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Everything posted by Justice

  1. That's what you call an anti-semetic statement? Listen, I don't see you quoting me where I said that I'm against violence. I simply said Palestinians had their land, rights and civil liberties taken away from them and they are resisting occupation. What would we, as Americans, do if we were invaded and had no military? Shower them with flowers? Please!! Besides, that isn't an anti-Semetic statement. You're grasping at straws there, buddy. I see you're not man enough go admit you're wrong and apologize. That' okay. Fine. Whatever.
  2. Furthermore, to prove my point that I'm not an anti-Semite, I suggested that the Palestinians and Israelis should go back to the 1967 borders, where as an anti-Semite would not. An anti-Semite would like to see Israel cease to exist.
  3. Before you spew out some nasty accusations, I suggest you prove that by posting some examples. You have all the evidence you need right here on the board. You won't find one single anti-semetic comment made by me, unless you have a different definition of anti-semetic than everyone else. Many people on this board don't agree with my stance on Palestine and yet I have never been called an anti-Semite. I'm supremely offended and either you Produce the proof or apologize. For the record, I recognize Israel's right to exist and believe that the holy land should belong to Christians, Jews and Muslims, alike.
  4. Israelis get $3 billion a year. http://www.ifamericansknew.org/stats/usaid.html
  5. Wow, I was way off by about $320 million per year. I didn't realize it was that much. I would like to think the hate is geared more towards the zionists, not Jews, but who would I be kidding? Personally, I don't hate anyone because of religious beliefs. Hate is a tool of the devil and there's far too much of that in the world already.
  6. I don't really know, to tell you the truth. To me, money is money. I think the Palestinians get about $130 million a year. No where near the billions we give Israel.
  7. I don't get it. Are you pissed that I said what I said or are you angry at the fact that our President got punked by a guy we give an extremely large welfare check to while our teachers and city workers are losing their jobs regularly? Please specify. Thanks.
  8. Was it a heart attack or car crash? I'm hearing different things. Nevermind, he had a heart attack while driving and then crashed.
  9. I was thinking about making a documentary called "Stupid Crap White People Do". There won't be a shortage of material to use, that's for sure!
  10. Obama didn't look very happy during his meeting with Netanyahu, today. Maybe it's time to cut off that punk's welfare check.
  11. First, Miss Elizabeth, now Randy. Sad. RIP
  12. I sure hope Obama is wearing knee pads, because he'll be kissing a whole lot of Israeli arse today and tomorrow.
  13. That's funny, how come there was no mention of this, in that article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/18/AR2011021805442.html
  14. I admit, it is pretty stupid for groups like Hamas to continue doing the things that they do and expect different results. I can't argue with that, but what concerns me is your "we Americans don't care" argument. I always wondered how a guy like Hitler came to pass, now I see why.
  15. How many times I gotta tell your stupid @** that I don't condone violence? Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, not the West Bank, therefore you can't pin that stupid crap that Hamas pulls off on all Palestinian people. The majority of Palestinians are Fatah supporters and agree with Abbas. The point here is Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank, not in Gaza, where Israel is getting most of it's resistance. Does that make sense to your dumb @**? Does that seem fair, to your dumb @**? And here's another few questions, if your little pea brain can handle it, if the US was invaded and occupied by someone else would you sit back idly and do nothing? If you had to experience collective punishment, would that make you happy? If you had no right to live on the land you were born in, would you not resist? Don't pass judgement on anyone until you lived in their shoes. Yeah, It's real easy for you to sit back and enjoy your civil liberties and point the finger at others that aren't experiencing the same freedoms that we take for granted, everyday. I'll tell you what, go to Palestine and live like a Palestinian for one month and let's see if you change your tune. You want to talk about blowing stuff up? Have you seen what the Israelis did to Gaza in return for their bottle rocket attacks? Yet you condone Israel's behavior and berate the Palestinians for theirs. You're a hypocrite. PR? In this country you actually think the Palestinians will have the media on the Palestinian side? You're kidding, right? Two options here: 1. Give the Palestinians their own state, unconditionally. or 2. Give the Palestinians equal rights in ALL of Israel, including the right to vote. Anything in between is illegal. ILLEGAL, you do understand that word, right? Occupying someone else's land is ILLEGAL!!! "Tard!!
  16. He should have that mindset no matter whom he's playing.
  17. Technical difficulties, I guess. Do you care to elaborate on that comment you made about me not knowing anything about the region? So what are you saying? That Israel doesn't play the role if victim? Or that the Palestinian people aren't oppressed?
  18. Threat? What threat? Israel has one of the mightiest military's in the world going up against what exactly? See, that's the thing about you Israel lovers, you sure know how to play the role of victim. Even when you're the oppressor. Whatta joke! I ain't fallin' for it! Threat? What threat? Israel has one of the mightiest military's in the world going up against what exactly? See, that's the thing about you Israel lovers, you sure know how to play the role of victim. Even when you're the oppressor. Whatta joke! I ain't fallin' for it!
  19. Well then if this is the case then it's alright by me that they pull off all these atrocities. Never mind the fact that occupying a land is illegal.
  20. Wow, I'm impressed, it's hard to find someone that knows a little something about the situation in Palestine that they haven't heard on local news.
  21. Could it be I'm a Palestinian??? The problem here is you equate Palestinian with terrorist or Hamas. To answer your question, I would negotiate with Hamas, because a return to the 1967 borders will ultimately render Hamas as useless. On the flip side, the Palestinians will be negotiating with a country that hasn't renounced violence, or recognize our right to exist.
  22. You ask me those questions as if I am a part of or support Hamas. I don't, listen, if they go back to the 67 borders unconditionally, then there will be no more Hamas. Hamas is a symbol of resistance of the occupation, if there is no occupation, there is nothing to resist. Hamas would be finished. I can't believe no one has ever tried a peaceful method of protest in Palestine. You're so smart.
  23. 1. Have you seen the things Israel has done to Gaza in the past? How can it ever be made into a paradise when it's constantly under attack? 2. Wrong again, dude, the Israelis killed peace when they assassinated Rabin.
  24. Is that a fact? Collective punishment, no right to vote, white phosphorus being sprayed unbiasedly all over the place, check points everywhere, the most populated place on earth per square foot with no way out, rocket attacks, jet fighter attacks, destruction of infrastructure by tanks and bulldozers, land revocation, etc etc etc. I can go on and on. My question to you is how far out of your arse did you you pull that line of crap? Sure, Palestinian human rights aren't very good in Jordan, but what else would you expect from the US's and Israel's buddy? But the situation in Jordan doesn't even compare with that of the one in Palestine. I have been there. I know first hand about the situation in Pali/Israel. I'm speaking from actual experience, not the crap you learn on TV or the internet. I have spent time and know people in Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. Come talk to me when you've been there. You know nothing when it comes to the real life s**t in Palestine-NOTHING!!!!
  25. Okay, don't go back to the 1967 borders. Let all of Israel be Israel, but give the Palestinians the same rights that the Israelis have, including the right to vote and then we'll see who's going to run things. You like that? You can't have it both ways. Either you give us equal rights or our own state.
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