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Everything posted by Justice

  1. It would be a pretty good idea to burn all of these songs, except "pour Some Sugar on Me"I
  2. As a father of two and after hearing about Robbins, Underwood, Spellman, Strezlyck (sorry if i mispelled that) and Wicky Williams I am concerned about it. Does anybody know anyone that's bi-polar and are there any signs or symptoms that can be detected in a person early?
  3. I voted for Henry. Now tell me who you WANT to be gone. Here's a surprise. I pick Drew.
  4. I live in Miami and I am a DirecTV customer. Do you know if "The NFL Network" showing Bills shows is regional or will be made available to all " NFL Network" subscribers? And is "The ESR" a part of their broadcasting ?
  5. other than Lost. How about soccer? Billions of people can't be wrong. Right? Hell yeah they can! Soccer blows. Baseball? I can't seem to pick a team to root for. I'm from Buffalo, where there is no professional baseball, so it's hard to jump on a bandwagon. I thought I'd be a Marlin fan or a Bosox fan but, they won a championship, and that wouldn't be right. Maybe I'll just be a Cub fan. I know, I'm a glutton for a punishment! But really, what else is there to watch to help pass the time until September?
  6. It's a tie. Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle Dr Dre's Chronic
  8. I like Lee Evans' catch in the rear corner of the end zone while dragging his foot to stay in bounds. I can't seem to remember the opponent, though.
  9. First of all, I'm not a pessimist. I'm a realist. I call it like I see it. Secondly, I'm not trying to make anyone miserable, "The Loss" already took care of that. I too agree that it was a good season and if you bothered to read any of my posts you can see for your self that I am not a pessimist. I nailed that 9 and 7 record way back in September. If you call 9 and 7 pessimistic, fine, go right ahead. If it makes you feel any better.
  10. Well since some of the starters didn't get benched he probably assumed that the Steelers would take it light and play not to get hurt.
  11. That's how TKO responded when asked on ESPN's Gameday "what would you do if your team had home field advantage throughout the playoffs in the bag like Pittsburgh does". That just goes to show how lightly the Bills took the Steelers.
  12. Did you catch the game @New England this year?
  13. Great post. I agree with a lot of what you said. I've been saying all along that it should be a open competition between the two of them next year. Bringing JP Losman in during the season if Drew falters or gets injured makes a lot of sense.
  14. Since "The Loss" I haven't been able to watch Sportscenter, Primetime, The ESR or anything else sports related. I haven't even been able to read the articles from TBD. Just the thought of waiting for the Draft, Mini camps, training camp and then the preseason makes me sick. The only places I can go to mourn is here and maybe BuffaloBills.com to listen to player reactions as well as Mike Mularkey's reaction to the game and his first season as head coach. Actually, Mike Mularkey made me feel pretty good. The guy has a unkanny ability to make people believe and feel good. We got us a winner, folks. Between MM & WM I think we have a great chance to win the Super Bowl in the near future.
  15. He should restructure. But if he refuses to restructure I'd still keep him. He's a baller and our O will suffer without him.
  16. they could've given up after the New England game but they fought back hard and gave us something to cheer for. Thanks Buffalo. The year was quite a roller coaster ride. Now let's shape this team into McGahee's team and let him run with it!
  17. Open competition in training camp and may the best man win.
  18. We thought the Steelers were gonna roll over for us and when they came out playing, it shocked me just as it surely shocked Buffalo. By the time we got our act together we once again put the gun to our own head and missed a gimme field goal and then handed the ball off to a Steeler for a Td and a insurmountable lead. The Bills got caught looking past an opponent. I stressed the Rams game all week and not once did the thought of losing to Pitt enter into my mind.
  19. Really? How do you know that? He looked very upset to me yesterday. He probably took the loss harder than anybody else. I think he likes Buffalo, but if he does leave remember one thing. " It's all about the Benjamins baby".
  20. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, ask the NFL kindly if we can have NE taken off our schedule.
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