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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I hope so, but Maybin spent a lot of time on the floor Friday. He just doesn't have the tools to be an effective pass rusher. He is a one trick pony that is easily stopped. Hopefully he can gain about 30 lbs and develop some nice counter moves. Until then, forget it.
  2. Other than QB and OL, which we all know is very weak, the biggest question about our Buffalo Bills is the pass rush. IMO, we will have one of, if not the worst, pass rush in NFL history this year. Our secondary will suffer because of this and the Bills will lose a lot of games. To keep things in perspective, the Bills are in year one of a huge transition from the Tampa Two to the 3-4 defense. This change-over will take a lot longer than one year to fill in the personnel necessary to make such a drastic change effective. The Bills are going in the opposite end of the spectrum with this defensive scheme change. Had the Bills been playing a 4-3 with normal sized athletes as opposed to the midgets that Jauron loved so much then the transition would have been much easier. At this point, I'm ready for the worst of the worst from the Bills this season and we need it. Jerry Sullivan was right, the Bills NEED to suck. The Bills need to be the first team on the clock in the 2011 draft. These are the cards that Gailey and Co. have been dealt. They can only plug a few holes at a time on this sinking ship. The Bills will use the draft as their main strategy of replenishing the roster because of financial and geographical constraints and what better way of doing this having the first pick in every round? One of the problem areas for the Bills that couldn't be fixed this off-season is the pass rush. Nix had to know this was going to be huge concern because he brought in a lot of linebackers for interviews and such to see if there was anyone out there that can help us in this area. Hopefully the younger guys, such as, Coleman, Batten, Ellis, and Maybin can get to the quarterback this year, but I doubt it. I'm having a hard time deciding who will lead the Bills in sacks this year. If I had to guess, I would say Kelsay would be the sack leader, and that my friends is a scary thought. Chris Kelsay didn't exactly terrorize opposing QB's during his tenure in Buffalo and there is no reason to believe that is going to change simply because he is changing positions this year but I select him never the less because no one on our roster has more sacks than Kelsay at this present time. Come April, when the year is over with and the draft dawns upon us once again the Bills will have a huge decision to make. We have major needs at QB, OLB, and OT. In what order will the Bills address these needs? I do not envy the position Nix is in. This rebuild will not be easy.
  3. The Bills defense couldn't stop the run last year and that proved to be a major problem. If you can't stop the run, you can't win many games. The defense is having some success rushing the passer in camp, but does that prove our O-Line is just terrible at pass pro, just like last year, or are they really gonna be able to put heat on all the QB's we face this year? That remains to be seen, but so far the Bills have only confirmed what we already knew about the Bills from last year.
  4. Practice notes, thus far, have only confirmed what we already know about the Bills from last year. They can't pass or pass protect on offense and on defense they can't stop the run, but they are great against the pass. Has anything changed?
  5. That may be true, for now, but I'd rather see Wilson or Scott playing over Whitner and I think the coaching staff will see that soon, as well.
  6. It may be disappointing, but in the long run it will be better for the team. I, for one, would love to see Coleman and Batten out on the field getting valuable playing time and experience. This team needs to go in another direction and start all over again clean. Any millionaire 32 years old and older shouldn't even be on the team. We need young and hungry, not old and well-fed to turn this mess around.
  7. As well he should be. The Bills FO has been man handled and strong-armed by their so called "star" players, lately. Someone needs to buck this trend and play hard ball for once. We cannot allow the inmates to run the asylum.
  8. I'm anticipating the Bills to save much more than that by the start of the regular season. I'm willing to bet that Kelsay, Mitchell, Schobel, McCargo and possibly Whitner will all be released.
  9. A group of friends and I are flying out to Buffalo for the opener against Miami and I just wanted to know if I had to rent a RV, or something like that, in order to park at the Ralph the night before the game? Thanks in advance.
  10. Cody already passed the team's physical. Nothing to see here, move along.
  11. Thanks!!!! I love my birthday because training camp always follows shortly!!!!!! It's the getting old part I hate.
  12. After having played the last seven seasons in Cleveland, what is there left to say?
  13. Although I do not object to Spiller lining up wide from time to time, I would NOT like to see this happen on a regular basis. The main advantage Spiller has as a running back is that he will be matched-up against slower, bigger LB'ers. If he plays wide-out, that advantage won't be so lopsided.
  14. Can't be true. I seen all of the Lethal Weapons movies and Murtaugh and Riggs always got along quite well.
  15. 1. NWA Niggaz 4 Life 2. Chronic 3. Chronic 2001 4. Eminem Marshall Mathers LP 5. Outkast Aquemini
  16. Yeah, they'll do it for $25 plus tax. Do you live in Buffalo? If not, send them an empty box with the postage paid and they will send it right back to you.
  17. I just did the same thing. I had to ship my McGahee jersey, minus name-plate) to Sorrentino's in Tonawanda.
  18. Yeah, I know. Someone else pointed that out to me earlier.
  19. I have heard about some of those events before, specifically the attack on a Palestinian refuge camp in Lebanon lead by Ariel Sharon, so no, not all of that information is off base. I've been living in Miami Lakes for almost 18 years. I have no ill will towards you. I understand why apathy has set in regarding the islamic world and a lot of it is justified. Peace, brother. Maybe you'll see my B.Harami98 Bills jersey one day and you'll know who I am.
  20. I know for a fact that some of those events occurred. You can deny it all you like, if it makes you feel better. Whom do you think is going to report this stuff anyways? CNN? Fox News? Come on, man, you can't be that gullible. BTW I never noticed you live in Miami Lakes. So do I. Small world, I guess.
  21. As I have stated before, I do NOT support terrorism or any form of terrorism, whether it is Hamas, Fatah, Al Qaeda or a uniformed army tinkering in terrorist like activities. Hamas is responsible for a lot of the pain and suffering the Palestinians have had to endure. Why would the Israelis help form such a group, anyways? I would love it if someone can answer this question for me. And your right, it is a cycle of hate and that might never end. Violence only begets more violence. When will it end? Well, we can start by dismantling all settlements in the West Bank and handing over complete control of the West Bank to the Palestinians. Then Hamas' influence can die down and eventually come to an end. One can only hope. Anyways, this discussion can go on and on and on. Atrocities to the people on BOTH sides will continue and nobody will care. That's just the way it is. I accept it. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to show the other side of the story, for a change.
  22. Ooops, I did do any research on the nut job, but that doesn't make this stuff not true. What about this for terrorism? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MG9sq93Cu0...=1&index=20
  23. Forget about the content of the link and just insult me. Nice. How does posting this link make me anything like Hitler, anyways? If anything, you're just like the Nazi's that did whatever Hitler told them.
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