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Everything posted by Justice

  1. And your point is? That's not my kids. Not yet at least. Cable television is one thing, the super bowl is another. I have faith that commercial wont be aired.
  2. If this commercial makes the cut for the Super Bowl then I've lost all hope for America! Seriously, although the commercial is hot, I wouldn't want my ten and eleven year olds seeing that on television. Where are our morals?
  3. Colin Kaepernick needs work, no doubt, but we have Fitzy and we can bring CK along slowly. Give him two years and he will be a stud. He can be another A-Rodg! He has all the tools. Size, arm strength and speed. Gailey can help him with the rest.
  4. 1st round: Alabama DT/DE Marcel Dareus 2nd round: Boston College LT Blake Costanzo 3rd round: Nevada QB Colin Kaepernick Now this would make me happy!
  5. "I know who I am!! I'm the dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!!!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xerMz8aqTn4&feature=related Oh yeah, I forgot, "never go full retard!!" BTW If you like Will Farrell, I recommend Step Brothers. Even better if you're baked!
  6. Thanks for all the advice and well wishes. I appreciate it. BTW, I haven't secured the location just yet, but it should be done soon, I'm still in negotiations. I already dropped the price by 30% and still looking for more! How do you guys like this name I have planned for the place? Buffalo's Famous Wings & Pizza You likey?
  7. Thanks! I live in Miami Lakes, FL, but this pizza joint is 35 miles northwest of Miami. There aren't as many spanish people there and have the clientele I'm looking for. The location has a lot of potential, too. There's a IHOP, McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and a 7-11 close by. There's a night life by there, as well, which according to Jim's Steak-Out is a great location to put a restaurant. Jim's does very well and almost all of his locations are in areas that have bars. Besides, the competition in WNY is way too severe.
  8. I lost my job in July and didn't have much luck finding work, so I have decided to buy a pizzeria. I found a place for a pretty good price and has room for improvement. The current owner doesn't open late or on Sundays and he doesn't deliver ,as well. The pizzeria is a mom & pop place and I was just wondering how many of you fellow stadium wallers actually prefer mom & pop over franchise chains. I, personally, like the mom & pop places better. How about you?
  9. Here's my list for the top ten worst free agent acquisitions made by our Bills: 1. Cornell Green 2. Eddie Robinson 3. Jeff Posey 4. Joey Panos 5. Melvin Fowler 6. Trey Teague 7. Derrick Dockery 8. Tripplet 9. Robert Royal 10. Dan Campbell Not neccessarily in this order.
  10. What bothers me most about Donte's tweet is that he says "be careful what you wish for". Well, the last time I checked, we haven't made the playoffs the whole time Whitner played for the Bills, so please remind me what it is exactly we need to be careful about? What? Missing the playoffs--AGAIN!!? Come on, Donte!!! We can miss the playoffs with or without you. You're an okay player, but you ain't worth the coin you're asking for. Plain and simple.
  11. Screw you, Donte! Hit the road. We don't need you.
  12. Why hate on the guy? He's a great fan. He loves his squad. You gotta give him credit. I live in Miami and trust me when I say there are far bigger tools, out here.
  13. Mallett has all the things, other than mobility, that you need your QB to have at the NFL level. He has all the things you can't teach. Everything else can be taught. That is why I like RM so much.
  14. Really? Wasn't there a dropped pass right before the interception? Did that dropped pass have no bearing on the very next play call? I guess we'll never know, but the guy (Mallett) clearly has talent that no one can deny. You take an offensive minded coach like Gailey and see what RM can become. This kid, remember he's just a kid, needs to be coached-up. He will get better with the right tutelage. If I remember correctly, Peyton Manning was known as a choker in college football, as well. Now I'm not saying RM is PM, but you do get my point.
  15. Some of you guys make me laugh! Mallett isn't a first rounder? We'll see about that! He will definitely go in the first! He didn't rise to the occasion, last night, you say? Well, those dropped passes was the only reason why he was in that situation to begin with. And so what if he did rise to the occasion? Would he be a top five pick, then? Vince Young and others have played their best in big-time games and never amounted to nothing, so don't put too much weight on that. If the Bills pass on Mallett, I sure hope they select Cam Newton. I've changed my tune on the guy since I did a little bit of investigation work. We need a franchise QB more than we need anything else. We can fix the defense with the rest of the draft and free agency.
  16. I just finished watching the game and I am a believer. Ryan Mallett should be our top choice in the draft if Luck isn't available. He makes all the throws an NFL QB needs to make and he has the size and arm strength a QB will need in Buffalo. His mobility is lacking, but I don't care about that. That INT at the end of the game was a horrible read, as well, but he shouldn't have even been in that position if his receivers would have caught all those passes they dropped. I say use the 3rd overall pick on the guy and let him sit behind Fitz for a year or two.
  17. ...sllib olaffub. While no one picked Kyle to lead the Bills in sacks, sllib olaffub did correctly predict 5 sacks for Mr Williams, who ended up with 5.5 sacks for the team lead. http://forums.twobil..._1#entry1933797
  18. If what some of you are saying is true, that Haynesworth will be released, then I would consider acquiring AH low risk if we sign him to a contract based on performance and little to no guaranteed money, but even if we did pick up his current contract most of his money has already been paid because his contract was loaded up front. His contract for 2011 is $5.4mil, according to nflfanhouse.com, which isn't guaranteed. That means we can release him at no cost if he doesn't pan out. I'd call that low risk.
  19. You may be right about Merriman at OLB in a 43. I didn't give that much thought, I guess.
  20. Move to a 43, trade a 4th for Haynesworth and draft Bowers. Low risk/high reward, IMO. Haynesworth already received the bulk of his money up front and will come cheap. Bowers will be the perfect DE next to AH, KW and Dwan Edwards. Draft a LBer in the second and re-sign Poz. Our front seven should be pretty stout if we get lucky with a healthy Merriman and a motivated Haynesworth. Here's what our front seven will look like: Bowers, Williams, Haynesworth, and Edwards Poz, Moats, and Merriman I like it!
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