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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Buffalo Bills: 1,000,000 different ways to lose and counting... Buffalo Bills: 7 & 9? Why not? Everyone else in our division might win less than that one day. Buffalo Bills Football: What else did you expect?? Buffalo Bills Football: We might get lucky, one day!
  2. And his decision will be.... READ MY SIG!
  3. I love Bobby April. My only concern with BA is if he has the ability to recruit reputable assistant coaches.
  4. Well, we can start by keeping our own Free Agents that are worth keeping. This cycle that we have been stuck in over the last few years of drafting players at positions you plan on letting go in the near future, be it free agency or via trade, and we also draft players to replace free agents that have already left Buffalo. For example, we drafted 2nd round pick Josh Reed because we had no plans of keeping Peerless Price, We drafted McKelvin with our 1st round pick, because we let Clements, whom is a former 1st round pick as well, walk. London Fletcher goes to Washington and we use a 2nd round pick, that we traded up for, to draft Poz. By my count, these three moves cost us two 1st rounders, 2 second rounders and another 3rd rounder that we gave up for Poz. That's five picks in all. All first day picks that we should have used on other needs. Not to mention all the picks we used to trade up in the draft just to end up with marginal players at best, and that's putting it lightly, such as, JP Losman, John McCargo and the aforementioned Paul Posluszny. These are valuable picks that are wasted because we don't keep our team intact. Some of these moves were great moves and some of them not so much. Letting Peerless Price go was a great move. Letting London Fletcher go was an example of a bad decision. Tell me, would you rather have Poz or would you rather have LF and one of the following, TE Zach Miller, C Ryan Kalil, C Samson Satele or TE Kevin Boss? All of which were available to the Bills had they not drafted Poz and let LF go. How about Clements and one of these guys, LT Ryan Clady, LB Jerod Mayo, OG Branden Albert or TE Dustin Keller, or would you rather have just Leodis McKelvin? We're constantly plugging up holes instead of building up. Chasing our own tail, so to speak. It's time the FO make some signings on our own squad. We better see Fred Jackson, Jabari Greer, Ashton Youboty and Jason Peters signed up long term before the start of the 2009 draft. Let's use our picks in the upcoming draft to supplement the needs of our team, not replace those that were lost. The original poster meant the 3-4 defenses we were facing, not using, and losing to by the way.
  5. He sure did. He forgot about Whitner's hit on Ocho Stinko last year too. In all fairness to Donte, he has been moved around quite a bit during his tenure as a Buffalo Bill. Sometimes he plays the slot, sometimes he's at SS or even FS. Buffalo's struggles against the run in the past also hurt DW's chances of making plays in the secondary as well because he had to help stop the run constantly playing in the box.
  6. ...and whomever purchases the team from RW's heirs to the throne will most likely not want to keep the team in Buffalo.
  7. HA HA HA!!!!! Denney better than Schobel!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!! thanx, I needed a laugh!
  8. Over the years I have heard various reports about the Bills making anywhere between 10 and 40 million bucks per year. Which one is it?
  9. RW will not be the first owner to die, nor will he be the last. Those teams didn't move either. Not a very good excuse for a team to leave, IMHO.
  10. The Pro Bowl is a sham! Every year these guys love making the Pro Bowl so that they can negotiate for more money and at the same time many of the Pro Bowlers opt not to play in the game. By the time the Pro Bowl comes around there are like 75 so called "Pro Bowlers" in each conference.
  11. So, what you guys are telling me is that it's all bad management and not economics? Then why is it BUFFALO that's in danger of losing their football team and none of those other so called "small" market teams?
  12. When Ralph Wilson warned us about the Collective Bargaining Agreement and Buffalo not being able to compete in today's NFL, he was exactly right. Buffalo cant compete. We don't generate enough revenue to keep up with the big dogs. We will never be able to sign a Bill Cowher, elite free agents or even our own free agents that have played their way to greener pastures. The NFL has forced us into a never ending spiral of recycling established stars for unknown and cheaper rookies. I no longer blame RW for this mess, instead I point the finger directly at the NFL and specifically at the fact that luxury suites are not a shared revenue. The luxury suites revenue SHOULD be shared. There is no NFL without the Buffalo's and Cleveland's of the world. All 32 teams can't be economic powers. Those that don't pull in a great deal of cash shouldn't have to suffer because of their geographical location. What kind of league will this be if you take away the small market teams that are not rich in cash but rich in tradition and team pride? Why not share the revenue from luxury boxes? What makes them so special? Are they not watching a game like the ordinary folk in the seats? What's to stop them from building a stadium full of luxury suites and no seats at all? Why should a team with 80,000 seats share their money with a team that only has 60,000 seats due to all the space being used for their suites? That doesn't seem fair. Every dollar needs to be shared equally. I don't care what it is. TV revenue, merchandise sales, seats, suites- whatever. All of it should be split amongst all 32 teams. If that happens, every team will have the same net worth. Every team will be on a level playing field as it should be. I realize this will never happen. Ownership will never allow it. They will argue that this type of system is nothing more than communism. That they work harder than other owners to generate income and deserve a bigger share. They will also argue that some teams paid more money for their teams than others because their team is located in bigger markets. Well, I have an answer for that problem as well. For the first few years, those owners that paid more for their team than others can be reimbursed by receiving a larger share until they are paid off the difference of the going rate for each individual team. For example, if revenue is equally split amongst all 32 teams, a financial expert can then put a value on each team according to all the income generated by the NFL as a whole. Once that value is established, owners that paid too much for their teams should get the difference paid back until all teams are equal. As far as the other arguments go such as working harder for my money than others do, here's a simple answer to that problem as well. All economic geniuses will be paid and hired by the league. The owners don't have to do anything but sit back and collect a check. All coaches, GM's and everyone else involved in the front office should be paid the same as everyone else that has their same job description with other teams. Every team will have to pay the exact same amount yearly in player salaries as well. Owners can't pick up extra cash for being cheap. This is the fairest way to run the NFL. I know it'll never happen, but one can dream, can't he?
  13. Amen brother. In a way, Peters' selfishness only HELPS the Bills. If only every guy on our squad aimed for the Pro Bowl.
  14. How can you agree with the original post about stability for the coach and not the qb?
  15. Different time, different era. Those coaches that you speak of didn't have the benefit of free agency to hurry along the rebuilding process. Jauron does.
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