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Everything posted by Justice

  1. My heart says Buffalo, but they don't even have a better chance than Minnesota in football. The Red Sox are gonna make the playoffs this season so they probably have the overall better chance, but thet have to get past the Yanks first. If I had to bet on it, I'd say Boston.
  2. APOLOGY? WE DON"T NEED NO STINKIN" APOLOGY! a 2nd rounder for the TD a 3rd rounder for the safety a 4th round pick for the holding call Then we can call it even!
  3. APOLOGY? WE DON"T NEED NO STINKIN" APOLOGY! a 2nd rounder for the TD a 3rd rounder for the safety a 4th round pick for the holding call Then we can call it even!
  4. (crying out loud) that was the best win ever!! (Sob,sob)
  5. If we did lose the Bills, what would you do? Will you still follow them no matter where they go or will you jump on another team's bandwagon? Something to think about. I'm a Bill to the end. I would never jump on another teams wagon. I would probably follow them to or stop watching football all together.
  6. HEY REFS! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  7. How could TD make such a mistake? Relying on a undrafted, inexperienced guard instead of a bonafide baller like Kendall? This is one instance in which TD should've listened to the fans!
  8. How do you figure? He went to college. Blame Garnett or Kobe for that, not Michael.
  9. I got them finishing strong, also. 9-7 is my guess, but I believe they start the season 2-5.
  10. Actually, it was listed at that same price as yours but when I went to the self-check line a BJ's employee came by and reduced the price manually.
  11. It is a little disconcerning to hear a vet say he has to remember to set his feet after getting hit. That tells me he's scared. Doesn't he have enough things to think about than that, like running the offense?
  12. ? Check out today's Miami Herald. Even Kiki Vende-whatever(the GM for Denver) says it's true.
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