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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I forgot about FNL. That was a better movie than RTT, I agree.
  2. He won't be rockin' #15, according to this: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/...ont-wear-no-15/
  3. Comedy - 40 Year Old Virgin. Runner up- The Hangover. Romantic Comedy - Forgetting Sarah Marshall Action Movie - The Departed & The Dark Knight, in a tie. Runner up-Gladiator Documentary - Tyson Animated Film - Shrek Sports Flick- Remember the Titans Drama - Blood Diamond Horror- Friday the 13th Biggest Disappointment- Transformers 2 & The Star Wars Prequals. Overall -The Departed I'd like to add a few categories: Best Drug Flick- Blow and American Gangster. Best spoof flick- Scary Movie Best Stoner Flick- Harold & Kumar go to White Castle. Best Villain- The Joker, BY FAR!!!!!!! Runner up- Denzel Washington, Training Day. Best High School Flick- Super Bad
  4. One year just doesn't cut it for some. McNair, Rodgers, Brady, Steve Young, and maybe even Alex Smith all needed more than one season to mature. There is no clear cut timetable. Some take longer than others.
  5. Brian Brohm may or may not be the answer for us at quarterback. That remains to be seen, but I do know one thing, this guy has to be brought along SLOWLY. We have destroyed any chances of JP and Trent being the guy because we rushed them into action and more times then not, that method proves to be disastrous. Not everyone out there can be a Big Ben, Flacco, Ryan, or Marino. These guys are the exception, not the rule. So for all of you calling for Brohm to start, just be patient. His time will come when he is ready. Putting him in, now, behind this O-line, will ruin this guy before he develops fully as a QB. In the meantime, we can try to pry a McNabb away from Philly or even sign Vick or some other veteran free agent to man the position next year. Please, no first round QB's. They are more miss than hit. We need to use our draft picks on the lines and build up the middle of the field where we happen to be very weak. Just my 2 cents.
  6. He's in Bills La La Land with Jeremy McDaniel, Kwame Cavil, Martin Nance, Joel Bell and many, many others...
  7. Turkey day, against Detroit. 1994-95 season, I think.
  8. Who's the Master???? http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...p;#entry1585563 At this point, with the Bills a putrid 1 & 3 and all, I would like nothing more than to see the Bills lose to the Browns on Sunday. Hell, I don't mind watching them lose just enough games to get Jauron and the entire FO fired! Even if it means we don't win another game all season. Nothing will ever change with these clowns running the show. Every time I watch the Bills play I see nothing but an inept, rag-tag, sorry ass, no game plan having, under-prepared bunch of buffoons. They run a sorry excuse of a program. It's an embarrassment. This is nothing new around here. The vast majority here already know these guys are responsible for all the losing and would like nothing more than to see some guys that are good at what they do wearing Buffalo blue, white, and red. These guys, although intelligent off the field, are complete morons on it. I cant wait to see them go! I will throw a freaking party that starts on Friday and ends on Monday when this finally happens! I know I'll get flamed for saying this, but I'd like to see the Bills lose, and you know what, I don't care. You can question my loyalty to the Bills all you want. I know it's not true. I'm not shy to say I want the Bills to tank it-bad! As a matter of fact, I want to make a prediction. Jauron will not be fired, he will resign. Whether it's by force or not, I don't know. I'm not even sure it will happen during the season or later in the off season. Every time the Bills lose this season I will have a smile on my face. And so should you.
  9. Just another ploy by Jauron to get the players on his side. Why do you think they love him so much? Not many two a days, days off, and no accountability.
  10. Show me the insult. All's I said was, "what are you looking for in a thread about football?" You said, "there was nothing to see here", so I ask again, what are you looking for in a thread? Something earth shattering? Some Neil Armstrong-never seen before type s*%t, or what? If you don't like the thread, simply don't respond, but people like you always gotta add their two cents and act as if every thread has to be Pulitzer Prize material. This is football. It's a game. This isn't school, and yet I'm always being graded around here like school is in session by some of you nitpickers that drag everyone down around here with your constant nitpicking and criticisms. Either add something positive to the thread or don't add anything at all. When you say stuff like, "there's nothing to see here", what does that say about me or the people that responded to this thread? I happen to think it's outrageous that the players need to give the coaches answers they hadn't thought of in their own schemes. I don't know what's actually worse in this scenario, the fact that Fewell was dumb enough to admit that in an article or that he really doesn't have the answers himself?
  11. Our coaching staff is a complete and utter joke. If he can't even own up to the fact that we have the worst run "D" in all of football and still try to play it off as if it were nothing, than how can anyone else be held accountable for a lackluster performance? "Attitude reflects leadership", and our leadership is lacking.
  12. What were you looking for? Some profound, eye opening, jaw dropping deep information? On a message board?? HA HA, some of you guys make me laugh!
  13. Yes, there are, but do you like the fact that our coaching staff can't come up with answers their own players can come up with? What about the opposition's coaching staff? They definitely have all the answers to our Bills.
  14. "They may miss a detail or two...", judging the way the Bills have performed over the years that has got to be the understatement of the century right there.
  15. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3...41-f9e87df7a194 “Their hard work is really paying off,” said defensive coordinator Perry Fewell. “We give them as much of a game plan as we possibly can on Wednesday and Thursday and they come back with some great questions. They even come back with some answers that we hadn’t thought of. They have an idea of what’s going on and put a lot of time in just as we do. The best laid plans don’t always go as you want it to go, but they are putting a lot of time into it.” WTF??!!!
  16. Think Blair Witch Project, only in a house.
  17. Yeah, you should hang out with Hamdan's Revenge, he'll probably bake you some cookies! Sorry, HR, I couldn't resist.
  18. I can't speak for those teams you mentioned, other than the Marlins. Have you ever watched a Marlins game? They can't give away seats to a Marlin game. That's the reason why they can't keep their team together. Don't blame baseball or George S. I'd kill to have an owner like GS running the Bills. Go Yanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. The Jests' pass rush is pretty weak. They have just 5 sacks on the year, including yesterday's game.
  20. Fitzpatrick has won his last three starts with Cincinnati and today's game, FWIW. He may not be a great QB, but he can win a game or two.
  21. I gotta admit, Byrd is looking pretty good. I guess I was wrong about him.
  22. You're the new GM of the Buffalo Bills. The situation you're walking into is, one of, if not the worst situations in all of football. You have a 90+ year old owner, whom isn't the cheapest in the league, but he is one of them, you have a horrible FO and scouting team in place, and your head coach is a career loser. Your roster is also filled with undersized guys that are not built to play in a rough and tumble town such as Buffalo. Problems are many. Your first move is an easy one. Fire Jauron. This guy doesn't have what it takes to be a head coach. He's loyal to his assistant coaches and players to a fault. His game day decisions are equally inept to his ability to game plan for any given game, be it big or small, and just down right sucks as a head coach. He needs to go. You remove this guy and bring in a tough coach with experience. The last thing you need is a first timer. We've already had enough of those guys, from Perry Fewell to Turk Schonert on down to Van Pelt, that strategy obviously doesn't work. Not for this team. This team needs an experienced bunch that has been to the championship before. They know what it takes to win. I realize that no one has ever won a Super Bowl with multiple teams and that's okay. At this point, given the futility of the Bills the last ten years and all, the playoffs alone will be sufficient. I'd bring in Chucky. He has the leadership and toughness qualities that Jauron lacked. He'll get in the players' faces if he has to. He'll hold people accountable and bench people, if need be. He also has experience in the cover 2, if that's where he decides to go with the defense. Which brings me to the tough task of deciding what direction should said coach go with regarding the defense? Do I stick with the current philosophy and maybe retain Perry Fewell or do I blow it all up and start from scratch, which is an extremely tough job given the structure of the team as it stands now, opening myself to a long and arduous task that will force me to make tons of roster decisions and take at least three years to get right? If you go for the roster blow-up and switch to a 3-4 you will have to make decisions on Schobel, Kelsay, and Ellison, amongst others, and bring in a top flight NT for the 3-4 alignment. Our safeties are also undersized and will need to be replaced as well. You cant pull this kind of thing off over night, this will require some time. As for the linebackers. Maybin will have to move to OLB and another OLB will have to be brought in to man the other OLB spot. Poz and Mitchell, if healthy, can take on the MLBer duties. Bigger depth players will have to be brought in at LBer, as well. Now on to the D-line. Stroud, Johnson, Denney, and Willams can play DE. The Bills don't have a suitable NT currently on the roster. A couple of them will have to be acquired. As you can see, this job wont be easy. Next up is the job of deciding the fate of the front office. I'd keep Brandon on as a marketing guy and maybe Buddy Nix, but that's where that ends. Everyone else must go. Especially John Guy, that guy needs to get fired more than once, if that's even possible, and bring in the best of the best available. Spare no expense on personnel guys. Spending more money on the FO will save you money on wasted draft picks as well as in free agency. If you're hitting on your draft picks the only free agents you have to worry about are your own. Now that you're done deciding the fate of your head coach and assistant coaches, your front office and some of your defensive personnel, it's now time for the offense. This is Buffalo. You need a big armed QB and a tough as nails offensive line. Nothing else will work unless you get a dome, which isn't happening any time soon. Trent Edwards isn't going to cut it. Your next major decision is do you use your top 5 pick in the draft on a QB or do you sign one via free agency? Or both? I'd go a different route. Instead of losing a high pick on a QB, which could be used on the O-Line, I'd try to acquire one of Philly's QBs. Either Kolb of McNabb will suffice. I'm sure the Eagles will be willing to part with McNabb if they don't win it all this year and go on with the younger Kolb. It'll probably cost us a 3rd and a 5 for McNabb. More than worth it. McNabb will give this team another 6 wins on his own. I'd love to have him and he has at least 3 more years to go, during which time I draft his future replacement. If you go in this direction, TO will most definitely be free to leave, and I'm okay with that. We still Have Evans, Reed, Hardy, and Johnson to work with at receiver. We also have two talented backs in Marshawn Lynch and Freddie Jackson. Nelson at tight end can also be a factor, although I'd like to see an upgrade via draft or free agency. McNabb has the weapons to put up some points. Where the Bills need the most help on offense is the offensive line, particularly the tackle position. Wood, Levitre, and Hangartner will only get better. If the Bills go with the strategy of trading for a McNabb, you can use your top pick on a LT. Either Butler or draft pick/free agent can man the RT spot. Add this to an experienced offensive coordinator and our team can score some points. These moves, IMO, will improve the Bills in the short term and amke us a force in the long term. It's about time Buffalo Bills football mattered again.
  23. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2009/10/14/poz-back/
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