Another masterpiece! Great episode all around. Locke definately is obsessed with the island and no matter how much we like him, he can't be trusted. You notice how he never told Boone he saw him in his dream bloodied up?
Let's play devil's advocate for a sec. There is another way to look at the whole situation. If Locke was able to move, maybe he would've went up to the plane by himself. Maybe the island took his abilities away so that Boone can reach his destiny.
Either way, Locke didn't care much about the well being of Boone. He just ran off and went to the hatch. As far as that light cutting on? I don't know what that's about. We'll see. Can't wait for next week.
Oh yeah, Sawyer had that coming! That was good s**t. I loved that expression on Sawyer's face when Jack told him he needed glasses in medical terms. Those glasses are killing me though, I hope the poor guy doesn't have to wear them often. He is far sighted, so he probably won't have to.
Dude that isn't cool at all. First you say someone is gonna die and then you say you don't want to ruin it? You already DID ruin it!
BTW. No, we don't wanna know who it is will die and it's pretty obvious at this point anyhow.