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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Move the embassy to east Jerusalem and we’ll maintain the peace during your presidency. They don’t want peace. Never have.
  2. I don’t know man. Jordan controlled Palestine too. As well as many others. I guess my grandfather, who would have been 113 years old if he were alive today told me he has always been Palestinian. Lol. I guess he was just lying since you can’t find it on a map. BTW. It’s located within the PA territories.
  3. Hell I probably love this country more than most because I know what it feels like to be oppressed.
  4. As a son of a Palestinian immigrant I love this country. I will die for this country if any nation attacks it whether it be muslim or not. I love the culture, food, the sports, most of the people lol, music, entertainment, freedoms we enjoy, the ability to make a nice living. I believe in the American dream and every first generation American I know hold all of these values close to their heart. We came here for all of these things which we love and respect and we made an excellent living here. We work hard. We pay our taxes. We follow the laws for the most part. I would want to make sure we only allow like minded people into this beautiful country as well. It’s actually a little village. It’s called Al-Mazra'a ash-Sharqiya.
  5. I know the definition. I’m asking what it means to you. Wait. That almost got by me. I’m a liberal? Lmao. I didn’t know that. Man you have all the right answers. You know everything. I’m sorry for ever questioning you. Lol
  6. Well that’s a cop-out. I painted you in a corner you can’t get out of so you took the weasel’s way out.
  7. “It’s clear we value different things”. Yeah I once moved from Buffalo, NY to Miami, FL. It’s still the USA. I own lots of property in Palestine.
  8. What does assimilate mean to you?
  9. First off. Home is home. My father built our home and I’m not leaving it. Secondly there’s no way in hell anybody else is giving up their home for you nor would Palestinians accept that. You can offer up Beverly Hills and you’d get a resounding no to that. It is NOT about getting rid of Israel. If you actually pay attention it’s about getting rid of Palestine. Unbelievable how the one thing that is actually in the process of happening is totally ignored while you chase after the Easter bunny.
  10. It would be great if Israel simply followed international laws regarding occupation.
  11. How tf? If they can’t live there nobody can! Wtf are you talking about. So it’s ok live in that illegally built home because you’re Jewish??? How racist is that?
  12. You’re probably not gonna watch this so I’ll just fill you in on a small piece of this video. This Palestinian family built a home on their property without permits. Israel told them they’re not allowed to live in it. Their options were to allow it to be demolished or leave it empty. They chose to leave it empty. The Israelis then brought in a Jewish man to live in that condemned property. It’s a racist regime. Period.
  13. Miss the point? They were there the very next day!!!! I’m not giving credit to anything as long as it’s BS. ‘I’m all about that action, boss’ - Marshawn Lynch
  14. Dude they’re a lot worse than that. “What they’re made out to be?” You gotta be kidding me.
  15. Well that ain’t right. Jerusalem is for everyone. They deserve the right to be there. Unfortunately problems do arise. They didn’t appreciate seeing the Palestinian flag there today. Both sides need to be more accepting of the other.
  16. Did you read your own article? Direct quote from the article you shared: ”In an attempt to avoid further confrontations, Israeli authorities have banned access by Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount for the time being.” Besides. The western wall is located near Temple Mount.
  17. For the time being. I guess that time is over with.
  18. When does round 2 start?
  19. Ever eat at the Old man and the sea? Pretty good food there.
  20. Home, for me, is here in the States. Miami to be exact. Pali is my 2nd home. I have a house and own property there.
  21. Why do people love their home? Dude. Come on now. You’ve got some crazy ass rationale going on up there. Why does anyone settle for their spouse? I mean there’s always gonna be someone better out there. People been moving for years? Well then I guess you wouldn’t mind if some dude invades your home, kicks up his feet on your favorite seat and grabs your remote. I mean people been moving for “eons”. Why be a Bills fan? There’s 31 other teams out there. Why buy a car? There’s always gonna be a better one. Etc etc etc The heart wants what the heart wants. There is no real explanation. I for one love Palestine/Israel. It’s a beautiful country. I love the fresh air, I love the mountains and beaches. I love the food. I love the architecture. I can only speak for myself though.
  22. Speaking of money. $3.8b per year to a nuclear power from the US to Israel seems a bit insane, doesn’t it? See my post about $3.8b per year in foreign aide to Israel. You think we want to broker peace? Lol
  23. I don’t condone that kind of behavior but trust me when I tell you just the mere presence of the soldiers should’ve stopped the rock throwing.
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