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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Troup was drafted by the Bills mainly because he is a high character kid that will give it his all to be the best player he can be and he's already doing just that as evidenced by his offseason training program. He has all the tools to be great, as well. Let's hope it works out. Personally, I would've liked to see Mount Cody with that pick, but he was lacking in the department that Troup most likely wont and that's his work ethic. This seems to be a common theme in picks made by Buddy. Nix is going after guys he feels will stop at nothing to succeed and if they do fail it won't be because they didn't try.
  2. Thanks, bro, you've earned my respect, too. You're a stand up guy.
  3. I'm all for that, as well. He could be had for $2 million. He has a suspension coming up so his price should be low.
  4. Here's my choice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFabLp-Jcbg Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
  5. I didn't buy it at first, but he is persistent, so I gave in. I'm sure he's feeling like an infant that just got away with stealing a cookie from the cookie jar so he must be happy that I fed into his trap. Not anymore, though, he'll be on ignore from now on. Congrats, ieatcrayons, you're the first person to go on that list for me. I don't have time for childish games.
  6. Okay, so you are being serious. Mormons aren't Muslims. Not at all in any way, shape or form. The only factions in Islam are Sunnis and Shiites.
  7. Yeah, I worded that all wrong. What I should have said to ieatcrayons is," you associate me blaming the Israeli government for everything with blaming the Jews for the killing of Jesus". It's been a while since I've been in school, so my writing is a bit off. My fault.
  8. I accept your apology, but are you being serious about the whole Morman/Muslim thing? It seems like you're trying go bait me in to some silly argument. I apologize in advance if you're not, but it seems strange. For the record, I am a Sunni Muslim. I never said the Jews killed Jesus, nor the Israeli government, for that matter. I guess you misunderstood my response to ieatcrayons. I don't get it. Why?
  9. Wow, you're on a roll, just stop because you look foolish. You associated me blaming the Israeli government with the killing of Jesus just because I said Jesus Christ? That's also a saying describing when someone is amazed by something amazingly stupid. Sure, I could've used a different phrase like holy cow, but I'm pretty sure you would correlate that somehow by saying I hate all Indians that worship cows. So those are my only options, huh? A Bills fan overseas or did I move here? Can it be that I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY. As well? It is possible for a Muslim to be born here, you know?
  10. WHAT!!!!????? How in the world did you get that? I never made that accusation! Are you trying to piss me off by putting words in my mouth? I'll have you know that Muslims, which I am one, don't even believe Jesus died on a cross, much less blame the Jews for doing just that. Whatta joke!!! We believe Jesus ascended to Heaven before his body was crucified. How did you come to that conclusion, that I accused the Jews for killing Jesus, anyways??
  11. With Hamas, yes.
  12. That's a real nice "political" response. Which means crap. Vietnam was a war. I don't give a darn if it was "classified" as one, officially. You see, some of us allow ourselves to go the political route, but try telling anyone that lost a loved one or fought in Iraq or Vietnam that those weren't "wars". What a joke. In a test in school, you'd get credit for your answer, but in real life it's just a crock of you know what.
  13. Here we go again, this has nothing to do with hating Jews. I know absolutely nothing about Judaism and don't hate anyone. Can't someone disagree with the Israeli government without being called a hater or an anti-Semite? Are you incapable of differentiating between the two? Or did the media make you the way you are? Jesus Christ! Syria and Lebanon both have a military. There is no fighting between those parties. Got it? Yes, the Israelis are at war with Hamas and no they don't have a military, but it is still a war, but don't try to tell me the Israelis are fighting a war with Syria or Lebanon.
  14. BTW, I'd just like to say that I appreciate this debate we're having. It may or may not amount to anything, but at least it can bring some enlightenment, on both sides, to the argument, because this situation needs as many people to be aware as possible. I respect all of your opinions and apologize in advance if I get a little carried away with name calling or something like that. Also, I am impressed with the knowledge some of you have on the area, even though we face an uphill battle here at home. Thanks.
  15. I'm sure they do. Makes it easier for them to pull the same crap.
  16. Good grief. Okay, they're at war. Vicious battles take place everyday between Hezbollah, the Syrians and the Israelis.
  17. Precautionary measure. They aren't in a war. Not now, at least. We shouldn't throw around the word "war" so easily. We might offend those that actually fought in real wars, you know the ones where the other side had uniforms, guns and a military. Imagine an Israeli soldier trying to exchange war stories with a Vietnam Vet. I'm pretty sure that dude will get laughed out of the room. Like, "yeah man, those rocks could have hurt me real bad" and Vietnam vet guy will be like, "just shut your mouth man". Know what I mean? I don't agree with the PA's actions in that situation, either. Violence will only lead to more violence. Those guys are freaking lousy @ss murderers. Just because they're Palestinians doesn't mean I won't condemn their butts, too.
  18. That doesn't mean they're "in a state of war". Protecting your borders and being in an actual war are two different things. I don't know. These people are pretty stupid, but I don't think they need to die over stupidity. Tear gas will work just fine. Rubber bullets, as well.
  19. What war are you referring to? Are there Lebanese and Syrian military fighting Israel in their countries or are they fighting in Israel? What war? Let me quote Princess Bride, "I do not think that word means what you think it means"!
  20. They aren't in a state of war. Israel doesn't fight anyone with a military. The last time they fought Lebanon they turned tail and ran.
  21. Illegal border crossings, that's what. My point is there are other methods to keep people from crossing the border.
  22. Is Syria and Lebanon in a state of war with Israel?
  23. You're right, the punishment fits the crime. When are we gonna start killing Mexicans who try to cross the border?
  24. The reason I said "school is in session" is because chicot knows more about the situation in Palestine than what our media likes to portray. He's educating those that follow the news like a mindless drone. The thing is, you're just like a parrot. Willing to repeat anything the news will tell you like it's a fact and they have no hidden agendas. Hopefully you can see with your own eyes, instead of the media's. You actually think the Israelis are the only victims, as if no innocent Palestinians get murdered in this mess. Wake-up, bro, the coffee is burning! Besides, nobody is defending "random killings". You want to talk about random killings, why didn't you mention this? http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/16/world/la-fg-israel-border-clashes-20110516 Did they really have to kill the protestors throwing rocks? Why not use tear gas or rubber bullets? Defend that!
  25. Yeah, I was being sarcastic. Sorry about that.
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