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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I don't know. Good question, I'll have to look that up.
  2. Not so fast... Game, set, match!
  3. Sorry for the insult, but we were discussing the $3billion a year in US aid that the Israelis get and I'm pretty sure some of that goes to their nuclear program. Why is that so hard to comprehend? I never said Israel would use them on the Palestinians. That's pretty obvious, do you think? My issue is that they're not a part of the non-proliferation act and shouldn't have them. Why do they get different standards than everyone else?
  4. Can't really disagree with anything you stated, here. Good post. My only issue is the use of white phosphorous. First off, it's illegal. Secondly, it covers an entire area, with no regard to civilians and that's just plain wrong.
  5. Let's throw in anyone that uses auto-tunes, too. I hate that crap.
  6. I'm not really understanding what you're saying here, but I think I get the gist of it. Palestinians and Israelis are so much alike it's kind of funny that they don't get along.
  7. I, nor anyone else in this thread ever said Israel is the biggest problem in the middle east. That whole area is and has been in utter chaos for quite some time now, but Israel like the US, hold themselves to higher standards than those other countries, and if they do they should act accordingly. The people in the middle east have had enough and are overthrowing their governments. Change is in the air in the ME, and the Palestinians and Isrealis have to join them in change as well. Peace isn't unattainable. Let's try something new and see where it takes us. The cycle of hate needs to end. I blame the Palestinians in Gaza for voting in Hamas and I blame the people if Israel for voting in that hawk, Netanyahu. Get people in there that WANT real peace. PLEASE!! That's up fir them to decide, not us. BTW, if democracies were do important to us then why are all our friends kingdoms? The Saudis, Jordan and the UK?
  8. You too, westside, most people here on this board are excellent people. That's why I post here, off the wall and on TSW. We may not always see things eye to eye, but we're all Bills fans and if we win the SB some day we can all set aside those differences for at least one day and celebrate as one.
  9. Damn, chicot, school is in session!
  10. Well then I apologize for the misunderstanding. You're right, it is sad.
  11. Well, thanks for the apology, but I will not change my words just because you and some others don't understand what being an anti-Semite, is. Standing behind Palestine is really sad? Do you even know what the body count is over the last four decades for the Palestinians as opposed to the Israelis?
  12. Sound of their voices.
  13. Actions speak louder than words. Netanyahu says he's open to a Palestinian state, but refuses to stop building settlements within the PA's boundaries. If the settlements remain, than so does the Israeli military. What kind of statehood is that?
  14. Cee Lo Green
  15. While on the best of/worst of subject, I'd like to switch the subject to lead singers that has no business singing or their voices just plain get on your nerves. For me, it's Shakira and Rod Stewart. I hate their voices. Who told them they can sing? Mind you, I'm not dissing their music, just their voices.
  16. We got it all wrong. Harold Camping is actually a rapper. He's releasing his debut album entitled, "Rapture: Judgement Day is Coming", on May 21, 2011. His songs are titled, "Earthquakes that make Japan's look like a Picnic", "Saved Spirits Rise to Heaven" and "Lost Souls will watch as the Earth Self Destructs". Apparently his album was not released on time. Stay tuned!
  17. The nukes are well within the context of our discussion. They get $3 billion a year in aid from the US, some of that goes towards their nuclear program. I don't get your logic. And you call me ignorant. Whatever. Besides, is that excuse good enough for the Arabs as well? Maybe they need a deterrent for Israel. Plus you say "if" as if they don't. You're the ignorant one, my friend, ever hear of Dimona?
  18. Well, you're wrong. You're more one sided than I am. I recognize Israel's right to exist. I condemn Hamas. I'm against violence on both sides. What more can I do?
  19. Let's not forget about the illegal nukes that they have. I'm sure you need them against the mighty Palestinians.
  20. I do? Why? Well then I present the same challenge to you as I did the other guy. Prove it. If you can't then don't point a finger. BTW, would an anti-Semite lend his jewish friend a great deal of cash? Just wonderin'
  21. Now that I've gotta sec, let me hit up a couple of your other points. 1. You're not with the whole PC thing, but you're against anti-semtism? Way to stick by your convictions. 2. With $3 billion a year in US aid, anyone could've made something nice out of the place. 3. Why no one helps? Maybe they don't want to get the crap kicked out of them by the US and Israel.
  22. I guess these guys are anti-semites, as well. Chew on this for a sec. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=9oeB3QhX2RI
  23. Damn, dude, give a guy a chance to respond. I'm at work and posting from an iPhone. I dint hate Jews. Period. I have jewish friends! You're accusations are laughable. Give it up, bro.
  24. Yes, I denounce Hamas because I don't agree with violence. I don't condone the killing of innocent civilians. Secondly, the Israelis started the war in '67. Get your facts straight. Their excuse was attack first, before being attacked, but there is no real proof they were going to be attacked in the first place. Lastly, if they do go back to '67 borders and the Palestinians are under their own control unconditionally then there will be no need for a group like Hamas anymore. Not that there is now since their strategies don't work as it is now, but if there is no resistance then there us no need for a resistance group.
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