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Everything posted by Justice

  1. This is Miami your talking about. A place where world series tickets were cheaper than the $105 I paid to see The Bills vs Patriots opening week last year in Buffalo.
  2. B.Harami98. My first name starts with a B and my last name is Harami and the 98 is the # I selected to put on my Bills' jersey. It was the year after Cowart bolted when I decided to buy a Bills jersey with my own name a number on it because the year before I bought a Authentic White Cowart jersey. So I decided to get the new style Bills' jersey and make it Free Agency proof! Why I picked 98? I don't know. I just like the way it looks.
  3. I like MM and crew a whole lot!
  4. I didn't even realize it!
  5. I know. Only die hard Dolfans will be at the game this week. It's gonna be wild. I survived 10 years working at my convenience store in Carol City so I'm not worried about PPS or their stinkin fans, anyways!
  6. Time to eat some Fish. I've been foaming at the mouth waiting for some AJ Feeley. That guy wont survive the whole game. I guarantee it! I'll be at the stadium at 10 with a grill full of food, a cooler full of Corona and my DirecTV satelite dish for the pre-game shows and and the post-game tailgate. It won't be hard to find me. I'll be wearing a blue Bills jersey with the number 98 and B. Harami on it. Hence, B. Harami98! I'll share a Corona or two with some fellow Bills fans!
  7. I could be wrong, we might go 10-6! When I made that prediction of 9-7 in September I had no clue I would be this accurate so far. I'm shocked!
  8. If the Bills keep winning at rate of 5 out of every 7 games I'll take Bledsoe another year NO PROBLEM. JP can wait.(If were winning of course).
  9. MM and crew look like they have the making to be special group of coaches that can take us all the way!
  10. Damn! I was gonna post this very same topic! Do we change Buffalo's food from wings to cheeseburgers?
  11. I still say we beat Pitt.
  12. Let me clarify. It was his TD catch.
  13. It was amazing. That kid is the real deal.
  14. When I predicted the Bills would finish 9-7, I counted the Seattle game as a loss. Now that we won that game it looks like 10-6. The Bills are on a roll and I think I see a bit of a swagger starting to develop out of the Bills. Almost borderline cockiness! There isn't a team in the league (barring Pit, Phi and N.E.), that would want to face the Bills right now!
  15. You don't wanna know.
  16. I'm guessing it's pretty high.
  17. The willingness to bench struggling players. He's not afraid to use undrafted rookies as well.
  18. I really don't miss it at all right now. Even a losing Bills team is more entertaining to me then hockey. I usually start to watch hockey when football ends. That's when the strike will really hit me. Anybody else feel the same way?
  19. It looked more like Marrilyn Monroe to me.
  20. Tivo is a must have. It's a great experience watching the Bills' game on Tivo. I suggest Slow motion on all field goal attempts. Its kinda like game winning field goals in Madden 2005
  21. I'll be there. Us Stadium Wallers should meet up at the stadium and gang up on the Dolfans! You can be sure that the stadium is gonna be wild. Only true die-hard Dolfans will show up, so I'm ready for whatever happens. I love watching the Bills win in Miami. I only had the pleasure of seeing that 3 times in the last 11 years. The Monday Nighter with Kelly, once with Flutie and the third with Drew.
  22. I'm the type of person that says I told you so. 9-7. We lose @ Seattle and then we win our last 5. Including the Steelers game. They won't need a win by then. Why risk injury against a tough Buffalo D?
  23. Do you think we can get a couple of picks for Bledsoe, Henry and Moulds? Maybe we can get Dallas' two first rounders for all three Bills and a second round pick. Then we can draft a WR thats about 6'4'' with speed. That would be great. Plus we can use the other first rounder on a dominant TE or another offensive lineman. Anybody have TD and Bill Parcells' phone number?
  24. Look on the bright side. He wasn't even mentioning who would start at QB in the past. It was automatic. Now it isn't. JP will be starting soon. I predict it would take place in the middle of the Seattle Seahawks game.
  25. I don't remember. Was it Gregg's first win as a Bills head coach at Jacksonville?
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