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Everything posted by Justice

  1. No, I didn't hear a ringing endorsement of DJ and company, but you said a Lombardi incarnate type coach couldn't have made a difference, and I agree, but that's only because these guys were all brought in by this staff to run this staff's schemes, so there's no way we can avoid handing out blame to our coaches for today's performance.
  2. Frankly, I don't care how good Aaron Maybin will look in a Bills uniform, the Bills dropped the ball, again, in this years draft by not taking Michael Oher in the first and Everette Brown in the second. LT is a huge need position for the Bills, even if LW is capable of manning the LT spot. Our real weakness on the line will be RT, where Brad Butler doesn't stand a chance at being even a serviceable RT. BB is way too stiff and putting him there (at RT) weakened our RT spot when Walker had to be shifted to the left side. I watched Everette Brown play against the Fins today and he completely destroyed Jake Long on his sack. Long didn't have a chance! If it were up to me, I would've filled two huge needs by drafting Oher and Brown instead of Maybin and Byrd. Oh well, at least DJ and company will be fired by years' end.
  3. Who's do you think is responsible for the cover 2 defense that's vastly under-sized and can't stop anyone? Who are the geniuses that thought Brad Butler can be a good RT? Or Langston Walker a good LT? Our coaches, that's who! These guys are morons and their time will come to an end here in the near future and I can't wait.
  4. Miami's pass rush looked fierce, though.
  5. This holdout by AM has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Poz.
  6. You're right on the money with this post. I'll take it a step further. I don't disagree with DJ's decision to run the ball against the Browns three times in a row in order to stay on the safe side against Cleveland preventing a int, but I do, however, disagree with which plays were called. We telegraphed the run because of the personnel we had on the field. We should've ran out of a 3 wide singleback formation. At the very least, the Browns would've had to guard against a possible pass as well and that would've helped the running game.
  7. My question is, can we sneak this guy onto our practice squad?
  8. I can't believe there's another, "let's trade Roscoe" thread. Those muffed puts the last two games wasn't enough proof that we have to keep Parrish around? I'm sure Leodis can do the job, but he's already a KR and a starting CB. We don't want to overwhelm the guy.
  9. What in the hell does, "at this time", mean?? 4:00pm???? Right this second???? Never?????
  10. Vick will never be a Buffalo Bill....At this time.
  11. Jim Nantz thinks Vick will sign as soon as today. He didn't say which team, though.
  12. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/...ituation-again/ ...and the plot thickens.
  13. Peters isn't BS'ing. I was at training camp last year and all I can think of the whole time was, this is an NFL practice? I work out harder in my living room. It makes sense that the Bills don't train hard. If you train hard, you gain muscle. If you gain muscle, you naturally gain weight. We can't have that, our guys need to be nice and small so they can get run over on a regular basis.
  14. IDK. Personally, I believe there is no chance in France Vick will be a Bill, but I felt the same way about TO, so who knows???
  15. Fox news radio is reporting that three teams are hot on Vick's trail. Green Bay, Baltimore, and our beloved Bills.
  16. Dude, it's not like Smith was available at 11.
  17. Answer me this. If Levitre played so much better than Eric Wood, then why did Eric Wood get pulled with the rest of the starters and Levitre played well into the second half??? And if Wood did miss more assignments than Levitre, maybe that had to do with Levitre being at camp longer than Wood. The fact of the matter is, Wood beat his man when he did get his assignment right and Levitre struggled mightily.
  18. Personally, I read the post before I find out who wrote the post itself. Reading the post first allows me be to be objective and unbiased. I recommend this strategy to anyone that has preconceived notions on some of the posters that frequent TSW and don't take each post for what it is, instead of what said poster may have said in the past. Plus, it can be fun trying to predict who wrote the post after you read it!
  19. Do yourself a favor and don't go. I was there last year. The place felt like a morgue.
  20. I hopped on the Wood bandwagon as well. He has all the tools and the attitude needed to succeed in the NFL. Here's a little bit of what I have already said about EW:
  21. I just re-watched the Seattle game again and payed close attention to LW as well as Chambers. LW didn't have a great game, he struggled a lot. He had trouble in the run game and in pass pro as well. Some people here have said that Walker went up against Kerney and shut him down. Not true. LW didn't even face off against Kerney much, if at all. As far as KC goes, I can see why the Bills brass moved him to guard. He simply can't hack it at tackle. Face it, guys. The O-Line will be a problem area for the Bills this year. BTW. I want to go on record saying that Eric Wood will be a force on the line in the near future. He is the only real silver lining in the unit.
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