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Everything posted by Justice

  1. You're joking, right???? You must have missed my notorious thread that got me banned for 2 and half years!
  2. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I happen to think that TB is a great QB. Are we to believe that BB started cheating when Brady took over or did our old pal Drew Bledsoe also get some help in that department? If he did, it sure didn't show.
  3. Very true. It's hard to play in the shadow of a HOFer. Just ask Todd Collins.
  4. Are you serious? I thought I was gonna get flamed for this post right away.
  5. I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I'm gonna say it anyways. When I think about whom Trent Edwards reminds me of the most I can't help but think of Jay Fiedler. He reminds me of Jay in a lot of ways, such as smarts, on field leadership, overall calmness and poise in the pocket as well as arm strength. I'm not saying that he won't be better than Fiedler, but I do see a lot of similarities between the two QB's, AS OF NOW. I've heard comparisons around here with Tom Brady but that is just ridiculous. A QB like Tom Brady doesn't grow on trees. He's one of the All-Time greats. Hopefully TE can become a great QB like Tom and he still can. I'm not knocking TE in any way. JF won more than he lost and he was a perennial playoff QB with the Fish. I'm hoping TE will be better than JF, of course. This is what Jay Fiedler's career stats look like: G CMP ATT PCT YDS AVG TD LNG INT RAT Career 77 1008 1717 58.7 11844 6.9 69 74 66 77.1 Here are Trent's: 151 269 56.1 1630 6.06 7 70 8 70.4
  6. I'd like to go in a different direction here. I'm looking forward to seeing Brad Butler's play this year after he started most of last year. I think he can become one of the elite guards of the league. He has the physical size and toughness to get the job done. George Wilson is another guy that intrigues me. He was a play maker in only his first season as a starter at safety. He should make our nickel and dime coverages even better this season. I'll be watching Darien Barnes at FB as well this year. When healthy he proved to be a devastating lead blocker in years past. Let's hope he can regain that ability now that he appears to be healthy.
  7. Super Spoiler alert *If you had stuck around to the very end of the credits you would've seen NPH pick himself up off of the ground and dust himself off. He's not dead.*
  8. You think YOU got it bad? I have your same exact problem on the left of my house. This dog has a serious "Napolean Complex". He's all of one foot tall and has the loudest, most annoying bark in barking history. The house on the right side of me has a dog as well but it isn't what comes out of his mouth that bothers me. These filthy people don't clean after their dog very well. He craps all over the place and makes my whole yard wreak like dog poop. Every now and then these pigs finally dispose of all the dog crap and when they do, the pile of crap literally reaches up to a person's knee in height. I've contacted my HOA and my neighbors took care of their problem for all of one week and then they were back to the same old s**t. No pun intended.
  9. Me and Marshawn shared a bottle of Absolut on Chippewa and then I smoked a pack of smokes with JP and Donte.
  10. "We want Favre to return as a back-up" = Let's pretend that we want Favre so that another team (of our choice) will give us a draft pick for him.
  11. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=28939&hl= So Matt, did you make good on our bet?
  12. Goodman, Andre'<McElvin 1-0 us Lehan, Michael<Greer 2-0 us Crocker, Chris>Scott 2-1 us Hill, Renaldo<Simpson 3-1 us Allen, Will<McGee 4-1 us Billingsley, Will<Youboty 5-1 us Davis, Keith<Wilson 6-1 us Daniels, Travis=Corner 6-1-1 us Allen, Jason>Wendling 6-2-1 us Babers, Scorpio=Cox 6-2-2 us Bell, Yeremiah<Whitner 7-2-2 us It's not even close by my count.
  13. A 2.5 million dollar raise a year ain't too bad either.
  14. That's what I thought. Now I feel much better about #95's deal. A $14.5 million deal over three years would've been way too much for him.
  15. Did Kyle Williams, who had this year and next year remaining on his original contract worth about $1 million, just add three more years to make the deal a 5 year deal worth $14.5 million? Or did the Bills just give Kyle Williams an extra $13.5 million for ONE additional season?
  16. WTF??? The Dolphins' secondary gets a B????
  17. Ideally, I would like our defense and offense to be so good that special teams will just be the icing on top. If we have to rely on the special teams to win us some games than we are in trouble.
  18. Peters was given a deal when he was a RT. Buffalo should extend him. No way Peters should be paid less than Walker.
  19. Too early for me to call it. Training camp is very telling. I'll wait until then.
  20. There has been a lot of activity this off-season. Jason Peters' holdout, Lee Evans' contract negotiations and Marshawn Lynch's legal and possible league problems stemming from his notorious hit and run come to mind as some examples that headlined Buffalo's off-season. Here's my take on what might unfold. What's yours? 1. Jason Peters #71 is without a doubt the best player on the entire roster and maybe even the best LT in the entire league. He's the third highest paid lineman on the Bils' offensive line. He just signed a couple of years ago and he was being paid as a RT at that time. My take: Peters should be paid the money he deserves. He needs to be the highest paid lineman on the team. Since Jason has three years remaining on his current deal he should come at a discounted price. I'd give him a 7 year deal worth $52 million with $20 million guaranteed right away. What might happen: Jason will miss some or all of training camp and Buffalo will lure him back to camp by assuring him of a new deal next year. 2. Lee Evans Lee Evans is a good receiver with burning speed. The QB situation in Buffalo since Lee's arrival has been unstable, to say the least. Evans has already been offered a deal by the Bills and has apparently turned it down. My take: By no means is Lee Evans an elite receiver and shouldn't be paid like one. I think the Bills should give him a deal similar to Javon Walkers' contract with Oakland. What might happen: Evans will play out the year with his current deal and try to break the bank next year. Lee will have a nice year, demand too much money and won't be re-signed. 3. Marshawn Lynch Marshawn Lynch was the driver in a hit and run. He may or may not have known if he had hit the girl with his SUV. Lynch's legal problems will soon be over and will not receive any jail time. My take: Lynch had a clean record before the incident and should be given the benefit of the doubt. The evidence shows he didn't even slow down so he may not have kniown he hit the woman. There will be no suspension. What might happen: Marshawn will be given a stern warning and will be put on the League's Drug Program. There will be no games missed due to suspension.
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