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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Hmm. Where should I start with beauty of a post and reasoning? So many different ways! Okay, I'll take a stab at using your rationale. Ever hear of this little thing called Capital Punishment? About 34 states practice this form of discipline in the U.S. It's when someone that commits a heinous crime is put to death. Or how about all those stories about... Some guy killing off his whole family? Or some dude going crazy at work and shooting up the place? Or some kids taking guns to school to see if they can duplicate the game called "Doom", in real life? Or some kid killing his own parents? Or some father sexually assaulting his own children? Or some Priest sexually molesting a young child? Hitler? Rape? Burglary? Drive byes? Surely all of this people are Muslim, right? Seeing that most people in the country are Christian then christianity is obviously an unpeaceful religion, right??? The truth is we don't really know what religion these people practice. The media doesn't make it a point to point out the perpetrator's religion, but if they guy was a muslim you would know real quick. I wonder, why is that??? I, for one, don't blame any one thing or religion for these acts. I realize there are good people and evil people all over the world and that's just the way it is. Don't paint all people with the same brush, man. You're better than that. So the judge wants this criminal to be paralyzed for inflicting the same harm to his victim? The victim will never be able to walk again, the perpetrator should have to suffer the same fate, as well. Lesson learned, mutherbeeper!!!!!Actually, I'm okay with that, maybe someone might see this punishment and that might persuade some other guy from not doing the same thing to another victim. The point is, just because some guy says he's doing something in the name of God, doesn't make it true or that God actually supports it.
  2. Anybody that believes or fears that Sharia Law will ever be in effect in the USA is a complete and utter moron. In a land of 300 million, only ten million of which are Muslim, you honestly believe in this fear mongering wench??? What a wasted worry! When I wake up every morning I don't fear radical Islam, I like most, worry about making ends meet, my property value and the health and well being of my children. I have real things to worry about. I don't waste my time on fear-mongering crap.
  3. Really? Then what the hell are you doing here? I mean I don't even have an ex mother-in-law, I have a current mother-in-law, and I wouldn't even want her to stay with me as it is now. Maybe you should have used a different analogy.
  4. I can be wrong here, but I didn't get the same impression that you did regarding the OP's post. It sounded like he wants everyone to add a +/- to your own topic title or topic description, forewarning everyone that might want to read that particular thread that this thread is either positive or negative. Not a bad idea, if you ask me, although I can never see this idea coming to fruition.
  5. How about a one year ban on anyone that hurls an insult?
  6. Not with our injuries they wont.
  7. I was going to post the same exact thing, I just hope there aren't any more injuries for the remainder of the pre-season. Yeah, it hurts to lose Byrd, but I do have faith in Wilson. I believe he can fill in Byrd's shoes adequately and maybe even a little bit better against the run. The passing defense might suffer a bit so overall it's a wash on that position. As far as the receivers are concerned, we never really saw these guys play in live action anyways so we're not really missing much there. Our RB's hurt the most, IMO, but we are deep there and I do feel comfortable with Spiller, Bell, and Simpson. The only thing we're going to miss is all the 2 back sets the Bills have been working on in training camp. That was going to be huge for our offense and we will really miss that, but the injuries suffered by Lynch and Jackson aren't considered major injuries so we can deal with that. Good post, rookie.
  8. That was the point I was trying to get at when I made those accusations about your father. How does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot?? Doesn't feel good, does it? BTW. I have been trying to make an appointment with the Pope to teach me about Catholicism and he won't even give me a response!!!! How can he ignore ME like that??? BTW2. Are you a Christian? If you are, here's a good take on Islam from a Christian's POV. http://www.christiananswers.net/islam.html Educate yourself!!!!
  9. That's it dude. You convinced me. Let's stomp all over the constitution and destroy everything our founding fathers' have built and what many have died for because of the feelings of some. Heck, I even starved myself all day today because it's the month of Ramadan and it's mandatory for me to fast to see and feel what it's like not to have anything and appreciate what I do have a lot more. What an evil concept!!!!! This stuff must not be preached any longer!!! Especially in Manhattan!!!! Us sand !@#$s already have 100 mosques in NYC, we shouldn't have one more evil-spewing, hate mongering building on mother Earth. Some may get offended. [sarcasm Off] Seriously, this stuff needs to end. Let's keep America what it is. Let's not destroy the fabric of this nation because of the actions of few. We live in the greatest country in the world because of our rights. God built this world for EVERYONE!!! Get over yourself and do something with your life that really matters and help end bigotry, hate, and any other tool of the Devil. People are NOT perfect. Every muslim in this world shouldn't have to apologize for the acts of those we don't even recognize as true muslims. Every muslim shouldn't have to be punished for the actions of few. That's called collective punishment and that isn't right. If we as muslims did apologize for every maniacal thing a group of evil-doers did than we, ourselves, is blaming Islam for those putrid actions. I really do feel for everyone involved in the tragedy known as 9/11. That was a horrific day that shouldn't be forgotten, but hasn't enough blood already been shed as a result of 9/11? How many innocent people have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan? I don't see you shedding tears over them, because to you we are all animals that only want to see America in flames. I bet you can't even answer that question, because the media doesn't make us privy to that kind of info. When is enough-enough? When will vengeance be had? If the mosque isn't built, will you be happy? Would your attitude towards Islam change? I think not, because you don't know anything about Islam. All you see is what you hear in the news. I don't blame you for that. That's what's making the front page every day. As far as you're concerned, we deserve what we get and your thoughts will never change. If you ask me, all this starts in the family. I'm willing to bet you heard the term towel-head, sand !@#$, camel jockey more than once in your life. As for me, my dad taught me to love everyone and never once uttered a racist term in his life and if every parent in the world did the same, here and abroad, there will be a lot less hate in the world.
  10. I get Vin Diesel a lot, but he better drop those muscles and gain about 25 lbs, first!
  11. Really?? You really think Sharia Law will be in effect here in the USA??? Really???? You can't be serious. Look man, ain't nobody taking away our bars, strip clubs, and casinos here in the US. I'll be one of the first to strap up arms and fight against that!!!!!
  12. I can contend that those values are also shared by muslims, as well. Our religions are so similar to one another, yet no one really knows just how similar our religions really are. Here are some examples, the virgin Mary is mentioned in 23 chapters in the Koran. We believe in the immaculate conception. The stories about Abraham, Moses, Adam & Eve, Kane & Abel, and Jesus, just to name a few, are also in the Koran. The list goes on and on. I can go on all day. I do realize this is a Judeo-Christian Society, here in the US, but you can not ignore the fact that Islam is the second largest religion in the WORLD. You may not like us, but we aren't going anywhere. Let's learn to live with each other in harmony. Any other way and the terrorists win. As far as your second point that I highlighted goes, what would be considered a greater victory for the radicals, that we are taking away rights and liberties for people of all faiths or a mosque is being built close by to ground zero? If you ask me, I'd say the former, because rights are being taken away and that will in turn cause animosity between our faiths. We shouldn't have to alter our ways for anyone. Besides, those that attacked us on 9/11 didn't need a close by mosque to cause death and destruction. Most of them (terrorists)are of Saudi Arabian decent (our buddies) and yet we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq. Go figure!!
  13. That will never happen here, never. So don't worry about it.
  14. I am proud to be called a fellow American, thank you, that is a compliment. BTW. No need for apologies, brother. Peace!!!!!
  15. Moderate muslims do remain silent and it's not because we support the disgraceful events that transpired on that very tragic day of 9/11. The silence, in my case, is more of a feeling that I don't have to apologize for everything that someone or some group may do just because we share some of the same beliefs. Me and my family and friends have all assimilated to American culture and very much love this country. If we start taking away people's rights than the terrorists truly did win on 9/11. People should back the proposed mosque near ground zero for that very same reason. We can not allow the terrorists to win. We can not allow 9/11 to divide us as a people. That's what the crazies want and I'm not willing to give it to them. They (the terrorists) would like us to turn on one another so they can have more soldiers for their cause. Furthermore, suicide and any form of suicide is forbidden in Islam. Killing of innocent people is forbidden. Abuse of women is not tolerated and forbidden in Islam. Making someone convert by force is also forbidden. Just because some people practice these awful atrocities doesn't make it the rule in Islam. It is the exception. No people, race, creed, or gender is perfect and never will be. We must not allow the actions of few to represent a people as a whole. Personally, I have friends of all races, creeds, and color. I do not hate anyone and I do not hold groups of people responsible for the actions of few and I suggest you do the same. The cycle of hate must end or it will lead to the demise of the HUMAN race. Let the hate go, man, it's not worth it.
  16. I'm counting the three sacks he got in last years' pre-season.
  17. Calm down, dude. I'm not saying Whitner is a baller or anything like that, I'm just saying he's a keeper for this team. BTW. I think Whitner will have his best year yet.
  18. We could do that. Keepers- everyone knows this!! sleepers- That's for me to know and you to find out!!!! straight trash- Anyone on the Bills offense. Happy?
  19. Keepers Spiller, Jackson, Lynch, Wood, Levitre, Evans, Parrish (return ability), K. Williams, Dwan Edwards, Stroud, Poz, McGee, Florence, Byrd, Whitner, Wilson, Scott, Lindell, and Moorman Sleepers Bell, Meredith, Steve Johnson, David Nelson, Shawn Nelson, Carrington, Troup, Coleman, Batten, McKelvin, and Calloway. Straight Trash Trent Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Brohm, Chambers, and pretty much everyone else.
  20. You obviously haven't read the entire thread. I have no faith in Maybin what-so-ever. I'd make the same bet if I could find a sucker willing to make it. 6 sacks aren't a lot to ask. Some of those will be coverage sacks, some will come when the QB trips and falls... We don't have a pass rush. We will finish 32nd in sacks this year.
  21. I'm counting the three sacks he got in last years' pre-season.
  22. Eight sacks from Maybin would be nice. I'd be pleasantly surprised to see that happen. I'm going with Kelsay for six.
  23. Operative word being LAST year on one of the worst offensive lines in football. Just sayin'.
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