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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Billy Joe Hobert here. Sorry, I didn't read your whole thread before posting.
  2. Because going for two would've been a horrible decision. If the Raiders would've missed the two pt conversion than they would've only had a 8pt lead over the Bills. Meaning that the Bills could tie the game with a TD and 2pt conversion of their own.
  3. You're right. It's spelled out; ochenta y cinco.
  4. My thoughts as Brady's injury was announced in chronological order:
  5. http://angrybear.blogspot.com/2008/08/gaso...-elections.html Here's a small piece from this article: But interestingly, since the oil market was deregulated, gasoline prices have shown a different seasonal pattern in presidential election years. In presidential election years the fall peak in gasoline prices shifts back to the spring and in the months running up to the election, gasoline prices are essentially unchanged. In the last seven presidential election years gasoline prices peaked in May three times, in June three times and in July once. So the question is why in non-presidential election years do gas prices peak just before November, but in election years they peak months earlier and are flat running up to the election?
  6. It's funny you say that because Palin is also being looked at for letting go a guy just because he would not fire another guy.
  7. Now that I've had the chance to hear both candidates give a speech during their respective conventions, I came to one conclusion. Do you want a President that lives in the past or do you want a President that has a future? McCain never fails to bring up his past and remind us all of how big a hero he is. We know the man is courageous and was a great war hero but, should we give him the presidency just because of his past? McCain's introductory tonight was great and his autobiography was inspiring, but he should've mentioned something about the future as well. I realize McCain is probably in better shape, besides his skin cancer, than most people is age, but I wont even let my 71 year old grandfather drive the car on a family trip much less run the country. I, for one, truly believe that some nations will be better off with younger blood running their countries. Let's use Israel and Palestine as an example. Bring in a Palestinian President and an Israeli Prime Minister that truly believes in peace and the fighting will stop. The problem here is people often vote in the wrong guy. Only younger blood will see things more clearly. Our parents' generation was far more racist than ours is, for example. If McCain becomes President, how can he go to other nations preaching peace when all he does is vote in favor of anything pro-war? The war will resume and oil prices will climb. BTW. Has anyone else noticed the price of gas lately? It's going down. I wonder if that has anything to do with the election.
  8. Two years ago a pro bowl running back left his team for greener pastuers. Last year, another team lost it's best offensive weapon to retirement. You know what those two teams went on to do? They both won Super Bowls. I'm just sayin'.
  9. Yeah, let the republicans continue to run s**t. They're doing such a wonderful job. Just because he moved his speech to a larger venue doesn't mean anything. People wanted to see him. He greatly obliged. Let's see McCain sell out Mile High. BTW. As Senator, Barack Obama helped make gift receiving from lobbyists illegal. That's one freaking thing for you. You did ask for just one.
  10. I truly believe that Obama's candidacy is NOT a show. There is some substance to Obama's style. Sarah Palin's selection as a possible Veep wreaks of an attention getter, a headline grabber. More of that "shock and awe" crap that right wing conservatives love so much. McCain spoke to that woman for all of five minutes by phone and that's supposed to be enough for McCain to make his choice??? Come on, dont give me that crap. I ain't buying it. It was all for show. Obama is truly inspiring and motivating. Just look at his speech he gave in a football stadium. 85,000 people packed the house to hear the man speak. If there's any showmanship involved with Obama it's only because he demands that kind of attention with his presence alone. Hell, even 250,000 people in Germany went to see that man speak.
  11. I posted this on another thread that I started. (I didn't search before I posted) Here it goes. Sarah Palin: Not the VP this country needs. Nothing on the economy tonight during the RNC. Nothing on immigration or health care, either. This is the same group that tell us they are the "experienced ticket". Well if they are, they should know better than to just run a smeer campaign rather than speaking about the issues and laying out an actual plan to help fix our nation. Sarah Palin ran a town of 9000 as mayor but couldn't even run the economy in that little town, much less the whole country. She left that little town in degt! No wonder she doesn't want to discuss the serious issues, such as the economy. I also caught a more negative vibe out of the RNC tonight than what I saw at the DNC. Sarah Palin was overly sarcastic in her speech tonight. Overall, I felt that Gov Palin gave a great show at the convention. But that's all it really was, a show.
  12. Nothing on the economy tonight during the RNC. Nothing on immigration or health care, either. This is the same group that tell us they are the "experienced ticket". Well if they are, they should know better than to just run a smeer campaign rather than speaking about the issues and laying out an actual plan to help fix our nation. Sarah Palin ran a town of 9000 as mayor but couldn't even run the economy in that little town, much less the whole country. She left that little town in degt! No wonder she doesn't want to discuss the serious issues, such as the economy. I also caught a more negative vibe out of the RNC tonight than what I saw at the DNC. Sarah Palin was overly sarcastic in her speech tonight. Overall, I felt that Gov Palin gave a great show at the convention. But that's all it really was, a show.
  13. Now that I've had a chance to see the Bills play in the pre-season I'd have to say that the Bills are even harder now to gauge after having seen them play. Trent Edwards hasn't played in a live game since week two in the pre-season and I fear that he will be a little rusty. On the positive side, at least his performance in that game he did play in was phenomenal. I still have some questions about Trent that haven't been answered yet thus far in the off-season. Is his arm strength improved over last year? Is he ready to lead? Our offensive line is in a state of flux thanks to Jason Peters' nasty hold-out. I fear that Langston Walker will need help, especially against speed rushers, and that will hinder Lynch's ability to help on the offensive side of the ball instead of pass blocking. That in turn will have a negative impact on the whole offense. The defense is in much better shape than they were last year. Stroud, Mitchell and Pos will help stop the run and the pass defense looks like they are in good hands. Whitner looks like he's ready for the next level. My one concern is the pass rush. I haven't seen anything from our pass rushers this pre-season to believe they have the makings of a formidable pass rush. Will Lynch have room to run? Can Hardy make an impact? How rusty is Ko Simpson? Can Youboty play this well in the regular season? I have a ton of questions, but I will try to make a prediction anyways. DAY DATE OPPONENT TV TIME/RECAP Sun. 9/7 SEATTLE SEAHAWKS The Bills will win this one and cover the spread (whatever it is) while doing it. 1-0 Sun. 9/14 @ Jacksonville Jaguars Tough one here. The Bills go down swinging. 1-1 Sun. 9/21 OAKLAND RAIDERS Bills win a close one. 2-1 Sun. 9/28 @ St. Louis Rams Bills win this one too. 3-1 Sun. 10/5 @ Arizona Cardinals Buffalo can win this one but I have a feeling they don't. 3-2 BYE 10/12 BYE BYE Sun. 10/19 SAN DIEGO CHARGERS Bills lose two in a row. Chargers are too good. 3-3 Sun. 10/26 @ Miami Dolphins Just the opponent you need when you're on a two game losing streak. 4-3 Sun. 11/2 NEW YORK JETS Bills always win at least against once and Favre struggles in Buffalo. 5-3 Sun. 11/9 @ New England Patriots Some things never change. 5-4 Mon. 11/17 CLEVELAND BROWNS ESPN 8:30 PM Primetime at the Ralph? Bills win this one. 6-4 Sun. 11/23 @ Kansas City Chiefs Bills win easy. Chiefs are one of the worst teams in the league. 7-4 Sun. 11/30 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS Bills are in a zone. We win this one just barely. 8-4 Sun. 12/7 MIAMI DOLPHINS (Toronto) This one makes 4 wins in a row. 9-4 Sun. 12/14 @ New York Jets Bills lose this one. Thank You for unretiring, Favre. 9-5 Sun. 12/21 @ Denver Broncos Bills don't play well at Denver. 9-6 Sun. 12/28 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Bills end their skid with a win against the Pats. NE will rest their guys for this one. 10-6 There you have it. Buffalo finish the season 10 & 6. I hope this record will be good enough to get us in the playoffs.
  14. There's a TGIF's sports bar called "Front Row" located on International Drive. They have great food and tons of televisions. I always watch Bills games there when I'm in Orlando.
  15. The Bills should get dirty. Go after Peters' signing bonus. Why not? Peters can sit for three years and he will still belong to the Bills for another three years. Take away all his money and see if he sits. The Bills have all the power in this situation. They are entitled to Jason's signing bonus. If Peters wants his dough, he can show up and then talk about a new deal. It's that simple.
  16. Maybe now Peters will finally be given an extension so we can carry on with our march to the playoffs.
  17. No trades allowed in your league on draft day?? That sux. I already made a couple of trades in my league. I drew the 9th spot in a 12 man league and managed to land another 1st round pick (8th overall) for my 2nd and 4th rounders. Then I traded my 3rd round pick for two 4th rounders (the 4th and 5th picks in the 4th rd). I'm thinking about taking Brees (QB's are worth a lot in my league) and Lynch with my first rounders and Thomas Jones or Willie Parker in the 4th along with the best available WR.
  18. Who would like to have one of the best punt returners in the league??? Roscoe doesn't have any hands? You gotta be joking, right?
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