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I’ve been saying I believe Hamas works for the Israelis. That’s what I’ve been saying. Maybe you don’t read my posts. Iran? Idk. They’ve never attacked Israel as far as I know. I did hear them say death to Israel but the guy (whatever his name is) clarified that comment and said he meant their government and not the people. He’s probably full of s*#t. Man I can’t just leave it at that. Of course there are plenty of people that would love to wipe Israel off the map. That goes without saying. There are bad and good on every side. To me there are no good guys in power. Only bad guys. I don’t trust any of them. Black, White, Arab, Russian, Jew, oriental, whatever the f$&K. They’re all shady.
And oh yeah f%*K Hamas and everything they stand for. And for the record I’m a moderate/libertarian because I ain’t about leaning in any one direction. Got it?
Wow. Somebody mad?? Don’t let that anger seep into you. It’s not healthy. I’m totally against everything that’s happened on the 6th. I’m the furthest thing from a lib you’ll ever see. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
With all due respect I get word from ground zero. I know what the people want. You get second hand reports. You get spoon fed by the media.
Tell them bro. Homeboy thinks isrealis are willing to coexist all the while they’re building more and more settlements and displacing more and more Palestinians. You can’t make this up.
Don’t speak for me and my people. Everyone I know recognizes Israel’s right to exist.
Keep my grandfather out of your mouth. He wanted the right of return. But yes. He dropped the ball hard on that one and Israel finished it off when they iced their PM. But hey you won’t mention that. Point went well over your head. I’ll spell it out for you. Call them whatever you wish but my lineage goes back much longer than this current group of Israelis do. Now say something smart. It probably bothers you to hear I own acres and acres of land over there. It’s been passed down generations and I’ll pass it down to mine. 😉
That’ll never happen. The Arabs would outnumber them and they’d lose every election.
Good job, Mayweather, you dodged the question. Maybe if I said what if the Native Americans took their country back how would you respond would you answer me then? Would you love them? Would you resist? IDK if they’re asking for the hostages to be released or not. I would hope they’d want that. I do.
Damn. My 97 year old grandfather who passed away 15 years ago and would have been 112 years old today was lying to me all this time? His father too?? And his before that? And so on and so on? You see today’s Israelis grandparents and great grandparents weren’t born in Israel or Palestine for the most part. It’s funny how you can make this argument and not give a F that Israel was Israel long before Palestine was Palestine. You want to go back 2000 years but refuse to go back 75. Well let’s play this game… what do we call non Israelis in 2023? Palestinians right? Palestinians need a Palestine. I’m not like that though. I recognize Israel’s right to exist even if it was 2000 years ago. I refuse to be the guy that won’t let a people have their dignity.
I see you edited your message. Yeah I know I have my tinfoil hat on again, but nobody can convince me otherwise. Hamas was started by Israel. They were funded by Israel since day one. They’re still being funded by Israel. Israel needs a Hamas. Former PM Olmert said so himself. They were started to be an opposition group to fatah and to divide the Palestinian people. Whoever said their job was done?? Who’s to say the partnership ended? As far as I’m concerned EVERYTHING Hamas has ever done has favored Israel.
I can imagine back in 67 they still had hope to get their entire country back. These days I’m sure that hope is gone and they’d gladly take the 67 borders back. Peace needs time. It needs work. What it doesn’t need is check points, rolling blackouts, incursions, settlements surrounded by armed bases, olive trees being bulldozed, collective punishments, homes demolished because they didn’t get permits to do slight renovations (they don’t give them the permits when they apply anyways), roads only one group can drive on (I can’t even drive on them and I’m an American citizen), and the water being cut off while your settlement neighbors have water sprinklers on. I can go on and on. A true two state solution is the only answer and over time radicals will die off, the bitterness of war will die off, the hate will subside, and the two sides can live side by side in happiness. Like I said this would take time and patience.
Please answer this question. If your country was taken from you at what lengths would you go to get it back from your oppressors? Will you love them or hate them?
Oh I see. I’m not the one insulting people. But ban me. Idgaf. Don’t need to be around a dictator like you.
I’m looking for them. Can’t find them here. Can you help me with that? The Italian protest, that’s the one I thought was being referred to, didn’t show anything like that.
I didn’t open the link all the way at before I spoke. I should have. My bad. That’s horrible. I don’t condone those chants and signs at all.
Here’s a quote I found to be interesting… “Nations, democracies don’t go to war easily and they usually debate and argue before they do. Sometimes they have to be bombed into going to war”
I didn’t see that but did everyone have a sign like that? Apparently it’s ok to send funds to Hamas. Didn’t you hear? It’s to ‘appease Hamas in hopes they become good guys’.
My parents fled back in 67. They lost their right of return. You think Palestinians trust they’d be allowed back? Why do you correlate protests with Jewish hatred? And you’re a moderator huh?
Guys. The gaza border isn’t a big one.
But they did know about it. Egypt told them. They knew enough to at least be on guard. What happened was the opposite of that. And can someone please explain to be how they took over 100 hostages back with them?
Guess you gotta be there to understand. Everyone I spoke to said it’s impossible. And the former idf soldier that said it was impossible. I’ll take their word for it.
That’s the thing bro. These guys don’t make mistakes. Especially at this level. No way. Impossible. And then there was nobody there to oppose them once they got through? That’s hard to imagine.
Funny story. I tried to take some illegals into Israel with me once. We wanted to have a BBQ at the beach. At the border they plucked each illegal out of the car as if it was magic. Lol. They knew exactly who was who lol. They took us all in. They placed the illegals behind bars and kept the rest of us with them uncuffed. I was grateful they didn’t arrest me. It could’ve been far worse for the crime I committed. They let us all go after a few hours including the illegals. I learned my lesson and never tried that again. I just wanted my relatives to see the beach. We have it so good over here. My time there taught me to never take anything for granted. Whatever makes you feel better bro. Those are all reported to be true. Like I said before maybe they don’t equal a conspiracy. I could be wrong. But all those things happened and are factual.
Yeah. Maybe. Dispute what I said in my initial point one by one then. They were warned about an attack and then LIED about being warned. Only God knows why they fessed up to it. Maybe they were told there was visual or written proof they were warned. But we can not overlook they lied about it. Hamas allegedly trained for this attack right under their nose. Nobody was there to stop 1,000-2,000 terrorists militants from entering. They had enough time where they knew they can actually rape and dismember people. Iron dome suddenly wasn’t effective like at all. You don’t give Hamas a dollar much less hundreds of millions and willingly allow more to enter through tunnels just so you can ‘appease them’. Are you f’in kidding me?? And the cherry on top. The best intelligence agency in the world didn’t know a thing about nothing? All that while the country was in turmoil and everyone wanted Netanyahu out. Something is fishy with all of this. Lastly Israel helped Hamas from its inception to be a group they can use to their advantage. Who’s to say they ever stopped???