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Everything posted by Justice

  1. It said "Man's finger found in chili". Not "Man finds finger in chili".
  2. Damn you Haslett! Where is that darn Fyou thingy anyways. I say let's vote on bringing it back. As long as people don't use it on other TSWallers.
  3. Either way. Just by people saying the name Kent Hull now makes it bad enough on Jim Haslett.
  4. The ONLY all-time great in sports that I KNOW, didn't take roids: Wayne Gretzky.
  5. You're probably right. Everything is relative, anyways.
  6. He's a rat. You wanna tell on yourself, fine. Go right ahead. But don't narc out anyone else.
  7. You mean to tell me we won't be hearing names like Demitri Krochilkyziniski out of Nova Scotia Junior Hockey or something like that? Damn! What's the world coming to.
  8. Tons. I suggest you check the archives. BTW Maybe the best show ever IMO. I don't recall a program I liked better, except for maybe The Sopranos, but that's not TV it's HBO
  9. My vote goes to baseball. I remember a time where 30 homers was considered a big deal. Now that 50 homers is the new 30, how in the hell will fans be able to adjust when they're used to seeing so many balls fly outta the park? Look on the bright side baseball fans. At least a home run will be a big deal, now. Kinda like a goal in soccer.
  10. What you don't know, can't hurt you, but finding a HUMAN FINGER in your food is downright disgusting. I hope that person get's very rich off of this. They deserve it.
  11. What does a loss SOUND like? "Rian Lindell lines up for a 42 yard FG attempt with only 3 seconds left on the clock and the Bills down by one"
  12. looked awesome. Locke's starting to lose all his new found abilities and what about that plane? I'm intrigued, very intigued.
  13. How the hell do they explain that? Maybe they stole "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's" family chili recipe.
  14. Congrats. I have two daughters myself. What's the best thing about having a girl?The girls favor the dad over the mom .
  15. $850K? He needs to fire his agent. Do you think the Pats' front office hypnotizes their players at the negotiating table? Seriously, "Now at the count of three, I will snap my finger and you won't care about money. 1, 2, 3" Snap. "$850K, that sounds fair, I'll take it".
  16. Why would Saban even bring up the topic if he didn't want the guy back? Just to trade him? He's got no tradeable value.
  17. The Discovery Channel in HDTV is amazing.
  18. What would YOU give up for Wicky? GM's can get themseves fired for trading too much to get this nut case. I say he goes for a 6th or 7th round pick, but the most likely scenario is he suits up for the Fish, if at all.
  19. Ricky is bipolar. Barret Robbins, Demetrius Underwood, Alonzo Spellman, Justin Strezlyck were and are bipolar. Why would anyone want want a guy with that illness on their team? He can never be trusted. I actually feel bad for the guy, but he's got some issues besides his illness. Wicky hates having responsibities. He's a dad that's never around for his kids, he ditched his teammates right before the season started, he doesn't want the ball and he isn't a team guy when he is around.
  20. Whatever you do, make sure you plan, plan, plan. Organize the whole trip before you get there. I'm talking about going out, eating, entertainment etc. etc. If you don't, you may miss out on a lot of things the place you choose to go to has to offer and you can spend a lot more than you anticipated.
  21. When I do money transfers to Europe through Western Union for my customers, they usually send $100 US and the receiver gets $70 Euro.
  22. Thanks, buddy Honestly, I dunno how people feel. As far as me trying to get a rep, that's not a motive. I just like talking about the Bills and OT posts on TSW. You guys make me laugh and make me cry
  23. I THINK I have a bunch of enemies here anyways Besides, I do hope the guy is all right, and with that being said, "take the year off Tedy, we will miss you". (wink, wink)
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