This is a good topic. I agree with what everyone is saying but, let's play devil's advocate for a second.
TD and MM must have a lot of faith in Losman's ability. They see him at practice, studying film AND in the weight room everyday. They know if he's a player or not. The problem of assessing Losman's talent is the intangibles. How does JP see the field in a real game? How does he respond to pressure?
MM has enormous confidence in his own abilities as well. He brings out the best in every QB that played for him. Especially when his running game was going well, which I'm sure he's anticipating the same type of production from Willis McGahee this year as he got from Bettis back then. BTW. Do you think WM has the, I hate to use this word, "potential", to be a better back then Jerome? I do. When the running game is going well, MM even gets an insurance salesman and that I'm not sure if I'm a QB or WR slash guy playing like real QB's. Imagine what he can do with JP.
We also boast the top special teams and second rated defense overall in the the NFL.
There's a flip side to all of this also. Is it now safe to say, after five straight years and zero playoff appearances, that TD is on the hotseat as GM of the Bills? What does he have to lose? He might even get to keep his executive job with the Bills and hire himself a GM if things go bad. You have to admit, the guy is a schrewed business man. Take a look at all the jerseys he is selling!