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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Either Clausen or Bradford would be okay with me for our first rounder. After that, I'd concentrate on the lines.
  2. I wouldn't use a first, nor a second round pick for that matter, on a RB if this trade were to happen. RB's can be had all throughout the draft. This team needs to build up both lines before they even think about drafting skill position players. We need a NT, DE's, LBers and depth for our new 3-4 defense, as well. We need to stockpile picks. I'd trade/release Schobel, Kelsay, Whitner, Kyle Williams and any other player that doesn't fit the 34 defense and use these picks on the positions I have mentioned above. Let's build this team right, this time. From the inside-out. Games are won/lost in the middle of the field and that's where we're at our weakest.
  3. NSFW Just kiddin'. I hope these guys turn out to be geniuses. We sure need them to.
  4. All good choices, but I'd like to add Drew Barrymore to that list as well.
  5. God, I hope so. We really need help at QB. Originally I wanted Tebow, but now I pray for Clausen. He has it all. I believe he will be a great QB.
  6. I said the same exact thing to my brother. Seriously, that dude is on some s**t. I loved every minute of the premiere. I thought it was masterfull. Maybe that's why Jacob chose whom he chose to be on the island. Each person has a different gift and combined they have what Smokey has. Here's some examples, Hurley can see dead people, the oriental guy can hear dead people's thoughts, Jack is a doctor/healer, Sayid can get down and dirty etc etc etc. Jacob probably needed these "gifts" from these people to compete with Smokey's powers.
  7. Most of the blame goes to Cassel, IMO. He also led the league in sacks allowed with the Pats* the year before, as well.
  8. I'm going on the record with Tim Tebow. I'd love to see this kid in a Bills uni. I wouldn't even mind using our first round pick on the kid. If we can get him in the second round? Even better! He's a winner. Pure and simple. I don't care about his mechanics. He'll be great, even with his flaws. The Bills would be lucky to have him.
  9. Give me Wilfork and then draft McClain. 3-4, here we come!!!!
  10. Here's a name for you that I'd love to see. Pepper Johnson. He's most likely the front runner for the Pats* DC job, but they haven't given him that title thus far, but as they say, if you snooze, you lose.
  11. Embarrassed about Nix as GM? No. Embarrassed about being a Bills fan? Most definitely!
  12. I heard the same exact thing about Favre 5 or 6 years ago...
  13. Best news I've heard all year long!!!!
  14. F U, RALPH!!!! This is the LAST thing I wanted to hear! BTW. LONG LIVE RALPH!!!!! Because when this idiot goes, so will the Bills. We're damned with him, we're damned without 'em.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PR_rzF8ofw
  16. Beggars cant be choosers, I guess. I hate my football life.
  17. I've officially heard it all here, now!!!
  18. The new Batman franchise has changed the game and it appears that the Spider-Man franchise wants to follow suit.
  19. Cowher will not coach the Buffalo Bills. Get over it!!! It won't happen!!! Move on!!!!!!! Forgetaboutit!!!!!!
  20. In today's NFL, where the rich get richer and the poor just keep getting poorer, there needs to be more ways to create equality throughout the NFL. I'm really starting to hate how pro football is becoming more and more like MLB. Free agents players already go to the highest bidder, and I guess I can deal with that, but when coaches start declining jobs that will pay them the same amount of money, or even in some cases, more money than the more glamourous posts around the NFL, that just doesn't seem fair. Coaches should be treated more like the players. They (the coaches) already have the advantage of getting guaranteed contracts, which the players themselves don't get and they also have the luxury of always being UFA's, another advantage the athletes also don't have. Why the disparity in treatment? What makes the coaches so special? The integrity of the league is at stake here, IMO. When a coach turns down a job and goes to the "big" cities, where all the players choose to go as well, it creates a lopsided league of have's and have nots. If your'e as good of a coach as you think you are, why not coach anywhere in the league? You say your worth $10 million a year, then why not earn it? Roger Goodell speaks of creating parity in the league and at the same time all his actions, and in some instances lack there of, suggests otherwise. How can there be parity in a league that allows coaches and players to control where they will and will not go? A few years ago, the NFL had the right system in place. It was called "Plan B" free agency. For those of you too young to know, Plan B free agency was a system where the team was allowed to chose who will be allowed to leave and who they will keep. This system allowed fans to have a deeper connection with their favorite players, because you knew that the best players on your team wasn't going anywhere. Back in those days, players retired from the teams they started with much more than today's game and that was good for the game. That is what got the game to be as great and as big as it is today, but the owners/players had to screw that up. I realize that things will never be the same again, in the NFL, and that's a shame. All they're doing is alienating the very same fan base that made them rich in the first place. They're essentially trading in the average family man for corporate America greed. Even the atmosphere at the games have changed over the years. When you kill off the real die hard fans in the league in exchange for the suit and tie crowd that are only there because it's "the" place to be of the moment. When things are going well, these types of fans will show up. When things aren't going so well, these so called "fans", will disappear. Buffalo, is the exception. Fans show up no matter what, which leads me to my original point and reason for starting this vent fest post. We don't deserve this. There are far more Ralph Wilson type owners in the league than the Jerry Jones' and yet the minority is controlling the majority. Free Agency, as we know it, will never go away. The players won't allow it, because it puts more money in their pockets, but can we at least help the smaller market teams out by controlling where the coaches go using a waiver wire type system that forces a the coaches with the highest winning percentages to go to the most neediest of teams? Make these coaches earn their guaranteed contracts and special privelages.
  21. I, too, loved Jim's portion of the presser yesterday. I especially loved the part about how special it would be for a coach to win a Super Bowl in Buffalo as opposed to someplace else that already has won a championship. This, IMO, should be the selling point to a head coach such as Cowher.
  22. I'm not going to go on record either way on the Buddy Nix hiring. I'll reserve judgment until he makes his head coaching decision and fires Guy and Modrak. Then and only then will we find out if this move was the same old window dressing the Bills have been prone to do in the last several years or a great move. So far, I like what I hear, but that can all change quickly if we hire someone like Haslett and don't do a major house cleaning, clearing out all the little midgets on the roster.
  23. Cowher to Buffalo???? Yeah, right!!! You guys crack me up!! Gullible as can be. When will you people ever learn???? Ha Ha Ha!!! The joke truly is on you.
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