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Everything posted by Justice

  1. All this and you guys still think Israel didn’t know what was coming on the 7th? And I know how this is gonna sound but that recording can be from anybody. This is not proof of anything. Is it possible it’s real? Yeah… maybe. It isn’t evidence though.
  2. I agree. It is a failure. Because everyone has their one agenda.
  3. When people say things like ‘unbreakable bond’ or ‘our ally no matter what’ or ‘if there isn’t a Israel we’d have to invent one’ it doesn’t bring much faith from the outside world you’re dealing with a honest broker. Oh s**t!! He just said it again. We’d have to invent it! I’m sorry. As a tax payer I resent that we send our money to ANYONE outside of this country.
  4. Netanyahu was right. I know I posted this earlier but it deserves to be repeated… “I know what America is,” America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in the way.”
  5. I’m not sure if they left yet either. I assumed they’re there.
  6. So we just ignore the tweet. Ignore the fact the Israelis said evacuate those hospitals. Ignore the fact that Israel already hit that hospital last week. Ignore the fact Netanyahu said they will remember this for generations? Its possible. You can be right. But I don’t think we should be so quick to believe it. Not only do you have to buy it was a faulty rocket but that there was indeed a weapons cache in there. Why weren’t there multiple explosions then? And I guess that sound was added in that cell phone video of the rocket landing? Honestly I’ve never heard anything of the sort but they can be too afraid to say anything. Collaborators are every where. Might as well be kneeling right in front of him on both knees, mouth wide open.
  7. We’ll see about that. We sent 2000 soldiers to Israel didn’t we? I hope you’re right.
  8. God I hate that last sentence. This is proof of being brainwashed. I respect you for the most part but you lost me there. I can assure you of this country (I assume you’re American) ever gets occupied you will not love your oppressors. Please try to have some empathy. Even for your enemies.
  9. I didn’t see those. We have some first hand accounts of family members that have moved around Gaza freely. I’m not denying what you said though. Anecdotal evidence isn’t enough sometimes.
  10. Lol yeah. It’s all Russia and China’s fault! Couldn’t be the US! We haven’t done ANYTHING wrong. Absolutely it could have come from the Palestinians. Only problem with that is someone in the know from the israeli side tweeted it was the Israelis and then deleted the tweet. Here’s that tweet… https://x.com/colaadcadde/status/1714402922069393587?s=46
  11. Ah yes. Their rockets are substandard but yet oct 7th happened. Iron Dome failed that day with those substandard weapons all of a sudden. Also Israel has excellent intelligence… except for the 7th. Yeah yeah yeah. Let’s forget about the tweet that was put out saying the IDF bombed the hospital by that Israeli reporter.
  12. Did I deny any of those things? The only one I know not to be true is Hamas isn’t forcing anyone to stay. I’m sorry I don’t get spoon fed all my info while I’m on all fours getting bukakied.
  13. “I know what America is,” Netanyahu said. “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in the way.”
  14. actual exchange on cnn right now “we wouldn’t hit hospitals” “It’s been reported you’ve attacked hospitals in the past. As a matter of fact you hit this very same hospital last week” ”if there’s a high value target we will hit a hospital” You can’t make this crap up. also on msm: “is there drone footage that can help find the truth” ”drones are always up” not on the 6th though right? Foh. Another lie: ”we warned Israel an attack was coming” ”we were never warned” ”ok we were warned” Israel's style of public relations A quick guide to Israel's PR methods: 1. We haven't heard reports of deaths, will check into it; 2. The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb; 3. OK we killed them, but they were terrorists; 4. OK they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields; 5. OK there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose; 6. OK we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are! 7. Why are you still talking about Israel? Are you some kind of anti-semite? Test this against the next interview you hear or watch.
  15. https://x.com/colaadcadde/status/1714402922069393587?s=46 Liars. Want to know how I know they’re lying because the msm isn’t showing this tweet or his revised tweet. Scum bags.
  16. Word. It’s quite obvious.
  17. https://x.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1714390914079060450?s=46
  18. Hold your kids extra tight tonight. We’re on the brink of WW3. If only peace loving people ruled this world we wouldn’t have to worry about such a thing. But nah… everybody wants blood. On all sides. They will get their fill soon.
  19. My question is when is enough, enough? My fear is one can’t really define terrorist or Hamas member. If Israel says they are you all believe it. They just have to say it. No proof necessary.
  20. Honestly this proves absolutely nothing. Just as easily one can say rockets were being launched from that spot and Israel returned fire and hit the hospital. It can also be what this video says but it’s not proof.
  21. No way Israel would bomb a hospital. Impossible. The people that gave the PA territory to control and then turn right around and build settlements on them would never do that. They’re full of honesty and integrity.
  22. Fully agreed but I’m not gonna sit here and pretend to know what that feels like and how I’d react
  23. I know you say that but if you can just imagine the level of hate one can have for his oppressors. Allow me to dumb it down for you. Let’s say a child of about 12 years old in 2014 lost his entire family to an airstrike. That kid is now 22 years old. Raised without a family. Nobody to teach him right from wrong except for maybe some sick ass Hamas members. How the F do you think this kid will come out?? See everything is black and white for most of you. When in reality it’s gray as hell.
  24. Now this question I will ignore.
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