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Everything posted by Justice

  1. http://www.wkbw.com/sports.aspx?type=sn Enjoy.
  2. That's how it works in Florida. They charge him with the highest charge possible and it's up to the jury to decide if the accused should get a lessor charge.
  3. Why would they give up the ninth overall pick for Clements when they can have Surtain for a second rounder?
  4. He was charged with four counts. 1. Murder in the first. 2. Kidnapping 3. Sexual Battery on a incapacitated person. 4. Sexual battery It's up to the jury if we feel he deserves the lessor counts of each accusation. After murder in the first there are 3rd degree murder and then manslaughter. The lessor charge of kidnapping is false imprisonment and Sexual Battery stays the same.
  5. I impressed the jury with my recollection of all the witness' testimony. Especially the defendants' testimony. I even acted out both scenarios that the prosecution and the defense gave.
  6. No, she didn't make a move. The only move she made was to the front door to try to leave. He then grabbed her and dragged her back into the house and then had his way with her right there on the floor.
  7. $30 bucks a day in Miami if it lasts three days or longer. $15 dollars a day if only one or two days long. BTW. Parking isn't free.
  8. There were jurors who thought this guy is innocent. I had to fight and plead my case and make us deliberate another day just to get the conviction we got. Our very first vote was 10 not guilty & 2 for guilty. I was besides myself. After hours and hours of talking it out, I finally put some sense into these peoples' head. I'm still mad. I wanted murder in the first, kidnapping and sexual battery. BTW. For all of you talking about the 9 year term for spamming. The defendant was offered 10 years by the state in a plea bargain to avoid a trial. 10 years for all that he did and 9 years for spam? Yeah, that sounds fair. BTW #2. The defendant's testimony went something like this. "I asked my wife if she was okay" (hours after she accidentally fell and broke her back and couldn't move a limb), and her response was "no, that's okay, I'm allright" WTF???!!!!! This guy is a complete idiot if he thinks anybody can believe that crap.
  9. I totally disagree. Gang bang by prisoners first. So he can feel it. Paralysis. Then death.
  10. manslaughter and false imprisonment. This guy (the defendant) should never had taken the stand. He convicted himself with his inconsistent testimony. To make a long story short. The defendant wanted sex from his wife and she didn't want to. She screamed for help and hollered for someone to call 911 while she was trying to leave her apartment. A witness verified that story. The husband then dragged his wife back into the house (False imprisonment) and then threw his wife on the floor. He then took both her legs and pushed them all the way to her head in the process breaking her neck and spine. She became a quadrapalegic instantly. He then proceeded to have sex with her while she was incapacitated. We didn't find him guilty of sexual battery because of lack of evidence. The victim died 16 months later due to complications from the trauma caused by her husband. 15 years is the maximum amount of time you can get for manslaughter and 5 years is the max for false imprisonment. They can be served simultaneously or separately. I believe he'll get the maximum sentence allowed by law because he is a four time felon prior to this conviction. One of them was for murder. The jury didn't know what his charges were during the trial, we only knew about his 4 felonies. Here's the worst part. This guy worked for the city for 20 years.
  11. Great show, as usual. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.
  12. Congratulations. I hope they are all right. My best wishes goes to you and your family.
  13. I'm so overcome with emotion right now. Happiness, sadness (for all of those families stricken by Lupus and many other diseases), disbelief, joy etc. etc.! I can't even explain in a million words how I feel. I give to the poor and less fortunate every year, but now I will also send some money to different charities that help people affected by various illnesses. This experience will forever change me.
  14. YES!!!!!! Best news of my life. Thanks to everyone for all your kind words and best wishes. I'm going to celebrate.......as soon as I get outta work.
  15. Where's 24? I know a lot of people that love that show. I wish I would've watched it from day one. I'll probably rent all the past episodes and catch up to the new season coming up after this one. American Idol ? I'm just being sarcastic. I hate that show. Death to all reality programming
  16. One thing is for sure. The island forces everyone to confront the skeletons in their closets. I hope this show doesn't turn out into one big group therapy session and everyone is under hypnosis.
  17. Man I love this show! I've never seen such a thought provoking show in my life. Anybody know anything about the writers? What other work have they done?
  18. Oh yeah, I forgot all about that episode. That guy looked freaked out when he looked into Claire's future. Maybe Claire will die while giving birth.
  19. Good for him. I liked Wiley while he was here. I hate his self proclaimmed nickname. "Dat Dude". What the hell is that?
  20. My condolences . Life sucks. The minute you're born, you begin to die.
  21. JP Losman seems to have the makings to become a great player and leader. I like this kid already. Drop the 5, will ya? That one blew.
  22. Another masterpiece! Great episode all around. Locke definately is obsessed with the island and no matter how much we like him, he can't be trusted. You notice how he never told Boone he saw him in his dream bloodied up? Let's play devil's advocate for a sec. There is another way to look at the whole situation. If Locke was able to move, maybe he would've went up to the plane by himself. Maybe the island took his abilities away so that Boone can reach his destiny. Either way, Locke didn't care much about the well being of Boone. He just ran off and went to the hatch. As far as that light cutting on? I don't know what that's about. We'll see. Can't wait for next week. Oh yeah, Sawyer had that coming! That was good s**t. I loved that expression on Sawyer's face when Jack told him he needed glasses in medical terms. Those glasses are killing me though, I hope the poor guy doesn't have to wear them often. He is far sighted, so he probably won't have to. Dude that isn't cool at all. First you say someone is gonna die and then you say you don't want to ruin it? You already DID ruin it! BTW. No, we don't wanna know who it is will die and it's pretty obvious at this point anyhow.
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