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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I wouldn't get your hopes up too high if I were you. After all, this is the Bills we're talking about.
  2. WTF? Starting TE, OLB, CB, and RT all on injured reserve. Starting MLB, SS, and FS all missed substantial time. That's seven starters out of 22. Roughly 31% of the starters all out. Who has been hit that hard?
  3. Great post. I agree, especially the part in bold.
  4. I say "no" to all of the above. We have had multiple IR's every year since Dead Dick took over. This team is soft and they get hurt because of it. The Bears, under DJ, also had a lot of injuries. This is no coincidence. We need a dictator of a coach to step into the job next time. I don't care who it is, as long as he demands accountability, passion, heart, and blood, sweat and tears. In simpler terms, the Anti-Jauron. Let me ask you this, what has Trent Edwards done in his career that makes it impossible to bench him during a game? What kind of message does that (not benching Edwards) send to the rest of the team? That it's okay to suck? That no matter how bad you play, your job is still secure? Hell, even the fry guy at McDonald's would get pulled if he was burning all of the fries!!! And yet there is no accountability. What an embarrassment. And to all of you that said, "a real fan can never rout against his team", how do you feel about that statement now? Do you really want to see this BS continue? At this point I miss Mularkey, G. Williams, and especially Phillips! Nothing can be worse than a Jauron led team.
  5. RW should have fired DJ after that epic meltdown last year. He would have saved money, because the Bills will be picking first over all in the draft now, and that will cost RW a heck of a lot more than $9 mill.
  6. Not so fast. This is Merriman's first season back. At least give him year before you rush to judgment.
  7. Why would you want them to win if they can BARELY beat the Browns at home? You think things will get better after that? Beating a team with NO wins by a little?
  8. We cant even win one in the AFC East, lately. And to all of you that doubted Favre and said he was washed up, you're all idiots. You know who you are.
  9. Not gonna happen. I'm not gonna let these guys bring me down anymore. If they win, great! If they lose, great! It's a win-win proposition. Let's face it. Our squad has the stench of Jauron all over it. From the sorry training camps, bad game plans, loser mentality to the poor talent evaluating skills, this team is going nowhere fast. His personality has entrenched itself into the psyche of athletes as well. And that's not a good thing. Jauron made it easy for everyone on the roster to accept mediocrity. Where's the accountability? We need to rid ourselves of these guys and I mean fast! And losing a crazy amount of games is the only thing that can make that happen. Losing nine games a year isn't enough for RW. He wants more. If it happens-great!
  10. Are you kidding me? You can't be serious. This team has no chance. I hate it when the Bills lose, but I cant take this crap anymore. I will never abandon ship and will continue to support and watch the Bills, but if we fail to make the playoffs again, the last thing I want is another seven win season that will keep these guys around. So no, I wont be happy when we win this year. That's just another player or two that we miss out on in the draft. I want to lose whatever amount of games it takes to get the circle jerks terminated.
  11. At this point, with the Bills a putrid 1 & 3 and all, I would like nothing more than to see the Bills lose to the Browns on Sunday. Hell, I don't mind watching them lose just enough games to get Jauron and the entire FO fired! Even if it means we don't win another game all season. Nothing will ever change with these clowns running the show. Every time I watch the Bills play I see nothing but an inept, rag-tag, sorry ass, no game plan having, under-prepared bunch of buffoons. They run a sorry excuse of a program. It's an embarrassment. This is nothing new around here. The vast majority here already know these guys are responsible for all the losing and would like nothing more than to see some guys that are good at what they do wearing Buffalo blue, white, and red. These guys, although intelligent off the field, are complete morons on it. I cant wait to see them go! I will throw a freaking party that starts on Friday and ends on Monday when this finally happens! I know I'll get flamed for saying this, but I'd like to see the Bills lose, and you know what, I don't care. You can question my loyalty to the Bills all you want. I know it's not true. I'm not shy to say I want the Bills to tank it-bad! As a matter of fact, I want to make a prediction. Jauron will not be fired, he will resign. Whether it's by force or not, I don't know. I'm not even sure it will happen during the season or later in the off season. Every time the Bills lose this season I will have a smile on my face. And so should you.
  12. We could have and should have beaten Miami in Miami last year. We just let it slip away-again. Miami isn't the same team that they were last year and Pennington not being there doesn't help. Henne playing gives Buffalo a great chance at a win.
  13. No, obviously not. This isn't a playoff team. I'm just taking it week by week. If you look at the big picture (playoffs), you won't enjoy this season too much.
  14. Michael Oher, anyone??? Selecting Oher made too much sense for our circle jerks, I guess.
  15. Henne played for the fish last year? No, so last year does nothing to help the Dolphins, this year.
  16. Put this game in the rear view mirror. We weren't supposed to beat the Saints, but help is on the way. Miami is in shambles, right now. Pennington will most likely be out and Henne sucks and if there's ever a week to get our passing game going, it's this week against Miami. Miami's pass defense is atrocious. They have a rookie at CB and at the nickel spot. Yeramiah Bell and Wilson are the safeties and they're weak defending the pass. Miami's pass rush isn't as good as advertised, as well. The Dolfans are ready to turn on the Fish right about now. It's important that we take them (the fans) out of the game early. The only thing that can stop us from a win this week is ourselves. We cant continue to dink and dunk our way down the field. We need to get some yards in chunks and this is the week to do it. I believe Trent will have a great game. Edwards plays well in warmer climates where the wind will not be a factor and our match-ups are favorable. Nelson might be back for this game. We need someone that can do damage up the middle and I believe Shawn can provide that explosiveness we're lacking at the tight end position. Don't forget, Marshawn will be back this week as well and Freddy can use the help. Look for the Bills to use Lynch and Jackson at the same time with Jackson splitting out wide. If I were the Bills, I'd start Jackson, Lynch, Reed, Evans and Owens if Nelson's not available and spread the Dolphins out and exploit the soft zones in the middle all day long. All these guys are athletes and can do some damage. Fine isn't the answer. Go Bills!!!! 2 & 2, here we come!
  17. I'll admit I didn't read the entire thread, but I'd have to say the Bills desperately need to free up a roster spot. Either for a TE or OL. Parrish is a great punt returner, no doubt, but if Leodis McKelvin is healthy there will be little or no drop off in that department and the Bills can either activate Stupar or sign an OL.
  18. I love Jacksonville. As long as they're around, the NFL will have a hard time justifying a Bills move out of Buffalo.
  19. I did, and so far I'm on point. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=94558 And once again, I hope I'm wrong.
  20. Thanks. We're all Bills fans here and would like nothing more than to see our Bills go all the way. I hope I'm wrong every single time I say something negative about the Bills.
  21. While we're digging up old threads, why don't pull this one up while you're at it. post #6 http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=95665 I'm with you, man. I know I predicted the Bills will be slaughtered by the Pats*, but as the game draws closer, I have this wierd feeling that the Bills will play better than expected. I still think we will lose, but it may not be by much. Here are some of my reasons why I changed my tune. 1. The Bills O-Line didn't show anything in the pre-season. The guards rarely pulled, if they even pulled at all, and we all know they're athletic enough to do so and have done it (pulling) very well at the college level. 2. The Bills practiced the screen a lot in TC, but we hardly saw it in the exhibitions. 3. When Owens was healthy, Trent threw the ball down the field a lot in TC. During the games, nothing. 4. Schobel and Maybin will finally be on the field together at the same time. I believe our pass rush will make things uncomfortable for Brady all game long. 5. Our offense can't be THIS bad! 6. Like you said, the Pats* have no idea what's coming for them. New coordinator, and Owens on the field with Lee at the same time. 7. The Bills' receiving corps should have an edge over the Pats*' secondary. 8. We are LONG overdue! LET'S GO BILLS!!!!! Bet against me. I wasn't so off here, was I?
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