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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Hey, where's my McGahee's gonna play thread? That s**t made Sportscenter! (Spotscenter music in the backround)
  2. Didn't he say that his key to success was not showering?
  3. Nobody ever gives props to the 2nd fiddle, but that just isn't right! There are many right hand men/women out there, who do you like the most? Here's a few examples: Anikan to Obie Wan Han Solo to Luke Obie Wan to Yoda Darth Vader to The Emporer Odie the dog to Garfield Donkey to Shrek (in honor of my daughters ) Robin to Batman Roscoe P. Coltrain to Boss Hog Jim McMahon to Johnny Carson Whatshisname from Scarface to Tony Montana Kobe to Shaq Dewayne Wade to Shaq Pippen to Jordan Willis to Arnold! GW Bush to Dick Chaney Mini Me to Dr Evil Shawn Wayans to Marlon Wayons I'm sure I left out a ton and you guys would also throw in some funny ones.
  4. Learn what? To take some nails to the dome and then lick the guy who did it!
  5. So what's better. The Cowboys early 90's line, which is full of huge road graders or Denvers' smaller more athletic line that can get my mom to run for 1500 yards a year?
  6. You ARE a true Dolfan! Sorry for questioning your loyalty
  7. I agree with that some what, but it would be nice to see them stink for a while only because they never experienced a sustained amount of time of just being lousy.
  8. What's the deal with going all out on repairing the defense that wasn't that bad in the first place? It seems like Saban is trying to copy the Patriots' blueprint. BTW. Is it true Saban used to give NE advice on college prospects? If it is true than you're pretty lucky.
  9. Count me in on that sentiment. I enjoy watching the Fins lose JUST AS MUCH as I love to see the Bills win! And when it both happens on the same day
  10. Thanx man. Whenever you guys are in Miami for a Bills game let me know. I always throw the best tailgates!
  11. Your obviously suffering fom denial Your more than welcome, dude.
  12. TD's MO. If he costs too much, let him go.
  13. Now I KNOW you were being funny. No disrespect to Puhonix but you never seen my wife and never will, but trust me on this. My wife is all of that and then some. In no way am I knocking Puhonix's girl. I'm just bragging about mine
  14. Was that supposed to be funny ........
  15. I, obviously, have no problem with OT's. Just because I once wrote "too many OT's" doesn't mean I'm against them. I was just being sarcastic. Trust me, if the Bills gave me something to talk about I would most definately talk about it but...
  16. Harami-Salami! Ha ha ha. That's the first time I heard that.... Since I was in first grade.
  17. So, what is it about the Bills do you love? Is it the heart and soul, the resiliency the Bills show everytime they're down but get right back up? Is it the passion the Bills fans have? Is it #21 from The U? Fess up, buddy. Inquiring minds want to know.
  18. I wouldn't exactly call Puhonix a troll so what other reason will someone visit another teams' message board? Must be a Bills fan. Lucy, you got some splainin to do!
  19. Great analogy from Shaq to describe the guards he has raised over his career. Shaq likened himself to the "Godfather" and Penny Hardaway was Fredo (ill-prepared to inherit the kingdom), and Kobe was Sonny (greedy and volatile about wanting), while Dwayne Wade is Michael Corleone, the one who shall inherit it all.- Via the Miami Herald. BTW. I was at the Lakers vs. Heat game last night. I finally caught a T-shirt from one of those T-shirt launchers. It was a entertaining game. Kobe was getting booed all night long. I met a couple of Laker fan chics that were pretty cool. Too bad I'm married. This girl was like Mary from "There's Something About Mary". She was a sports nut and looked good, too.
  20. I wonder where all these so called experts had Favre and Brady?
  21. I'm sick and tired of hearing about this darn subject. The way I see it, MLB is responsible for this nonsense and this subject can't go away fast enough for me. If MLB would've enforced the rules against steroid use in the fist place none of this would have taken place. The truth is, steroid use was good to the game. We know it, they know it. Let it rest.
  22. 1. true 2. true 3. 3-13, 8-8, 6-10 and 9-7 [8-8 to 6-10 isn't improvement] 2.
  23. Allof those guys contributed positively in their grades. We need more of them.
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