow gained a serious capability to overtake our military and people. They won the war and now we live under an occupying force. We Americans have been stripped of our arms and have no way in fighting back. We have no real military. We have no real funds coming our way. What we do have is rockets. We can acquire those and/or make them. Now let me ask you. Are you gonna use them at times? Or are you just gonna give up and allow the occupying force to slowly, but surely, take more and more property from you? Hmm??? Try to be honest with yourself. I know it’s hard for some of you.
  25. Going with that card already huh? ‘Tard. I literally don’t know anyone that wants that.
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