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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I have heard about some of those events before, specifically the attack on a Palestinian refuge camp in Lebanon lead by Ariel Sharon, so no, not all of that information is off base. I've been living in Miami Lakes for almost 18 years. I have no ill will towards you. I understand why apathy has set in regarding the islamic world and a lot of it is justified. Peace, brother. Maybe you'll see my B.Harami98 Bills jersey one day and you'll know who I am.
  2. I know for a fact that some of those events occurred. You can deny it all you like, if it makes you feel better. Whom do you think is going to report this stuff anyways? CNN? Fox News? Come on, man, you can't be that gullible. BTW I never noticed you live in Miami Lakes. So do I. Small world, I guess.
  3. As I have stated before, I do NOT support terrorism or any form of terrorism, whether it is Hamas, Fatah, Al Qaeda or a uniformed army tinkering in terrorist like activities. Hamas is responsible for a lot of the pain and suffering the Palestinians have had to endure. Why would the Israelis help form such a group, anyways? I would love it if someone can answer this question for me. And your right, it is a cycle of hate and that might never end. Violence only begets more violence. When will it end? Well, we can start by dismantling all settlements in the West Bank and handing over complete control of the West Bank to the Palestinians. Then Hamas' influence can die down and eventually come to an end. One can only hope. Anyways, this discussion can go on and on and on. Atrocities to the people on BOTH sides will continue and nobody will care. That's just the way it is. I accept it. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to show the other side of the story, for a change.
  4. Ooops, I did do any research on the nut job, but that doesn't make this stuff not true. What about this for terrorism? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MG9sq93Cu0...=1&index=20
  5. Forget about the content of the link and just insult me. Nice. How does posting this link make me anything like Hitler, anyways? If anything, you're just like the Nazi's that did whatever Hitler told them.
  6. Those terrorists learned from the best to ever do it. http://www.rense.com/general21/pastzionist.htm
  7. Okay...They had knives as well. What, are they supposed to overtake one of the strongest military's in the world with a couple of knives?
  8. I'm against those rocket attacks. I never said the Palestinians didn't deserve their fair share of the blame, because they do, but two wrongs don't make a right. There are two sides to every story, though. How do you know if the person that launched those rockets didn't have HIS family killed by Israel's very own rocket attacks and this guy was trying to get some vengeance? Those people launching rockets at Israel are terrorists. The people responsible for the retaliation are government and military personnel, they should respond accordingly, instead of punishing the masses for the actions of a few people. Collective punishment is wrong as well, but you guys seem to condone CP. I'd like to see how you would react if the shoe was on the other foot. How would you like it if a cousin of yours went crazy and killed a couple of people and himself and then the government responds by bulldozing YOUR house?
  9. I have watched all the video footage on BuffaloBills.com of the OTA practices and our defense is either intercepting a ton of passes or batting them down. The question I ask is is our secondary that talented or do our QB's make them look good? I hope our secondary is just that good but they were intercepting passes even when our top two corners, McGee and McKelvin , were out because of injury. IMO, it's most likely a little bit of both, our QB's suck and our secondary is really good. The secondary will make our pass rush look good this year and create a lot of coverage sacks. The QB's will be the main weak spot for the Bills this year and will ensure the Bills a top 5 pick in next years' draft, IMO, which we really need. The Bills have been bad over the last decade, but not bad enough to secure top notch talent in the draft. One horrible year will do us good in the long run. Especially since the Bills are unable or just too cheap to acquire talent via free agency. If this happens, the Bills can add more starters through next years' draft and then try to hit on free agency the year after that and then the Bills will be a force to be reckoned with. This, my friends, is how you rebuild.
  10. Check this out. How can we trust what we see when all video footage shot by the "violent" activists were taken by the IDF? What did we not see? Maybe, just maybe, the Israelis attacked first and only released the footage of them being attacked as they entered the ship. Remember, the IDF had to board the ship one by one, for all we know the people being attacked could have been the 5th or 6th guys boarding. And how about those radical muslim slogans? Well, if you watched my video that I linked you will hear that the IDF added audio of their own.
  11. If some country attacked us here in our own backyard, would you just sit back idly and do nothing?
  12. When you said martyr tapes I assumed you meant the type of video that suicide bombers record before they embark on their mission. These guys didn't do that.
  13. Martyr tapes? I didn't see that. Got link? Collateral damage is a bogus phrase, IMO, as well. Anyone that knowingly takes an innocent life is no hero or martyr. That goes to those so called "muslim martyrs", especially. Islam doesn't permit the killing of innocent people no matter what the circumstances are. Was it worth it? Hell no, because nothing will change. The blockade will not be lifted and peace will not be achieved. Only more hatred and we already have enough of that in the world.
  14. Well, based on my own personal experiences going to Israel, those people at customs have a real nasty habit of keeping your valuables. Example: My cousin just went to Tel Aviv a month ago with his new born baby and wife. He took a two month supply of baby formula with him that's very hard to get in the Palestinian side of Israel. When he got to the airport, customs took his baby formula from him and then told him to come back at a later date and be prepared to pay taxes, which he was fine with, but when he came back they gave him the runaround and then told him he needs to get a license to be able to get his formula back. He finally got that done and when he went to the airport, yet again, they made him wait in the airport for seven hours just to tell him he's not getting his baby's formula no matter what. Let me tell you, I am an American Citizen/Palestinian and I have NO civil rights when I get to Israel. I show them my American passport, when prompted, and they pretty much laugh in my face and make me endure long waits at border crossings while Jews can come and go as they please. There is no equalities, no right to vote, no right to stay in the land you were born in, as is the case for my parents, for as long as you wish, different colored car tags for Arabs/Jews and many, many other things that I just don't have the time to post everything. The questions I have to ask to you is if you live in a country shouldn't you enjoy equal rights as everyone else? If you say we belong in the West Bank and Gaza and that is our country, then shouldn't we be able to run our own land as we see fit? The Israelis are very smart, they do not want to take care of the Palestinian population when it comes to medicine, schools, roads, supplies, etc etc, but they want to control all the other aspects of your life. Make up your mind, are we our own country with our own rules, or are we not? You can't have both. We (Arabs) as a people have it very good here in the USA. Equal rights and civil liberties to all. I really love the US and wish the Palestinian people enjoyed the same luxuries, maybe then they would stop fighting and killing and it would make terrorist recruitment much harder on the recruiters. It's not the religion that turns one into a terrorist, even though the recruiters use it as a tool, it's the harsh way of life and the despair that does it more than anything else. We, as a people here in America, are by and large law abiding citizens and tax payers, because we are treated as equals. In a way, the Israelis, themselves, are the biggest terrorist recruiters.
  15. After doing some more investigation on the subject, I found out there were two guns on board the Flotilla. [EDITED] Those hand guns were taken from the Israeli soldiers. No weapons were found on board, other than sticks and sling shots. Look out Israel, two hand guns can threaten your entire nation's existence. BTW. here's some eye opening links to let you know just how grimy the Israeli government really is. http://www.uscrusade.com/forum/config.pl/noframes/read/1372 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article10456.htm
  16. Thanks, I take a lot of pride in my ability to spot and assess talent early, rather than late. I just looked at some older posts and I said a lot of things that were right and of course some wrong, but it was fun to see. I highly recommend looking back on some of your old posts for a laugh, as well.
  17. Well then call me the "Clairvoyant One". http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1392263 Take a look at all the flak I caught on this one http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...p;#entry1380984 The turd we ended up with. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1361517
  18. Oh, okay, that makes it all right then.
  19. Can't argue here either. Arabs don't get along with each other very well. Neither does the rest of the world. No one gets along. We Americans are hated all over the world, as well. Israel is one of the most major violators of International Law. They have nukes, don't they? Well. they're not supposed to, but since it's Israel, we'll just let that slide even though they aren't a part of the non-plorifiation treaty. They aren't getting enough aid. Gaza is a disaster zone, thanks in large part to the Israelis that has destroyed whatever punitive infrastructure was there in the first place. Paintball guns???? Where do you guys get your news?? I'm not saying it's not true, but damn that sounds ridiculous. As far as just "sitting there and being beaten to death", don't worry about that. the Israelis have taken many more lives over the years then the Palestinians have, and it's not even close. Not even a little bit.
  20. News flash, dude, they weren't all muslims. And no, I ain't no damn Hamas, Fatah, Jihadist, Al Qaeda, or any other label you want to put on my @**! I'm just a regular dude with no affiliations other than my loyalties to God. (In the non-extreme, non- crazy, non- loony kind of way!) Besides, you have NO clue about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict! None! Not one iota! Zilch! Nada! Nothing! You have to live the experience to know it.
  21. Why are they not innocent? Because you say so? They were innocent, IMO, because they didn't have deadly weapons. I saw some sticks and sling shots and that's about it. The comparison here is innocent lives were lost. Plain and simple. They didn't deserve to die just for "provoking" the Israelis, as you so put it. Death isn't the punishment for provocation. Some people don't even get the death sentence when they murder people in cold blood! Why didn't the Israelis drop tear gas first? No one was wearing gas masks, that could have subdued the crowd sufficiently. They just had to spill blood. That's how these guys operate. Besides, these weren't terrorists and I'm sure they weren't on a suicide mission. If they were, what does that tell you about the urgency of the situation in Gaza that average people will give their lives in order to send aid to people in need? Yeah, they probably did try to incite the Israelis, and the Israelis were more than happy to oblige.
  22. I agree, but Yasser Arafat died and the ultimate US/Israeli puppet Abbas was named President and that didn't seem to help very much. How many Israeli soldiers died? Oh, that's right, none. So don't even try to turn them into the victims. Thanks for the ignorant comment. You must know everything about everything, huh, smart guy? Either way, it was at close range. The American was unarmed. There were no guns on board. Excessive force comes to mind. This very same sentiment was shared by some as****e, despicable muslims on 9/11. Apathy does no one any good. THERE WERE NO GUNS FOUND ON BOARD!!!!!! Actually, you're wrong. Most of the world can actually see what's really going on in the world. I can't blame most Americans for their opinions on anything Middle East related. The middle easterners that practice in terrorism made apathy for the muslim world real easy to achieve and the American Media is all to glad to show every single thing, but there are two sides to every story. There were plenty of supplies on that ship. I cant expect you to know that by watching two seconds of coverage by our media. We all know how important reality TV is, you know? That, and the oil spill dominate the news. You haven't seen what I've seen.
  23. I imagine he didn't. But don't you think four bullets at close range to the head is a bit too excessive? How do you explain that? Did the guy keep fighting back after the first bullet?
  24. Great, innocent people get killed in international waters by Israeli terrorists and they have the gal to make a parody video that's full of BS and you think it's funny? I love it how you call it an "incident", too. Like it was some sort of accident. BTW. Did you know an American was found on board with four bullets in his head from close range? I bet you didn't. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/03/f...k_n_599173.html
  25. I agree 100%. Clausen, if he pans out, would be a much better selection than any nose tackle can possibly be and at that price it's no risk. On top of all that, since the Bills most likely wont be competitive this year anyways, it would have been the perfect opportunity to let Clausen start right out of the gate as a rookie, thus moving along the developmental stage quicker which would help make us a more competitive team sooner.
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