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Everything posted by Justice

  1. He has low mileage for a guy that age. Can we trust Marshawn? A hit and run, smoking weed and carrying illegal guns are signs for things to come. One more bone-headed move and he get's a one year suspension. Besides, RB's are real easy to come by. I agree, bring someone else in to share the load.
  2. Our "pro bowl performer" is only interested in one thing. Money. What's to say HE will play all out once he gets his money? Besides, I'm not fixated on Oher. Maybe the guy from Uconn in the second will be sufficient. How 'bout a one year deal for Jonas Jennings for $3mill just in case an Oher doesn't pan out?
  3. I really like Fred Jackson. I like him so much that I'd be willing to trade Marshawn and make Jackson a starter.
  4. Good post. It's becoming more and more clear that, we as fans, can not take the word of a so called reporter anymore. Even as they reported that TO has indeed showed up to the OTA's ,they had to include the statement made by TO saying that he never shows up to OTA's, just to save themselves from being criticized now that he has shown up. Pathetic.
  5. Every expert has Oher going in the first. Why should I agree with BuffalofreakinDenny's opinion instead?
  6. So what you're saying is that Jason Peters is a genius? What did he score on the Wonderlic,a six?
  7. After giving it some serious thought, I have decided that the Bills would be better off trading away our 11th pick and Jason Peters. The real value in this draft is in the twenties of the first round. Many great players can be had in the 2nd and 3rd rounds as well. If we can acquire a first and a third for our 11th and a first and a second or a third for Peters we will have enough picks to fill the many holes that the Bills have on our roster. This scenario will give us, at the very least, two firsts a second a three third round picks. To be perfectly honest, I believe that all of the players that are worth taking at 11 have major question marks. The experts question Andre Smith's desire. It's not known if Orakpo and Maybin are able to play DE or 3-4 OLB. Crabtree has questions about his speed. Robert Ayers could only be a combine/senior bowl stud. Everrette Brown is too small to play DE and not athletic enough to play OLB in our defense. Is Pettigrew worth the eleventh pick? Cushing possibly used steroids. Here are some guys that can be available in the 20's of the first round. All of which have the makings to be good pros. Harvin, Jenkins, Mack, Oher, Maualuga, Jackson, Johnson, Darius Heyward-Bey, Peria Jerry, Vontae Davis, Larry English, Beanie Wells, and Hakeem Nicks. This is where the true values in the draft lie. Granted, not all of these guys are needs the Bills have, but many are. The possibilities are endless if the Bills can pull these trades off. We can end up with OT Oher or OL Mack and TE Pettigrew in the first and possibly DE Michael Johnson or DE Tyson Jackson in the second. We can then solidify the offensive line by selecting one of these guys to play guard, either Unger, Woods, Robinson, and Loadholt can end up falling to us in the third round. With our 2 remaining third rounders we can pick up a SS and a OLB, such as, Marcus Freeman, Sintim, and S Rashad Johnson. Here's what our O-Line can look like. Not so bad, if you ask me. LT Oher LG Hangartner/Woods (he's most likely to be available in the third) C Hangartner/Woods RG Butler RT Walker Add Pettigrew at TE to the mix and these guys should be stout on the line. Don't get me wrong, I don't WANT to get rid of Peters for an unknown, but he's starting to piss me off and that price tag is way too steep, especially after his '08 performance and the fact that the guy has TWO years remaining on his contract and isn't willing to take the very generous offer the Bills gave him even after having said all of that. Peters isn't worth it and this problem can become contagious. At the end of the day, stock piling picks will be the best thing the Bills can do.
  8. Looks good on paper, but I don't believe A. Smith will make it to 11.
  9. This is where you're wrong. There are no winners when violence is involved. Only losers. Here are some examples: Israel whips the Palestinians on a regular basis but suffer from a high degree of post Traumatic Stress. http://defense-update.com/analysis/analysis_010607_ptsd.htm Their beat down of the Palestinian people only creates more terror. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jan/0...dren-psychology The Americans are kicking much ass in Iraq and Afghanistan but our economy is crumbling and soldiers also suffer from PTSD. Many go untreated and this leads to suicide. http://www.capveterans.com/post_traumatic_...ica_s_veterans/ Violence only begets more violence. It's a never ending cycle of hate. If these are winners, I don't want to know what losers look like.
  10. Okay, whatever you say, thread police.
  11. So that said terrorist isn't poor? Uneducated? Frustrated? Angry? Desperate? Crazy? Yes, they do it for political reasons and also do it to see "Allah" and to get their 72 virgins (which by the way ISN'T true), but the real reason they do what they do and are so easily recruited to be Terrorists is because they have nothing to live for. Poor, angry and no civil rights or regular freedoms they we all enjoy here in America. Trust me, if those people had nice lives they wouldn't even consider doing what they do.
  12. First of all, my thoughts and prayers goes out to everyone involved, but I would like to get something off my chest. It's kind of funny. Whenever a muslim commits a heinous crime all's I hear is, "he's a muslim this and he's muslim that", whenever some one of another faith goes postal there's not even a single mention about the perpetrator religion and if there is, it isn't magnified at the same rate as if he was indeed a muslim. Instead, I hear things like this... This one is my favorite. Yeah, April did it. Yup, every muslim is paid like P. Diddy. Money has nothing to do with it. There are no crazy muslims, they all did it because "Allah" told them to. There goes that word again... Why the double standard? Why isn't this man called a terrorist? Was that not terror?
  13. I would never spend more than a few sentences on any subject on "the Wall". It's not that I'm against it or have any feeling of superiority towards anybody that would, I just don't have the time to do so. It's because of my time constraints that my posts are always straight to the point and short. Therefore, you will never see me have a dissertation on any subject. My feelings towards guns are quite simple, if no one had a gun, no one would get shot. At the same time, I know that the streets will never be without guns and some people need them for protection purposes. My main gripe is with the laws, or the lack there of, pertaining to ammo sales. Why not have a background check on ammunition sales? Hell, make 'em take a psychological examination just to be able to buy a gun in the first place. It makes sense to me, people that need ammo for hunting or protection purposes only don't really buy their ammo on a spur of the moment thing. These people have time to plan and prepare, in advance, of these wants and needs. Why not make them wait three days to buy ammo? Criminals, on the other hand, do get their ammo on short notice. They buy bullets under several different circumstances such as hate, anger, frustration, jealousy, rage, desperation and so on and so forth. None of which is good. at the bare minimum, a ammo purchase law would reduce the rate of crimes of passion. I don't need to do research on the matter, just need to have a little common sense. BTW. Why do people feel like they gotta be like 2Pac anyways? How "gangsta, is your life really? People are definitely far too paranoid for no good reason.
  14. Yeah, that's just what we need, more guns.
  15. RW will not get $2M a year for naming rights. He might get $500K. So, who shall we sign with that $2M? Two more Keith Ellison's maybe.
  16. I already took that into consideration. It's a 65 to 35% split. The Bills would net $1.456M more in revenue.
  17. Raising all the tickets by $4.00 across the board and assuming the Bills sell at least 70,000 seats in all of their eight home games will only generate $1,456,000 gross, per year to the Buffalo Bills. That kind of money helps, but it pales in comparison to the amounts of revenue that the powers of the NFL enjoy.
  18. Throwing five yard dump offs on third and longs will get you that percentage real easy.
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