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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Let me start with our own FA's. Pat Williams. I love the guy, but if he demands anything over $3mil per season, let him go. Edwards has promise. Jonas Jennings. Good but not great. Let him go and spend a little extra on Walter Jones or Orlando Pace. Restructure some contracts. Especially Eric Moulds', but in no way release him. Use the savings on an extension for Nate Clements. Open up a competition in camp for the starting QB job. Let JP and Drew go at it. Don't just give the job to one or the other. Bring in another Kicker. Hasn't Lindell cost us enough already? What are we waiting for? A 30 yard miss in the Super Bowl? Dump him now. Bring in a 6'4" possession WR. Our receivers lack size.
  2. B- I felt they coached scared at the beginning of the season and reverted back to that very same style yesterday, but overall I think the coaching staff is above average.
  3. I took the loss well yesterday. I caught a movie (The Aviator), my spirits were up and I was proud of the Bills and I felt good about the Bills' comeback from 0 and 4. I was also happy when I thought about next year's Bills. But then I woke up in a horrible mood today and the loss started eating at me. HOW COULD BLEDSOE REVERT BACK TO BLEEDSLOW? WHY DID WE COMMIT SO MANY PENALTIES? HOW COULD WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO GET BEAT AT HOME WITH A PLAYOFF SPOT ON THE LINE AGAINST SECOND AND THIRD STRINGERS? WHY DID'NT WE GO FOR IT ON 4TH DOWN? WTF's UP WITH THAT DELAY PITCH TO SHAUD WILLIAMS ON THIRD AND ONE? WHY DID WE THROW TO JOSH REED? Hopefully this is a learning experience for our beloved Bills. They must learn that they can't trust Lindell or Bledsoe. They must learn how to win the games that mean the most. They need to upgrade the O-Line, also.
  4. If by some chance, both the Jets and the Bills win, we have to wait until 7 or 7:30pm Sunday night, to find out if were in or were out of the playoffs. I will be a emotional wreck by then. I hope our spot in the playoffs will be sown-up by 4pm so I can party hard the rest of the day! I also believe that the (GULP) Rams gives us our best chance at making the playoffs. I do believe in fate, though and I think it is our destiny to be in the playoffs. I just hope the Bills don't think they reached the mountain top by simply making the playoffs. BTW. Do you think the Bills will allow the Jets score to be announced at "The Ralph"? It might be too distracting to the players as well as the coaches. If the Jets score early that might discourage the Bills as well.
  5. I'm only trying to give TD some props for making the right decision. He gotta QB with potential to be a starter and may even have gotten him cheaper than what he took from Dallas in return for and a year earlier than he would have if he had taken a Qb in this year's draft instead.
  6. 9 wins and counting. YEAH, WHAT?! OKAY!!!!!!
  7. You guys proved me wrong. I said a lot of bad things about the two of them, especially #11 and now I gotta apologize. Sorry. There, I feel much better now.
  8. Looks like that pick was another great move by TD.
  9. Does anyone know Mark Bulger's status for tonight's game? What are the chances Philly lets up on the Rams? And what are the Rams' chances of making the playoffs? Can Marshall Faulk play like "the Marshall Faulk of old" or like "a old Marshall Faulk".
  10. At least one more. I love it! Were making the playoffs fellas.
  11. Depends. If the Bills win the next two, Pitt doesn't stand a chance.
  12. I rented it 3 weeks ago. Should I watch it? BTW. I'm sure glad I got Blockbuster's Movie pass!
  13. in 10 years this past week. I took a trip to NY and Boston this weekend with the wife and had to miss the Bills game. I Tivoed the game before I left and made sure I missed all footage, scores and highlights for all of this weekend's games, which wasn't an easy thing to do in NY with scores on taxi cabs, buildings in Times Square and on newspapers. Not to mention my cell phone ringing off the hook at about 4:30pm from a Bills fan that only calls me when the Bills lose (which I didn't answer). I didn't get back from my trip to NY and Boston until Wednesday night. By then I was acting like Chris Rock's character from "New Jack City", fiening for a hit of some Bills' football. I finally watched the game at 11:30pm Wednesday and probably made enough noise to wake up all of my neighbors! But like I said before. Thank God for TIVO!
  14. 2 more wins and my prediction is on the money.
  15. If you call a wing that's crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside with delicious hot sauce "that good" than yeah sure, they are that good. Damn it man! Now I want some wings! Problem is I'm in South Florida where they don't know how to make a good chicken wing.
  16. That's what I meant when I said "I know it's a team game". No one man can do it by himself but take Favre away from GB. Do they win that one super bowl? NO.
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